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sa| Something Awful Racing
S3 licensed

About Us:
The Something Awful Racing team was founded by Travis "Maber" Mehlinger and Spencer "pik_d" Rose for the DSR run Road to Formula 1 league on December 18, 2008. It was created to represent the Something Awful community that both drivers belong to. As a team sa| has raced in leagues run by DSR, LOTA, NDR and Sonicrealms Racing.

Team Members:
sa|pik_d (pik_d)
sa|monstor (phatdragonx)
sa|super duper (no_one)
sa|blackrider (BlackRider)
sa|maber (tmehlinger)
sa|haVoc (z-ro 8)


Current and Upcoming League Involvement:Recent News:

February was a good month for our team in both LLWS and GTAL, read more here.

Just a short eleven days after last gaining a member we now have a fifth! We welcome back Travis "sa|maber" Mehlinger after his long stay at Dark Side Racing. He helped start the Something Awful Racing team in the closing weeks of 2008 and he's already helping us move forward now, which brings me to the second piece of news today...

Something Awful Racing now has a site! We've set up our corner of the internet on We have our own forum now and a main page for news articles and race reports. Be sure to visit and check us out.

We have long since been a team of three, but now we have a fourth member, Eric "sa|blackrider" Smith. We have known Eric for a while now, having races against him in the Leagues of the Americas, and with him in GTAL. Eric loves the FZR and the FO8 and has been around LFS for years, we are very glad to have him join us.
Last edited by pik_d, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :Ahh we were ready to rock xd. I had 2 of my best drivers ready to put down a beating

Just prove yourself in the test event then.
S3 licensed
It would probably be a good idea to package this with a blank index.html in the /setups/LFS/ and /setups/iRacing/ folders (and any other folders with sensative information) when you get around to giving us the option of having private sets.
S3 licensed
Quote from burnsy1882 :Doh, forgot. It was set so my private beta testers didn't have to wait. Version 1.0 will have that fixed.

OK thanks, I just wont tell anyone the link for now.

How hard will it be to upgrade? Will it just be overwriting some files or will we have to re-do most of the process again?
S3 licensed
Quote :

The first thing a teammate needs to do is register to use the site. Registration is accessed by clicking the register link. Once all the required information has been entered, click on the register button. The administrator of the team’s SRS now has to activate the new user, so, after registering, either wait for the administrator to do so, or contact them to remind them that you need access. Once this is completed, you may now log in to the site.

I didn't have to activate one of my team members who registered. Can I set it so that I do have to activate them? It seems like making hem wait for activation would be almost as good as keeping it private.
S3 licensed
Is there any way to made LFS the default in "Search for Setups"?

Also searching seems broken for me. It only shows up results when everything is set to "All". It will show "FZR" under the cars column, but when I search for FZR setups nothing shows up. What have I likely done wrong?

Edit: Actually sorting by track and type work. Sorting by Car and Class do not work.
S3 licensed
Something Awful Racing
44; 4
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Is your Z-buffer at the max?

Yes, it's at 24 and 32 is grayed out.

Quote from Whiskey :It happens when you get stucked into a fence and the wheel is very deformed. But I think I'd never saw it in normal conditions

Read again, those two screenshots are at the same exact time. In one of them you can see the wheel is attached to the tire. In the other, having moved further left, they're not connected. I think it's something to do with the extreme angle that the sidewall is compared to the camera.
S3 licensed
Quote from franky500 :
is this any good?

1. 517.7 LFS Professional Class C - ATC Franky ?

I dunno but I just went first with 637.61 so either somethin is way wrong or 600 aint shit.
S3 licensed
I'm sure this is well known so I won't make a new thread, but it should be here none the less. These two images were taken at the same time, just different angles.

My guess is that it's related to the "feature" where wheels/brake discs aren't drawn from certain angles, but it seems like there's been a slight miscalculation for what angle is the cutoff point for the tires.
S3 licensed
I mean the times. It says we did 9 and 10 second pit stops.
S3 licensed
Quote from boothy :

The replay has been put through the tracker at mostly 4x speed, dunno how accurate it is but at least AFAIK it is complete.

