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S3 licensed
Quote from sil3ntwar :this makes me happy an offline career mode would be better than any physics update

I absolutely 100% disagree...

besides, career mode u play what? 1 day, then it's done. Physics updates stay foreva !!
S3 licensed
Quote from Dethred :Dear thread starter,

You're in the wrong place to voice your opinion. An official online Forum for a software product is no place to criticize the software. You're 100% wrong because this is the LFS forum, and LFS is 110% perfect. God made LFS through "Scavier". The physics are just like real life, in fact all of this updating has been unneccessary as 95% of the LFS fanbase was defending LFS as a perfect sim needing no improvement since S1 went Beta. In light of this realization of LFS being perfect I suggest Scawen, Victor, and Eric just retire and maybe even bump the price up. As stated dozens of times before by Licensed S3 racers, they wont mind if the devs stop now, because they deserve the extra money anyways.

Therefore, long live LFS, stfu noob, and you're wrong for having an opinion.

Aspiring LFS forum whore.

PS: I think I have finally mastered the art of licking dev nutsack (no offense to Scawen, Eric, or Victor, you guys seem cool). Now I am one of the regulars on here!

You know I don't think most people here support the devs so they could kiss ass, but because they actually like what's going on.

So there you have people who like what's going on and then there are guys like you, who come in, start badmouthing the whole system and what do you expect????? Pats on the back??

There are few people here who insult you, but rather point out the obvious. I for one am going to say ur an idiot!
S3 licensed
Quote from mjones53 :he just has the demo version, i have the s2 version, guess i'll just buy him a full copy, thanks,

lol, your a good friend, it seems
S3 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Sry if posted before

LFS version: T4
Problem: Connection bar (or w/e it's called) of another player extends way further than usual, see attched image

dude, that's some crazy-a** lag
S3 licensed
What the hell would I do with a CD and a carton case?
I like that it's zipped and does not install.

The most important thing for me is driving physics. Everything else comes fifth.
S3 licensed
Pitspotter and ghostcar for mua
S3 licensed
Quote from traxxion :Hehe, I was gonna say it might have been to do with your skin's design, that people are not using it
But as I said, it wouldn't really be a valid joke, cos the teamnic skins were very nice.

"Explaining" a joke is not "telling" a joke
S3 licensed
Quote from bw_krupp :I love the new patch, its the best thing yet for LFS. However, when viewing outside the car, the new digital numbers I find are little harder to read. Any way to change them back in settings? More importantly, the shift lights and TC lights are HORRIBLE. they look like they were drawn in MSPaint about 12 years ago. In a game where everything has always been beautiful, I feel a little let down. Just had to vent. Thanks for your time.

I quite dislike the new lights also
S3 licensed
Quote from sparadise :
3. Is there a limit to lowering ride height, how do you tell if the car is bottoming out? (BF1 cars)

Thanks Steve P


When the car is bottoming out it starts shaking like crazy. If u drive in car then soon ur eyes will start to complain...
S3 licensed
OK, so my own onlne personal bests are not gone?? Shouldn't they be? Couldn't we "archive" them... and clear the tables for our new PB's?
S3 licensed
Quote from Don :how? its completely different (and imho better) sky
this is how looks the default one:
frame rate drop ? dunno, try. i didnt notice any

Jaa, ok, I've tried them and they have a lot more character... keeping them for now.
S3 licensed
OK, so what's the point?
How do they differ from originals?
How big of a frame rate hit can I expect?
S3 licensed
Thank You !!
S3 licensed
Quote from _rod_ :Take a look on the website damnit THe lincese is what you pay for, s1 lincense gets me 4 tracks and 8 cars i think, in s2 you get s1 content plus 3 new track and 10 new cars. But each track has variations, so lots of possibilities. You really should that a look on the website, there is lots of info there

Make that 10 new cars +1
S3 licensed
Quote from deggis :in CMX Viewer tyres are the same old ones for road cars. By default I guess.

All the models except FOX and FO8 are the same old too. If devs aren't keeping anything as a secret (GTR cockpits?!) until the release I don't understand what the hell Eric have been doing. Over six months and only 2 new track configs, one new car, some minor gfx improvements and 2 new cockpits?

How'bout workin' on S3 perhaps?
S3 licensed
Quote from CharlieP :LOL, I must be the only LFS'er who doesn't give a flying F@rt what the cockpits look like Big grin

The way the car drives is important to me, not how it looks.... inside the cockpit or out....

Bitchin about missing polygons is a joke.... The joke is the person who zoomed in close enough to the mesh to notice it!

Don't you guys.... 'Just drive' ?

and I don't mean NK "Pro" ... I mean LFS Wink

I enjoy the driving way to much to care about how the car looks.

Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Must admit though that the drivers on demo servers are pretty crazy. You got guys who really don't seem to grasp that they are driving with other people... Absolute disregard to you. illepall Had a go at a demo server some weeks ago to remember the good old days. Bad idea!
S3 licensed
Quote from Christian Seidel :I will surely take the BF1 on some laps around one of the new Aston configs. And when I had enough of spinning and getting sea-sick from that, I can't wait to test the new tyre physics on one of the old VERY tail happy cars like the FZ5 or the RAC or something like that. I really hope they will be controllable in a normal way...

Here's hoping
S3 licensed
1) BF1 on AS4
2) FOX on AS1
3) FO8 on BL1
4) BF1 on KY1
5) find my team and drive whatever we are driving...

EDIT: Forgot Aston North ( 4,5) FXR on AS North )
Last edited by PLAYLIFE, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scoop :the link to the theread doesen't work anymore =/

Try the one in Crhristians post, where it's quoted...

So Kidcodea is Nuno Maia?
Castrol skin
S3 licensed

under "24H Kyoto Ring Race - Signup now!" there is a green-white castrol skin for one car. I really like it. Would anyone know if it is up for grabs and where would I get it?
S3 licensed
Quote from DeeS :that's good point !!

That's good point? THAT'S GOOD POINT? U gotta b kidding me...
S3 licensed
before patch is realeased, they need to update LFS World for new records, right? When they do that, You will have ur patch... Is someone manning the LFSWorld records page?
S3 licensed
Quote from seggons :So far we have:
Night Racing
A Forest Track

so far so good

Maannn... ur dreaming. There won't be these things...

Quote from Madman_CZ :
would the fox and fo8 really have lights tho? bit unrealistic to have lights on single seaters

Bit unrealistic to have horns also on single seaters, don't u think :P
S3 licensed
Quote from marsaz :The fog looks like rain i mean you can see actual raindrops. That can be just an ps effect tho

No PS effect, the devs said some time ago, but how can u see the raindrops??

P.S. anybody notice that in the FO8 interior picture the street lights seem to be on!!