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Well I suppose what I am trying to get at is that I'm wondering if there is a better way of upgrading than unzipping to a new subfolder and copying Aonio.cfg.txt and my pb files over, something cleaner and sure not to cause issues if you add new features that require new lines in the cfg files.
S3 licensed
Quote from ChristijaNL :A filter to hide Demo hosts on S2.

You can do this on LFSWorld right now, though it makes little sense to have it on LFSW but not in game. I would also like to be able to filter by open-layout (inclusive, exclusive, both) in LFSW and in game.
S3 licensed
How often do you change the Aonio.cfg.txt file (adding new config lines and features)? Am I hurting anything by just copying the file between each new release of Aonio?
S3 licensed
There is no difference between the different tire manufacturers.
S3 licensed
Quote from Dennis93 :6 People have an inaccurate mouse..

And another 3 have an inaccurate brain
S3 licensed
I think a lot of us like that LFS isn't rFactor in that everything is so fragmented. I'd rather have fewer, good quality, choices then a few thousand bad ones and a few diamonds in the rough.

Luckily for me this won't change in a long long time (if ever) for LFS.
S3 licensed
I can't seem to find a video showing what Anthony did, plenty of Gene being a dildo, but none of Ant. Anyone have a link?
S3 licensed
Quote from Flingoko :Even more exciting than I thought. Quote Dr. Ullrich:

"I can admit now, one more lap and we could not finish we had so little fuel."

Sounds like they perfected the strategy then.
S3 licensed
Well if you're doing 5-8 servers like you said then maybe one or two of them could be on week-long rotations?
S3 licensed
Quote from FPVaaron :Here's my idea:

A highway like course with variations of curves with no or very small road camber,

It could even be an extension of South City, there's already some stretches of highway there to build from.
S3 licensed
Quote from admin :launch our service to include all of Europe to bring much anticipated global feel to competing.

What? Can we Americans (and that Japanese guy who asked) join or not? And what is the actual reason for having a different .exe? Someone mentioned credits to buy races, but surely that could be done on a website or something?
S3 licensed
Quote from arco :Who takes hotlapping seriously now anyways, as long as people are allowed to use exploits like button clutch scripts and what not. Looking at most of the wr's set in the last 6 months or so sure is a sad sight. Just thought I'd mention it while we're on the subject on fixing hotlapping stuff...

Have last 6 months worth of WRs had a higher rate of exploits over the last few years? Maybe it has but that stuff has been around forever. If that's not it, what do you mean by "a sad sight"?
S3 licensed
Yes it can be done, what you want is XBCD as mentioned in LFS's wiki manual: ... an_Xbox_360_Gamepad_in_XP

If you're using a 64bit version of windows then check out this post:
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Scawen: Why no pit stops?

He posted his opinion on them in this very thread, read his posts and you'll understand (maybe).
S3 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :he wanted custom cars... what i linked was the only place they're stored.

If you go to the BLs then bring up the dropdown menu for cars, all the custom cars are at the bottom of that list. Then you can see custom cars in a laptime board organization, exactly what he asked for.
S3 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :lfsworld has the hotlap wr list, but as for intake-restricted cars, it doesn't consider them a different car.

autio appears to keep track of pb's for airio custom cars, but it doesn't appear to have a wr list.

Actually the button on the left labled "AIRW BLs" is an online clean lap WR list.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :pik_d :

The problem is that if people have do do all sorts of crazy things to be competitive, then you can't be competitive without doing those crazy things.

So for example if it takes half an hour and several pit stops to get the car into a state where you can get a world record, then this is quite a problem. We don't want people to have to do that. This is about getting in your car and doing a fast lap. Ideally that's what it would be. The hotlap tables are supposed to show who can drive the fastest lap, not who is patient enough to exploit flaws in the physics system that can be exploited in a one hour replay.

Victor's point about not limiting the time is that really, LFS physics should be realistic enough that a car should be best when it is fresh, warmed up but not worn out. At the moment, LFS physics isn't quite producing this outcome. But we hope that in future it will.

The same reasoning applies to pit stops, if the new physics come out right then there will be no point in doing pit stops just the same as there will be no point in spending an hour on the same tires.

Thanks for editing that post.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Apparently you haven't uploaded any hotlaps, so your opinion isn't worth that much.

