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S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I bet they never talk to each other, and they have to keep up with whatever 'promises' the others suggest. So Victor will say "Aero patch coming soon" and Scawen will read it and say "Shit, better start making one". Then Scawen will say "LFSW is getting a big update" and Victor has to run around like a madman making it happen...

Eric talks to no one, so he just gets on with it and emails the results to Scawen occasionally


Yeah the, and I quote, "Apart from the aerodynamic and tyre improvements, there might be an interesting surprise." means "OK, some peeps been complaining about those things for a while, so I'll give Scawen a month to sort it out. I dunno what Eric has been up to for the past 8 months, so let's call it a "surprise" and lets hope he can cook something up "
Last edited by PLAYLIFE, .
S3 licensed
So much for my hopes for an early patch
S3 licensed
Have u noticed that in the
thread "Default setting for "Haze effect" "

It is written that:

"This poll will close on 3rd April 2006 at 17:17"

Now if you think that it only takes Scawen 1 minute to change the default setting, it makes one wonder why they set the poll close date for 3rd of april and not later. I would suspect that they were hoping to be finished with all other things by that point, then change the default setting, if appropriate, and release the new patch...
S3 licensed
I like AS Cadet with FOX for example. But nobody races that online. AI is the only option...
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :My suggestion, don't upload anything. No more stupid threads like this. You're doing exactly what he wants.

Yes, don't upload anything, not a single byte not even a thousanth of a byte. DON'T UPLOAD ANYTHING. NOTHING, I tell you!!!

And yes, no more of these stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid threads. These threads are sooooooo stupid.



or perhaps let's not tell others what they can or can't do...

I for one like the name and shame, provided there is the coupled replay that actually proves it. That way we can make a list and ban such guys from all servers FOR EVER !!
S3 licensed

Club 3D Radeon 9600 Pro

Never understod what the haze effect does...
S3 licensed ... ℑ=r_2006-03-15T131219-2

Please don't tell me that's the Sony Playstation F1 "Sim". Talk about overkill... illepall
S3 licensed
More realistic damage, please. I don't mean the the kind where every little detail of the car must come to parts, but the kind where if you shunt heavily then you cannot drive further.

I used to love the Nascar 2 game for the realism. I just couldn't get enough of the fact that if I crashed badly I needed to start all over again.
S3 licensed
Guys-guys we are getting way off topic. The thread title is "Running out of gas suggestion". Not "Not running out of gas suggestion"
S3 licensed
Quote from madmak :On the small map we can see our car and our oponents cars. There is also visible who is faster and who is behind. My improvment suggestion is to mark drivers who has more then 1 lap diffrence from us. It is important during long races to know if somebody behind, after overtaking us, will be infront or still behind.

S3 licensed
U know, I just thought that it is quite pointless to discuss the how the car behaves under almost no fuel situation. It is doubtful if after 6 months of racing LFS u still run out of fuel during a race...
S3 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :lol he was talking to me the whole time after i posted this and asked him about it

as for the model, i started it in october something and stopped in november something, the modeling isnt completely done, i still have some suspension that i have to work on which remains.. but overall im pleased with it for being one of my first models
as for going into LFS.. lol.. ya right hahah to many polys, and not enough on the body, the whole thing would have to be redone to be put into a game

Not when S3 is finnished and you will be allowed to add ur cars. Then we have computers that can handle cars with a million polys...

PLAYLIFE jumps behind the sofa.

S3 licensed
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :So remember that now two people work on a movie and the movie will be two times better than the last one.

Wooww... can anything be two times better than the last one?!

Sry, let me rephrase that: what is "- 1 000 000" times 2? It's "- 2 000 000"

Ok, enough with ze jokes. Keep up the good work :thumb:
S3 licensed
Quote from richy :and you say i chat rubbish?

S3 licensed
I remember F1 drivers waving their cars left to right and left again so that they could get what littel fuel they had left. This would also be cool to able to do. But it is ofcourse, a small detail
S3 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :This is something that has bothered me for a long time and which I think could be improved a lot. I mentioned this at RSC before the forum move but finally put together a proof of concept instead of just talking about it. Here's a (crappy) photochop of what I propose: ... ue-Ball/LFS_interface.jpg

Here's a quick rundown of the changes from how it is now:

1) Things should always be arranged with speed to the left and quality to the right and there are markers to show it. This makes it quicker and easier to see what's enabled and disabled at a glance. I've also changed Yes/No options to On/Off for consistency, and moved the buttons so that Off is to the left (speed) and On is to the right (quality). I meant to change Texture Size to Low Res/High Res to make it consistent with Track Detail but forgot to do it before I uploaded the pic. If these could all be changed to sliders it would look even more uniform and easy to read.

2) The names of most items have been changed so that "On" means "Enabled". As it is now if you want trees enabled you turn off "disable trees" which is a double-negative and totally non-sensical. It's much more clear to turn on complex trees than to turn off disabling of trees.

