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S3 licensed
Quote from KiDCoDEa :RACER is known as the acdsee of racing sims

please explain (I have ACDSee, but what the...?)
S3 licensed
Quote from RaceDoctor :
I have never seen a good, fair LFS racer..

yeeaahh... Have you tried playing LFS yet?
S3 licensed
Quote from Pain-less :The new Monza track is awesome. Your issue with your 2 FPS is on your end. I haven't seen my frames drop below 60.

And WTF are talking about "friggin boxes" on the side of the front straight. Is there a sidewalk or something your trying to drive up on? Try the track, its much easier that way.

OK, if you don't understand there is no need to put me down, dumbass. Thank you very much!

Let me clarify a bit: When you drive on the front straight there are objects around the front straight alongside the road. They are called buildings. However, to me they are just boxes. They are boxes as, when I'm doing 300 km/h I won't be looking if the window has a handle for opening on the inside or not. If the intricate detail of the buildings was lost and only boxes (4 sides, colored gray) remained, that would be good enough for me, as I'm not looking at them anyway.

Now, if the high detail of the buildings (which I don't need) means I can't play the track, then I have have something I don't need not allowing to get what I want. And that's what got me fuming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frame rate issue on my side? All other tracks are ok. Monza front straight is not. I'm sorry, but at lowest video settings I still get 2 FPS??? That's crazy! And there's so much problems with this game. Conflict with Anti-Virus etc. Could've mentioned that in some FAQ, but nooo, they don't give a f*ck. Had me scratching my head for almost 2 hours.
Last edited by PLAYLIFE, .
S3 licensed
Quote from cartmen34 :I agree %100 with this post. I get the EXACT same feeling. It feels like the car is pivoting on a huge ball in the center of the car instead of at the 4 corners.

I also agree completely with this response as well.

I've been trying the rFactor Demo now for two days. I just can't get a feel for the car. I'm constantly second guessing what the car is about to do, over-or-under braking for corners, over-or-under estimating my acceleration points. I also have a problem with rFactors sense of speed, or lack thereof. I get no sense of acceleration or deceleration by simply watching the road. I can't really tell how fast I'm going by simply looking at the scenery as I pass through it. According to their speedometer I'm going 180 mph on the straight, while it LOOKS like I'm going about 60 or 70 mph. The only time I get a good sense of a speed difference is when I slow down for the really tight hairpin curves.

I WANT to like rFactor, I really do. All the mods, the real life cars and tracks are VERY appealing, but for me the handling "real life" feel of a car is all important, and rFactor doesn't give me that feeling, while LFS does.

I, like Flycantbird, would be happy with a few more tracks, not just more configurations on the existing tracks, but overall I get much more driving sense and fun out of LFS than any other driving sim game I've ever had before.

Yes-yes, same here... I'm braking for a corner and thinking "OK, are the wheels locked or spinning... am I going to overshoot or not!? OK, I overshot..." next time I don't overshoot and I'm like "give me some feedback, damn car". Driving at high speed does not at all feel like driving at high speed... FOV issue?

EDIT: And another thing: The new Monza track is awsome with the oval and everything... However, when I arrive at the front straight, I suddenly get like 2 FPS... WTF!! I don't understand how they can make a track where I can get 2-30 FPS... Furthermore: this seems like wasting resources. If you make a track that needs a very good Graphics card then make the whole track pretty and shiny and not like friggin 10 seconds of 2 minutes. 1 minutes 50 sec of the track I can drive, 10 sec I can't drive even in a straight line... Can't imaging what will happen when there is a race start with 20 cars on the grid or smth. Minus 20 FPS?

EDIT: Yes, I love it that I can't play the new track because of some friggin boxes* on the side of the front straight!!!

* buildings
Last edited by PLAYLIFE, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :because you know what to do as your driving, concentrating only helps when consistensy doesn't matter or when someone else is near

Wonder if I can learn a lap so well that I can watch TV with one eye and LFS with another, at the same time have consistent laptimes within 0.5 sec. OVAL does not count. Smth like FE Black with LX6
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :use to notice this with some old WRC game, i got MUCH better times if i talked to my friend (IRL i mean!) that when i actually "tried", as i didn't "overdrive"

I know hwat you mean... I made a PB on one of my most played tracks whilst talking to my mom, who had wondered to my room... Driving was more based on instinct than real concentration. I was talking to her for the entire lap (AS1), crossed the finish line and was like... WTF?!

EDIT: Just remembered the topic we were discussing: underpants ...don't ask
Last edited by PLAYLIFE, .
S3 licensed
Damn, FZR's were first in qualy, but almost none finnished. Crashed in T3 and during PIT? Almost all XRR's went the distance...
S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :I just came from hunting grammar errors and did my best to kill'em'all. Incase there still are grammar errors, they are there simply to amuse the reader

wip -> WIP
strech -> stretch
overrevving -> over revving
noticable -> noticeable
depenging -> depending
shoter -> shorter
Everytime -> Every time
stoping -> stopping
totaled -> totalled

... don't ask
Last edited by PLAYLIFE, .
S3 licensed
A very short (10 sec) and WTF replay. Keep your eyes on PLAYLIFE (The replay title says it all)
S3 licensed
Quote from 510N3D :Youre wellcome, btw one Question, your location is paris but you have a german flag ? Hmm

So he's a German who lives in Paris... Not really a head-scratcher. I'm Estonian but used to live in Latvia...
S3 licensed
Quote from 510N3D :FZR - 1 stop required
XRR - No stop required (depends on tires)
FXR - no stop (i think)

But some crashed and did more then one pit stop i think.