I've uploaded 82 hotlaps between May of 09 and April of this year. They're all still up, I don't have any world records but I'm in the top 10 in the XRG and FOX ranks.
S3 licensed
Quote from sermilan :Because the car running on worn tires is faster than the one on new ones.
If you have a WR set in such a way then it doesn't mean that you are the fastest one in the world. It usually means others won't be bothered to spend an hour cruising just to be able to set a faster time, so the whole picture won't be accurate

Yes but:
Quote from pik_d :If someone else isn't willing to take advantage of the way LFS' tire physics currently work (faster at the end of a stint than the beginning) then that's their own issue, not the other guys.

Quote from pik_d :but it's just as "bad" as people using unrealistic setups to go faster, and everyone does that too.

The purpose of hotlapping is to go as fast as you can with the conditions you're given. It's good that Scawen is changing the conditions regarding the rough wall riding, because that was "legitimate" yet widely seen as unsportsmanlike. Spending time scrubbing your tires... well... do you get mad at people who set their fastest laps at the end of their stint in a race? In F1 this year it's really clear when the tires are fastest, even though they're carrying more fuel the fastest laps are set at the beginning of their final stint, not the end when their tanks are empty (which is how it is with LFS).
S3 licensed
What is the problem with someone taking as much time as they want? It's not called time attack, which is generally a more strict version of hot lapping, so why not let someone take 3 hours if they need it? If someone is willing to take an hour (or more) to get their tires just perfect and they get a WR because of it, then they deserve it for having that dedication. If someone else isn't willing to take advantage of the way LFS' tire physics currently work (faster at the end of a stint than the beginning) then that's their own issue, not the other guys.

Same with pit stops, if you're giving people the time they want (as Victor is for) then why artificially limit things with no pit stops? If a person, in real life, is out hot lapping at a track day they have the option to pit for fuel and keep their worn tires, so why not keep it the same in LFS?

Keeping these things in gives people more options and enables them to go faster by making use of the physics that come with LFS, taking stuff away just makes it so that the people willing to do long stints can't, for what reason other than some people aren't willing to do that so don't want others doing it either?

Edit: No one is forcing people to watch hour long hotlaps. There's even a slider at the bottom that lets you skip around so you can find just the fastest lap. How is this even something worthy of complaining about?

Edit2: The replays even tell you what lap the fastest lap was done on, so you can pretty easily figure out how far to skip ahead in the replay. I really think the people complaining are worried that someone will spend an hour scrubbing tires (this happens in real life doesn't it? Just not the same way) and "steal" their WR, but aren't willing to put in the time to take it back under the same legitimate conditions. As JPeace says, hopefully the new tire physics will be more realistic (really worn tires = slower) so this won't even be an issue then, but it's just as "bad" as people using unrealistic setups to go faster, and everyone does that too.
Last edited by pik_d, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Sueycide_FD :This lfs looks good as it is and all it takes is some changes in catalyst or nvidia panel. Anything else is a distraction.

This is obviously subjective but the environment stuff (grass/smoke/dirt/dust/trees) all look pretty awful. Certain other things that we know are in the pipeline (interiors is the main one really) also drag down the look of the game. Showing anyone who plays other games the UF1 interior is downright embarrassing. Luckily half the interiors have been updated and the other half are only a generation (LFS-wise) behind, not just gauges against a black abyss. Then just compare the quality of work of Fern Bay to the "new" Blackwood and upcoming Rockingham.

Stuff like dynamic visual tire wear/dirtiness and dirt on the windscreen (or the cars themselves) would also be pretty cool (and actually helpful, if you could look at the tires in open-wheeled cars and see how dirty/worn they are, without F9).

"Anything else is a distraction" is a horrible fallacy when it comes to realism, the more realistic what you're seeing is, the more information you can gather from what you see, from damage, wear, clean racing line (not modeled in any way in LFS), weather (same), driver contact and offs (think rubbing paint, or dirt dumped on track).
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Scawen:

Wall that should probably be fixed, as it serves no purpose if it is open.

This is with Z34.

Take a look over here:
S3 licensed
Maybe taking "Win it or bin it" to much to heart?
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :I don't think LFS has any hairpins at all. To do it in a pit in and then again in the pit out is pretty interesting.

Aston has quite a few actually, South City has one (SO4 downhill hairpin), and you could debate about the FE4 turn that takes you off FE3 and onto FE4.
S3 licensed
One discrete looking example isn't going to move anyone's opinion when it's lost in a sea of 4chan memes and other garbage.