I think it messed up the pit stop times.
S3 licensed
Congrats 7Karat, you guys really deserved this one.
S3 licensed
#24 is correct.
S3 licensed
By private i meant passworded hosts, not ones I've hidden from the public.
S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :De grondslag voor het internet is ARPANET, een in 1969 door ARPA, een dienst van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Defensie, begonnen computernetwerk gebaseerd op packet switching. Men had ingezien dat met deze techniek en de toepassing van wachtrijtheorie en andere technieken voor gedistribueerde netwerken een erg robuust systeem op te zetten was. De term "Internet" werd in 1974 voor het eerst gebruikt in een document van Cerf en zijn manager, Robert Kahn, over TCP.
Op 1 januari 1983 stapte ARPANET over van NCP naar TCP/IP als netwerkprotocol (waarbij IP staat voor Internet Protocol), en daarmee was de geboorte van het internet in haar huidige technische vorm een feit.
Al bestond het vanaf 1984 dus al, Internet werd door het grote publiek echter pas ontdekt in de jaren negentig. In augustus 1991 publiceerden Tim Berners-Lee en Robert Cailliau het World Wide Web-project, nadat zij enige jaren hadden gewerkt aan HTTP en HTML. De eerste webpagina's verschenen bij CERN in Zwitserland, waar zij beiden werkten.
Door de uitvinding en introductie van klikbare aan elkaar gelinkte pagina's (HTML/WWW) heeft Tim Berners-Lee het internet in feite klaar gemaakt voor het grote publiek. Hij wordt daarom ook wel gezien als uitvinder / grondlegger van het huidige internet.
In 1993 werd de Mosaic-webbrowser gepubliceerd, en aan het einde van 1994 werd een groeiende belangstelling voor internet merkbaar. Pizza Hut was in 1994 één van de eerste bedrijven ter wereld die het WWW commercieel inzette door de mogelijkheid te bieden om bestellingen online te doen. In 1996 was het internet algemeen bekend bij het grote publiek, maar werd over het algemeen gebruikt als synoniem voor het World Wide Web.

Oh. OK.
S3 licensed
I don't care about other peoples lists, I only use the list I created.
S3 licensed
GT3 is actually fairly similar power levels to GT2 but has less advanced aero bits (usually). the XFR/UFR are probably more similar to S2000 levels than anything else, but I'm not really sure.
S3 licensed
OK now do this one: America invented the Internet.
S3 licensed
I've just thought of another thing, could you make private hosts have the red tint like they do on LFSW?
S3 licensed
Quote from 5tag :That has not much to do with LFS development. The GT2 as I see it was never intended by the devs. Saying GT2 is too slow and should be faster is not an improvement suggestion for further LFS releases.

The point is that for there to be a distinct GT2 class it pretty much has to be "laughably" slow. If the top level of GTRs in LFS had around 600hp (in line with FIA GT1 class stuff) then the lower class could have 400-450hp (fairly well in line with FIA GT2, instead of the ~350hp they have now.

Of course it is not really the dev's fault, the community created the GT2 class, but the devs are really the only ones who can make this all work out.
S3 licensed
Glad to see you found a team you fit into HighRoad.
S3 licensed
Quote from pik_d :Team Name: Something Awful Racing
Number: 24
Car: FZR
pik_d, S. Rose, USA
phatdragonx, R. Young, USA
tmehlinger, T. Mehlinger, USA
BlackRider, E. Smith, USA

Updated with Eric.
S3 licensed
Quote from legoflamb :If you wait, in karting, for the person to recover you will most likely get passed by 10+ other competitors.

That's kind of the point of this question. If you disadvantage someone else (so that those 10+ other competitors pass THEM because of what you did), are you willing to put yourself that far back just so that one person you put off can re-pass you?
S3 licensed
If I stuff up a driver in a turn in public racing (hopefully I wouldn't be daft enough run into someone on a straight) then I'll always allow them to recover first.

In a league race I wouldn't expect a car to hang back on track if they put someone off, whether it was me doing it to someone else, or them doing it to me. In just about every league I've raced in the minimum penalty is a DT or a 30 second penalty, which should be more than enough time for someone to recover their car (unless it sustained heavy damage).

It might be nice to the one person you messed up to wait and let them pass, but it's a danger to everyone else to have a perfectly capable car sitting on track unexpectedly and unnecessarily. Please, if you hit me off in a league keep driving for the sake of everyone else, I'll definitely be protesting it if it's not caught in race.

The exception being "light" incidents where it's a matter of a second to allow the disadvantaged car to correct itself, or incidents where both cars end up completely off track. In these situations, even in league races, I would expect the guilty to wait for the car they hit off to recover.