it's stage fright. just continue doing your competitions and in a while it will disappear - you will get used to the pressure. So no worries, just practice and get experience.
What an utter load of bollocks that entire article is. It's not like everyone is going to suddenly start developing,testing&racing an F1 car. He is compariing apples with oranges. I offer this comparison:
So one F1 driver during a season emits 10 times as much carbon as a normal person driving a normal car.
Let's say there is a million people watching each F1 race. If you divide the pollution per spectator you get that one F1 driver during a season emits 0.00001 times as much carbon as a fan driving a normal car.
If every fan were to go play pool (and drive his car to the place) once a year instead of watching F1, they would create about 1/1000 of their yearly carbon emmissions. That's 100 times more than an entire season of F1 races. If every fan were to go play pool 17 times a year, the carbon emmissions figure would be 1700 times as high as entire F1 season of races, testing and travel.
We are assuming here that a session of pool lasts about as long as an F1 race.
So basically if we were to treat F1 as a form of entertainment, as what it actually is, and compare it to any other form of entertainment, then we would surely come to the conclusion that Formula 1 racing is a very energy efficientway to entertain people. 1700 times more efficient than say going to play pool for example.
Started LFS with new patch. LFS started converting or whatever. Converting stopped. Some red messages came on top left corner that I noticed too late to do anything about them (most probably error messages that conversion failed, because my hard disk was full). Then I went to garage to select FOX and my skin did not appear on the car, so I selected one or two of the default skins (from default selection). The car then appeared so that at some places parts of the car were missing (a la the hood had parts of it cut out, as if the skin was supposed to cover that place but it couldnt). After that - deep freeze.
How 'bout if there is an option to select that it always saves the hot lap if there is no faster hotlap saved on the computer for the same player... Other times you gotta do it manually...
EDIT: It should also use a systematic naming system for the hotlaps a la "HL-PLAYLIFE-AS1-FOX-0:40:21.spr" or smth similar.
Texas motor speedway, Fort Worth, Dallas, Texas. Year 2001. CART (not IRL)
"CART drivers refused to compete Sunday at Texas Motor Speedway over safety issues, saying G forces almost twice as high as normal were causing vision and hearing problems."
OK, so lets say the dev team would change their ambition level to normal. We would then get S2 final next week and S3 in half a year with 3 new features. And that's it.
How would that be any better than what we have and will be getting in the future at current form?
LFS is a growing living simulator, a love child of the devs and for us it is in its best form, not its worst. For gods sake, how is an ever-improving simulator a bad thing!?!?!? It's a dream come true !!!!!!! Please think first instead of posting nonsense again.
You have no clue, do you... What bugs? When have you ever seen a simulation that is totally perfect!?!? All these so called bugs are just features that are lacking. Just like all other sims are lacking features. There is no defined criteria for what a sim needs to have. It is reasonable to expect a sim to feel more real than most games. LFS does that - way and beyond. Tell me which games are so much better sims that you need to put LFS down? rFactor? GTR2? Are you kidding me? Which simulation you can go online with and race other than LFS? None! rFactor promised online gameplay and there is 2 racers online! Now that is a disappointment!!!!
Sure, graphics are nice, I even bought a new PC to speed up my games and see more eye candy. However, games are loved and cherished for the game play they offer, not good graphics. It is the game play the games are played for if you keep on building on that, you can't go wrong. If Scawen kept the graphics up to date, he wouldn't be getting any work done to improve the gameplay.
I see improving gameplay as a long term investment - smth that is there to stay forever. Improving graphics is just for short term gains - in 1 year people will start to complain again why DX11 isn't supported... Sure, LFS needs a graphics overhaul some time, but I'd take physics update any day over a graphics update.
I can confirm that with my old computer (Sempron 2200+) the race became a slide show with 20 AI selected. With my new comp (after the price drop not very expensive Athlon x2 4800+) 20 AI cars is no problem. I think it might do 28 AI easily in fact.
Dude !! :jawdrop: I can't believe you did both the things I asked for. This is like the fifth thing I've asked for and you did. resent:
Thanks a million
And you also ironed out all the major W9 gremlins in one go :jawdrop:
I have purposefully never drifted in LFS and I don't care for it. But I would never imagine telling someone which feature request they can post and what not. I don't see how "the seasoned veterans" decide what will be included in the game. Only Scavier decides that.