Well... When I am experienced on a track and spin and if that causes some accident, then I always sorry, because... well... I really see no excuse for spinning when I've done 300 laps on a track...
Also, we are all just humans. When it is a 8 lap race and you have been crashed out once in the start and twice in the first corner, it means 30 minutes of no racing... That does agitate me - and I'm sure a lot of people.
...and here you just ruined it all with trying to ridicule everybody who ever had an argument.
Perhaps you should take your own advice and not try to convince (whilst taking cheap shots) everybody to use this thread the way you like it. Please can you just enjoy the game and leave measuring your e-penis to another forum...
Option to set "pit windows" like in DTM, where you have to pit between laps a to b and the second time between laps x to z. At least they used to have this system. So there is a predefined laps when you are allowed to pit...
+ If you really like the Demo, you'll absolutely love S2
Some months ago I ventured back into demoland... After four races on two servers I had had enough. There is so many guys with no etiquette and no skills - It was just carnage all the time...
That's some pretty bad driving with some a**h*lish attitude. Shouldn't they realize at one point that if they make the same mistake in the same corner 5 times over, that they should take a different line !? It also looks like some drivers were forced to give up position simply due to some banzai moves - very typical of what you see on Demo servers. Only thing stopping them from totaling the car seemed to be the slow speed the car was capable in the drivers hands...
Why is everybody saying the second car was overtaking. He just pulled along side. Might be because the car in front was sloeing down and he was avoiding him (I did not watch the mpr)
I gotta say my PB's have dropped a lot when I went from ks->wheel. Before I worked like hell to know exactly when I had to press the turn button, otherwise I would take the corner wrong (I used ks for a year). However, I did have the benefit of being able to steer the front wheels a lot quicker than wheel users. Perhaps you should look at the hotlaps section and then come here and start telling keyboard users are quick. It's not "that's just wrong" it's more like "you are just wrong" or "you are just slow".
I don't get how people don't like long tracks. For me it's: the longer, the better. In Fe Club you have like 5 corners. How many do you have in FE Black? It's a fantastic challenge and yet almost noone plays it...
The tacks sure as hell don't seem too wide with BF1 and GTR cars. In addition, I have no need for a lot of cars and tracks, if the physics is crap. After the April physics improveent the satisfaction from game play increased quite a lot. In rFactor I get no satisfaction from actualy driving the car. It's more like I'm playing it because there is a sort of a career mode and I want to complete that. In LFS I can go around one track for hours, because it feels very rewarding...