Currently we have the following options: "off/real/virtual"
Can you please add the "all" option, as you did with "Mirror mode"?
I race as is shown on picture and can't really read the "real" clocks but can clearly see that they are missing. Sort of takes away from the immersion. Not a huge deal though. Actually I can't really think of a reason why anyone would remove the "real" clocks. It's not like they take away even 1 fps
I tried to make a nice flowing race track (AU1) LYT. Lemme know how it worked out!
So why you should try it out?
- I tried to make a flowing track as opposed to many Mickey-Mouse tracks out there, where you won't get pass 150 km/h and a mistake can cause catapultation (no offence, guys).
- there are many alternative lines to take corners, which make it hard to master and should enable close racing also
- it is designed mainly with FOX and GTR's in mind. Other cars are also fun.
This post is about the "Settings for custom view".
Whilst for "Draw (main)" you select one of three options "none/wheels/body", then for "Draw (look)" you can select "none/wheels/body" also, but you can LITERALLY SELECT NONE (=have none of the three options selected). Is it supposed to be like this or is it just a hiccup?
I must say the menus have become a bit more clearer. Still a way to go, though, but I'm sure you'll get around to it if/when you deem it necessary
I'm guessing he drives the same setup the same way. If you've done that for a few months you can be pretty sure you are correct. Can anyone verify this?
It could also be he is viewing his replay with different patches.
P.S. Is it possible he has wheel spin at that speed, or wind blowing from behind?
This post is regarding Graphics menu options. It is great that they are "made intuitive". So, as a note:
When you have options like "Draw sky", "Enable dither", "Uncompressed skins" then there are 2 buttons: "no" & "yes".
However, when you look at options like "Screen width affects LOD" and "Track LOD reduction", then there is only one button. Perhaps there could also be 2 buttons? It is good to visually see what your options are. Of course I don't know how those work or what LOD (Level of detail?) is, but since they are under graphics options I suppose they have a FPS impact and could also be made more "intuitive" !?
Very often it just some guy who has momentary brain fade and brakes 50-100 meteres too late. What I mean is that it's not about pushing too hard... More like forgetting to think.
I don't understad your question. What if Scawen says tomorrow. OK, that's it. No more updates to S2, this is final, S2 is hereby released. How will you then be better off?
You might think it is important whether the button is labelled "compressed" or "uncompressed". I would just like to know what the hell is the difference if I click the button or don't.