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S3 licensed
Quote from Marty502 :As far as I'm concerned, there's no way in hell someone can get into multiplayer servers with cracked versions of LFS... right?

Why do you ask?
S3 licensed
This post is about "Clocks mode"

Currently we have the following options: "off/real/virtual"

Can you please add the "all" option, as you did with "Mirror mode"?

I race as is shown on picture and can't really read the "real" clocks but can clearly see that they are missing. Sort of takes away from the immersion. Not a huge deal though. Actually I can't really think of a reason why anyone would remove the "real" clocks. It's not like they take away even 1 fps
S3 licensed
Did he mean "pen"? Was he drawing on the screen of the monitor?

I gotta say it is tough to understand what he is trying to explain in the first post.
S3 licensed
Quote from scania :because screen shots can't shots what I draw on my monitor with pan

what's a pan?
S3 licensed
Quote from scania :...

Jesus, why are you using photos of the monitor instead of screen shots?
S3 licensed
Quote from aoun :Nice track man.. you want flowingg??? Ill upload my layout (F08 works best).. but i really like your track man good job!

Any chance anyone's got a server and we can race on it?

Please do upload your layout
S3 licensed
Any chance I can get AI cars to run this track?
Finally a nice flowing LYT
S3 licensed
I tried to make a nice flowing race track (AU1) LYT. Lemme know how it worked out!

So why you should try it out?

- I tried to make a flowing track as opposed to many Mickey-Mouse tracks out there, where you won't get pass 150 km/h and a mistake can cause catapultation (no offence, guys).
- there are many alternative lines to take corners, which make it hard to master and should enable close racing also
- it is designed mainly with FOX and GTR's in mind. Other cars are also fun.

Track is AU1

So what you think?

EDIT: Update to v1.11
Last edited by PLAYLIFE, .
S3 licensed
This post is about the "Settings for custom view".

Whilst for "Draw (main)" you select one of three options "none/wheels/body", then for "Draw (look)" you can select "none/wheels/body" also, but you can LITERALLY SELECT NONE (=have none of the three options selected). Is it supposed to be like this or is it just a hiccup?

I must say the menus have become a bit more clearer. Still a way to go, though, but I'm sure you'll get around to it if/when you deem it necessary
S3 licensed
Quote from Blackout :How do you know it's lying?

I'm guessing he drives the same setup the same way. If you've done that for a few months you can be pretty sure you are correct. Can anyone verify this?

It could also be he is viewing his replay with different patches.

P.S. Is it possible he has wheel spin at that speed, or wind blowing from behind?
S3 licensed
Quote from jtr99 :I long for the day when restarts are about as socially acceptable as a fart in an elevator.

I wouldn't normally suggest such an arcade-style feature, but I wonder what would happen if you didn't enable the collision detection until (say) one minute into the race. So accidents in T1 are impossible, as the cars will drive right through each other.

It's not that I seriously want this feature, as it would obviously ruin the sense of immersion, etc., but it's sad that something so clumsy could possibly solve the problem.

Or, trying to think laterally, what about spacing the cars further apart on the starting grid, thus trying to achieve greater separation at T1? And this setting could be server-specific, so you could go for a realistic grid like the current one, or a widely spaced "public server" style grid with car separations of 25m or more.

I think your first suggestion is horrible, but it's good that someone trys to brainstorm.
S3 licensed
This post is regarding Graphics menu options. It is great that they are "made intuitive". So, as a note:

When you have options like "Draw sky", "Enable dither", "Uncompressed skins" then there are 2 buttons: "no" & "yes".

However, when you look at options like "Screen width affects LOD" and "Track LOD reduction", then there is only one button. Perhaps there could also be 2 buttons? It is good to visually see what your options are. Of course I don't know how those work or what LOD (Level of detail?) is, but since they are under graphics options I suppose they have a FPS impact and could also be made more "intuitive" !?

EDIT: Same with "Haze effect"
Last edited by PLAYLIFE, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :it first i didnt like westhill, now i really like it, just i hate the last corner.

Believe me, you'll grow to love the more difficult corners due to the challenge they provide
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I'll see if it can somehow not try to initialise the driver if the handle already exists (whatever that means).

well doh !! Just ask the guy who coded it

(just a joke, sry if I offended you)
S3 licensed
Quote from bbman :It is probably that far up because before April, you'd see the FO8 nowhere but on Oval and Westhill... Now that they took the teeth out of the FO8, replaced it with the BF1 as the most powerful car, which has TC that makes it easy to drive as well, both the car and the track are slowly rotting only to be used occasionally in leagues... A shame really...

That's pure speculation. You got no proof whatsoever
S3 licensed
Quote from N I K I :Wheel problem is that folks from the back are pushing to hard to take few spots on start but that usualy is not a good thing, so races are out in T1 and U must restart

Very often it just some guy who has momentary brain fade and brakes 50-100 meteres too late. What I mean is that it's not about pushing too hard... More like forgetting to think.
S3 licensed
Quote from David Wilson :That's only because 1 lap of Westhill is about 6 or 7 times longer than any other circuit!

That's a perfect example of bad estimating skills and stating a bad judgement call as fact.

FYI: Westhill International is the 6th most used configuration in driven laps. (Source:

Thus, your logic flawed and so is the "Westhill is about 6 or 7 times longer than any other circuit!"
S3 licensed
Quote from kiss me :its wireless, i dont lag in single player, dunno what my wireless thingy's brand is, now i dint have lag,i had the same on my dads pc, hopefully i dont have lag again... i didnt have 5 min ago

I have Logitech Formula force Pro.

I always have lag every 5 sec.

Lets compare profiles, maybe there's a reason there! Everybody else that has the same problem also!

Radeon 9600 PRO
Socket A Sempron 2200+ (@2400+)
512 RAM
Windows SP2
Not wireless connection
NOD 32 Antivirus
Daemon tools
S3 licensed
Quote from anthman :when the bloody hell is s2 final gonna be realesed, im sick of waiting..

I don't understad your question. What if Scawen says tomorrow. OK, that's it. No more updates to S2, this is final, S2 is hereby released. How will you then be better off?
S3 licensed
Quote from Yaamboo :Actually the best thing about westhill is that it has only one configuration. You don't need to remember which way to turn, as the track remains the same all the time.

Please tell me you are not thinking every lap which way you need to turn If you do that you can forget about kwick laptimes.

I think it as a problem more for beginners than for regular drivers.
S3 licensed
You might think it is important whether the button is labelled "compressed" or "uncompressed". I would just like to know what the hell is the difference if I click the button or don't.
S3 licensed
Quote from RaVeR :I think westhill need a few more layouts maybe? it must be about the most unpopular track

That's a perfect example of personal opinion and speculative generalisation.

FYI: Westhill International is the 5th most used configuration in driven kilometers. (Source:
S3 licensed
I have the very same issue! It sucks!!!!!
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :That's the only corner where it's an issue anyway IMO. I imagine it will get a kerb one day. It would be nice to have one on the entry too (suppose it would be necessary for the reverse config). I'm always putting wheels on the grass before I even reach that corner from trying to line it up properly after the previous long left.

Yeah, I tend to do that also...