3) I've moved the texture memory so that it's not the only element floating out there to the right as it is now. Not only does it look out of place, it's a huge waste of space. This allowed the whole interface to be much larger and fill the available space better.

4) I've moved the OK button to the right side and replaced the left side with a Cancel button. Right now if you accidentally change something there's no way to cancel the change and revert to the previous settings.

I think these would be changes that would be pretty simple to implement and would make a big difference in the ease of use of the menu. I'd also suggest moving the "Multiplayer car draw", "Screen clear type", and "Dynamic LOD reduction" items from the Misc tab to the Graphics tab since these are obviously graphics related items. Floating tool tips would also be VERY nice to have, but would probably take a lot of time to implement compared to what I've done here which is mostly text and button changes.

yes, please, somebody make it more understandable so that even if I don't know what eeach thing means I still can understand what happens if I move the slider left or right.
The cause of flame wars
S3 licensed
Makes for an interesting reading:

The Secret Cause of Flame Wars

"Don't work too hard," wrote a colleague in an e-mail today. Was she sincere or sarcastic? I think I know (sarcastic), but I'm probably wrong.
According to recent research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, I've only a 50-50 chance of ascertaining the tone of any e-mail message. The study also shows that people think they've correctly interpreted the tone of e-mails they receive 90 percent of the time.
"That's how flame wars get started," says psychologist Nicholas Epley of the University of Chicago, who conducted the research with Justin Kruger of New York University. "People in our study were convinced they've accurately understood the tone of an e-mail message when in fact their odds are no better than chance," says Epley.
The researchers took 30 pairs of undergraduate students and gave each one a list of 20 statements about topics like campus food or the weather. Assuming either a serious or sarcastic tone, one member of each pair e-mailed the statements to his or her partner. The partners then guessed the intended tone and indicated how confident they were in their answers.
Those who sent the messages predicted that nearly 80 percent of the time their partners would correctly interpret the tone. In fact the recipients got it right just over 50 percent of the time.
"People often think the tone or emotion in their messages is obvious because they 'hear' the tone they intend in their head as they write," Epley explains.
At the same time, those reading messages unconsciously interpret them based on their current mood, stereotypes and expectations. Despite this, the research subjects thought they accurately interpreted the messages nine out of 10 times.
The reason for this is egocentrism, or the difficulty some people have detaching themselves from their own perspective, says Epley. In other words, people aren't that good at imagining how a message might be understood from another person's perspective.
"E-mail is very easy to misinterpret, which not only triggers flame wars but lots of litigation," says Nancy Flynn, executive director of the e-Policy Institute and author of guidebooks E-Mail Rules and Instant Messaging Rules. Many companies battle workplace lawsuits triggered by employee e-mail, according to Flynn.
People write absolutely, incredibly stupid things in company e-mails," said Flynn.

Source: ... 0179-0.html?tw=wn_index_2
S3 licensed
I'd be happy with another option for the GTR cars... I don't much like any of them. So far there's the "tires... mmm... tasty", the "excuse me, you pushed the gas pedal. Does this mean u want me to put power down tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?" and the "saayy... isn't that where I came from?".
S3 licensed
I did. They are

Many thanks
Strange thing on main website
S3 licensed
LFS Main Site
Browser : Firefox 1.0.7

When I clicked on "Lfs Forum" then another window opened with the forum, but when I switched back to the main site, then the "Lfs Forum" icon is still highlighted and when u use the mouse roller to scroll up or down, then the "LFS Forum" picture is scrolled to up (light grey) and when you use scroll down, then it scrolls the pictures until finally the yellow picture "LFS Forum appears" all yellow...

In total there appears to be 3 pictures
1) light grey text and no arrow,

then you scroll down, and there is
2) light yellow text and small arrow

and the you scroll down and there is

3) yellow text and large arrow.

This does not occur with "Links", "FAQ", or "Contact Us" for example.
S3 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Thats a cool idea though deggis.

yeah, I think so too... though I thought that also about anthems
National Anthem
S3 licensed
How about playing the national anthem of the winning driver after end of the race (with option to not hear it) ? Or would that suck?
S3 licensed
Quote from D34N0 :

I was on a server last night friving the LX4 at Fern Bay Gold it was [dSRC] Battle Grounds #3

Great fun Guys

I was driving there with LX4 for some 9 races total over a week. Then went to BL1 with FOX and immediately improved my PB by 0,5 sec - I had been stuck on 1.11.23 (don't laugh, I drive keyboard) for like 2 months with the same set.
S3 licensed
How about so that if the server has not received a packet for a long time, and then receives it, it will not create a violent crash. Basically, if both cars speeds were very similar before normal packet transmitting stopped, then the maximum force would be lmited between the two cars after normal packet transmitting continues.

Basically, if normal packet transfer not true and car speeds similar,
then if when normal packet transfer continues and distance between both cars <0,
then max crash force 2 G-s

What do you think?
S3 licensed
Quote from KiDCoDEa :u sound like an online translator

no kidding... lol