I know how many stops are required, but how many was actually done?

You and Failure made 1 stop?
S3 licensed
Quote from jegorchangai :Came in 2nd, Im really happy, anyways my car was *****ED up 2 wheels dead, chassis broken, suspension ****ed, but still 2nd

Here is the Replay: ... s_GTR_Oval_event.mpr.html

I cant upload it at LFS forum for some reason.

How many stops did you guys do?
S3 licensed
Plaztikman won, Failure crashed out of second place in the very last corner (DNF). Jegor finished 2nd with an ailing car. PLAYLIFE was distant 8th, having started with a wrong set (tires shot after 9 laps of racing)...
S3 licensed
Quote from jegorchangai :I have some problems with FZR setup everytime I take the last turn drafting the car like slides too far to the left and I cant correct it, causing me to crashAnyone help?

dunno what to tell you, but I have the same problem. I wonder what will happen in the race, as many do not know how to pit on the oval. Expect flying cars, blocked pit entrances etc. and I suspect either (EAGLE)SicSRT-4 or Plazticman will win
S3 licensed
Sign me up, Scottie!!

P.S. Oh why can't you use "LFS Time" instead of German time? That's what it was created for...
Not a bug, but...
S3 licensed
Whilst looking a the official website, I noticed the BF1 car has been added to the "Cars&Tracks" section, but S2 tracks still say "no details yet" after weve been playing it for a year...
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :1) PLAYLIFE Should have seen the rather bright car to his right ... 1st corner so I would have lifted ... not that important
2) After initial contact PLAYLIFE should have lifted
3) After initial contact, PLAYLIFE hit the wall and then bounced/steered away and that caused the Other car to Crash

Well... I was sure he was not going to hit me in the first place, as you have got to trust your fellow racer a bit. I thought he was just making it close. The first time he hit me I survived and thought that was it (still believing he at least now knew I was there). The second time he hit me caught me as much by surprise as the first time. But then I already lost control... Sry, but I just don't see how one can make a pass or race on an oval under the assumption that the other guy will hit me anyway. Also, lifting on an oval is risky. Especially in start.
S3 licensed
I haven't raced at all in real life except for a few times on a hobby kart, but I have a good story to tell:

I and 7 of my friends went karting a month ago. We had a 15 min pratice, 15 min qualifying and 20 min race. I can proudly say I was at least 1 sec quicker over the next fastest guy. I was spinning a lot in practice, but come race I had no spins and all laptimes were within a second, whilst others had eratic laptimes and spins. The fastest laptimes times of every racer were smth like this:

1st 52 sec <--- that's me
2nd 53 sec
3rd 55 sec
4th 56 sec


After the race there were discussions on why some where slower than others. One guy said that real life driving experience is the key (as in driving your car on the public road). That had me ROFL, as I was the only one without a drivers licence and almost no real driving experience, whilst almost all others were driving cars on a regular basis...

So I think it is pretty clear that there is at least some skills you learn from driving LFS that work in real life racing... And there is not a lot you learn from driving around town.
S3 licensed
This looks like a very useful program. Keep up the good work


The preview link does not work:
S3 licensed
Quote from BigDave2967 :Read more into it dude.

That was sarcasm
S3 licensed
I say one should race different cars and tracks (even gravel). Then you are forced to learn different skills, which are very important to those tracks and not so important to your 1st track. When you come back you will be better at the not so important bits and voila... suddenly your lap time takes a dive
S3 licensed
Quote from szyszek :The poll option "I couldn't care less and can't possibly be bothered to watch the replay is missing".

Yeah, you know your personal feelings of caring or not caring are irrelevant to the topic. That's why that particular option is missing. The world does not revolve around you...

A thumbrule for the future for you to follow would be: If you are not interested in a particular topic then don't post init to say just that. I mean... you don't see people going around, posting in all threads that they don't give a f*** about that thread...

Still waiting for the reasoning how I caused the crash, as 5 people have voted so... DonUschi, perhaps you are best to elaborate? You should, especially as I've been going through a lot of trouble every time trying to not misspell your name.
Last edited by PLAYLIFE, .
S3 licensed
I'd like to hear/see the reasoning of people who voted that I caused the the crash by ramming...
S3 licensed
I was racing/hot lapping AS1 quite a lot in the FOX. It was not until I raced the slower than turbo cars on the longer FE rally cross track that I just went in and beat my previous laptimes out by over half a second. I think it was the improved skill of keeping the car not sliding in mid corner that did it... You never know where you learn valuable experience...
Opinion needed
S3 licensed
Here's a short replay of a start crash after which a guy starts blaming me. He says he held a straight line and I rammed him 4 times... I say I held a straight line (as in straight with the track - watch my steering wheel) and that he rammed me untill I lost control and crashed into him.

So who is to blame... And please no racing incident talk... Especially after what this guy said to me and because I think here was no need to make it so close in the first corner, as we would have ended up drafting anyway...

Instructions: watch the first two guys (PLAYLIFE and DonUschi)