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S3 licensed
Quote from Blackout :Hey wtf? That bottom of page LFS 2002-2006 got me thinkin, is LFS dead? lol...allmost got a heartattack (copyright thingys offcource). But do we get fog, or new car, or new track? Or the physics are so good you can go under minute around it? hmmm

S3 licensed
Quote from Blackout :Hey wtf? That bottom of page LFS 2002-2006 got me thinkin, is LFS dead? lol...allmost got a heartattack (copyright thingys offcource). But do we get fog, or new car, or new track? Or the physics are so good you can go under minute around it? hmmm

Hell... All I figure it must be possible to go under a minute in BL...
S3 licensed
go look!!!
S3 licensed
Quote from joen :hmm, he must have gotten an earlier build of the patch then...

S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :If you have your mind set to do something and have made good plans on how to make it done, it is a five minute job. The gui example is all about renaming stuff, and moving it into a slightly different place on the file. And cheching that it works.

It's not like you need days to change one character in some place

lol, dude...

If u have made good plans? To make good plans u need time. And what about the translations... Someone needs to organise the translation for all those new things and then compile them... 5 min job? You really can't think realistically...

I interect with a lot of people every day. Some you can't reach, some are busy, some misunderstand what they need to do... It's not just like snapping your fingers...
S3 licensed
Quote from biggie :

What exactly could those bosses have been talking about? Any ideas?

OK... what are the chances:twirl:
S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :But I can guess. For example those gui improvements. Most of it is copy/paste or renaming some of the stuff. Currently there are things like turning off the turning off of the "..." which is just confusing

It's like at work. We are at meeting and two bosses are there also. They say:
Boss#1: "OK we need to do this."
Boss#2: "PLAYLIFE will handle it."
Boss#1: "How much do you think it will take?"
Boss#2: "It's no biggie. Just some 30 min"
Boss#1: "It's settled then"

What PLAYLIFE is thinking (oh my god, first I gotta do this then that. Then I got to check all those thing, consult with one guy, make sure, test, analyse from that perspective, then polish it... And if I spend more than 30 min then they will get curious as to what exactly am I doing)

Hyperactive !! Things are not always as simple as they seem...illepall U just see the finnished product and think, oh... that musta been easy.
S3 licensed
660 MB
4260 files
S3 licensed
Quote from axus :Would they make the community all jumpy about it if it was something small?

C'mn, they put as an update tyre sidewalls... I mean, new configs, aero improvements, tyre physics are fab. New LCD screens I can understand... but just cosmetic tyre sidewalls....

In addition, the S2 was at one point supposed to come out at December 2004...

So my point is that this additional feature could be smth small and if it is big, it could come out in a year or so... so don't coun't your chickens b4 they are hatched.
S3 licensed
Quote from axus :So I wake up and see.... this... all the random avatars. That's just dodgy... As for the GTR interiors being the surprise I doubt it. Victor said they had been experimenting with a new feature. You can't really expriment with interiors. So while I do think they are in the patch the surprise will be something in the way of physics.

How can they be experimenting with a new feature that is physics? I mean it would have to be smth big? Right?
S3 licensed
Quote from St4Lk3R :hehe... here in germany easter monday is a holiday :P

... maby only in some parts of the country, dunno

Lucky bastards...
S3 licensed
Would the devs be cruel enough to release the patch on Sunday evening? Soon there will be reports in the news that suddenly a huge number of people all over the world became ill and couldn't come to work on Monday...
S3 licensed
Quote from v4forlife :here ya go

pink is as gt
blue is as north

I think I will like North
S3 licensed
Quote from speedfreak227 :ok, that's the picture i was thinking about but can someone colour the new AND old tracks with different colours just so i know what's new?



Well AS North is the red one. Grand Touring is AS Grand Prix with only 2 corners different.

In both cases it is hard to say whether there will be a chicane as in Grand Prix or no chicane as in Historic. However, the pictures show chicane for Grand Touring
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :

I'm really fond of the Westhill circuit because almost every corner is, in some way, blind. Either over the crest of a hill, or double-cornered. It's a track you have to LEARN, rather than just follow. It rocks! I'd like to see it developed.

S3 licensed
Quote from Dj-Aeri :Lampposts? night races maybe?

Yeah, why waste time putting up a million lamp posts if you are not gonne have night racing. But when? That is the question...
S3 licensed
Quote from GP4Flo :Yes, that would be a nice birthday present for me.

OK, I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon: Here's hoping for a December 7th release - that's my birthday
S3 licensed
Quote from ATHome :I hope that they will not give us an update that we already know of, for example the skinnable sun visors

Not everybody noticed that and reads the forums. If they talked about tyre sidewalls, then they are sure as hell gonna talk about skinnable visors...
S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :easter suday release

I would theorise that they have a pattern:

1st day some minor update
2nd day major update
3rd day minor update
4th day major update


Thus you need 5 more day til the patch is out at least...
S3 licensed
Quote from traxxion :I sure hope so

naah... you don't want a game that improves forever but is never released. What you want is to occasionally get the update also into your computer...
S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :i spent my last 30 on s2

How about 29 $ ?

Seriously, there still has not been info on :

- tyre physics
- new Aston configs

so not before Sunday

And if they really spent "a few hours" on making the dashes, then they can in theory keep this up forever... or at least until the end of April...
Last edited by PLAYLIFE, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Blackout :Like this...those dials in my wheel looks a bit screwed but could just be me

S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :How much u wanna bet the patch is released on easter or as an easter gift?

When is easter day exactly? I think I would bet you 30 $. OK?
S3 licensed
Quote from deggis :Yeah but I'd say that adding something (tilt) to the pic that isn't there in the game is "photoshopping press screenshots". So the tilting must be a new feature.

I still disagree... even if tilting cameras really is implemented, I would not call adding something (tilt) to the pic that isn't there in the game is "photoshopping press screenshots"
S3 licensed
What does the current dash look like ? (I am not at home and can't check)