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Quote from Sp3cTr3 :maybe that problem will solve itself when cars arent "locked" in position untill the green light is on. Once theres the ability to make false starts there wont be that "synch burp" when all cars is released.

well, thats curing the symptoms, not the "disease"... Why would you want that?
S3 licensed
Quote from herki :I just read the thing about the start-lag and something came to my mind: Sometimes, one person on a server is afk, several people join, the start the race, and because the person wasn't pitting, he/she is in the starting grid, maybe ruining the start of other people and/or the rest of the race, because he/she stands anywhere near the start on the track.
So my recommedation would be, that people, who hadn't touched their controls for x seconds wouldn't be included in the starting grid.
I don't now if this post would be better in the Improvment-Suggestions-Fourm, but it just came to my mind reading the posts.

Or, before the lights turn green, the driver has to confirm by a keypress or smth, that he really is on the starting grid (press one of the pedals for example or turn the wheel slightly).
S3 licensed
Quote from K.David :Does that mean everyone starts whenever they want and if they drive off before the lights go green they get a penalty? I think it would be nice like that... a bit of extra adrenaline to make the start just right, no?

S3 licensed
Quote from Blackout :I think what he means is that if all those pictures on track selection would have colors it would look bad, and I agree, it would be too colorfull and you couln't know which is selected.

Yeah, OK I know that there is absolutely no other way of distinguising which track is selected.
S3 licensed
Quote from Don :it looks very stupid when there is milion different color images on one selection screen.

maybe you could calibrate your monitor?

Have you ever seen the car selection screen?

maybe you could calibrate you memory?

(although, I agree, that the car selection screen does not have a million different images, while the track selection screen has at least two million - I'll finish counting tomorrow)
S3 licensed
Quote from joen :Well, I would love track and car information there too. I don't see why both wouldn't be possible. But for me personally the del and ren functions are more important.

Ofcourse there could be just one delete and rename button somewhere else, but I thought this would be the most convenient.
Because if you would have one delete or rename function elsewhere in the screen how do you make LFS delete the right replay? Clicking on the replay would load it, so that wouldn't work unless you make the replay not load when clicking it but then you would need an extra button to play it. So all in all, more clicks then necessary.

And there's a lot of empty space in that screen so it wouldn't obstruct anything. In fact there's plenty of room to add a lot of information.

Looks good
S3 licensed
Quote from abz1 :it would make sense to display the master server time, or as some people have suggested displaying GMT or UTC.

but it is already there...

EDIT: OK, your post was probably before they added it
S3 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :The new track selection screen is AWESOME! I really like that you see a picture of the track AND the layout at the same time. Plus it has the long names instead of abbreviations. And it saves a ton of time since it doesn't load until you pick the track you want. No more reloading of unnecessary info.

I only hope the next "big" patch has a few more tracks to add to the list. <cough>mountainroad<cough>

The same here. But one thing: The pictures of tracks are there to remind people which track is which via visual association. However, if the track is not selected, its picture is black&white. And if the picture is B&W, it is very hard to decipher what is on the picture. So the point of putting the picrues in the menu is somewhat lost, I think.
S3 licensed
Quote from St4Lk3R :Although its a good idea, I think that would be a bit too arcade-ish for LfS. We do have mirrors in our cars.

I agree
S3 licensed
Quote from joen :Hi Scawen, I was wondering if you have time to implement a couple of improvements regarding replays in this series of test patches? They seem fairly easy to do to me (but what do I know, so sorry if it isn't)

Could we have a delete and rename function in the replay screen, similar to what you did for the setups? I think it would make managing replays a lot easier. Something like in the screenshot?

And what would also be great imo is the possibility to rename a replay when watching it. (Just like you are already able to save a replay during/after a race by pressing 2).

Sorry if this isn't the time or place to ask, in that case please consider it for a later time.

I'd rather have track and car information than the screen full of delete & rename buttons.
However, I agree that "delete" and "rename" should be for replays (and track+some sort of car info also, if possible

Quote from Sternendaal :Thanks,that did the trick.

Had the same problem. Took me some time to figure out what the feck was going on (especially as I was a tiny bit wasted at that time)... :P
S3 licensed
I also agree that the map must not be too crowded or too complex. Otherwise there is no use of it.

However, being able to distinguish the closest (in race position) racers to you is a real need for me. To be honest, I don't really care where the last guy in the race is or the first guy, if he is miles ahead. I do however care, where the guys next to me are.
S3 licensed
Quote from Victor :ok, problem fixed. Download speeds should be approximately 20 times faster now

and why not 40 times faster ? :hidesbehi

S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Loving the little arrow heads on the map now, and the new map in general, and the track selection screen, and the server list sorting. Awesome stuff.

Same here, however, I would also like the arrows to be more obvious (easier to see in which direction the driver is going) and I would also like to have maps in autocross.

that blue flag = blue arrow on map looks like an interesting idea and could be good if developed a bit
S3 licensed
Quote from avih :hmm... -2 points for me for overlooking that possibility

I think demotion to seria B is more proper, and of course -2 points
S3 licensed
Quote from Kalev EST ::bananadea

couldn't have said it better myself
S3 licensed
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Its all about fun.

ehhemm... well, for some people it's about serious racing and winning...
S3 licensed
There's a difference to being slow and being slow. If ur like 10 sec off the pace, I see no problem, but I've seen guys who spin out all the time and recover in front of you, get in your way driving 50 km/h in a 150 km/h curve. Then it's a problem...
S3 licensed
1 lap race at BL1
last guy to cross the finish line wins
the last finisher must not take more than 15 minutes to cross the line
if so, the race is restarted

the most clever of all wins
S3 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :Geez.. Did Dean Evans have 20 more horsepower than the rest of the field or was everyone else only using half throttle?Uh-hu

Yeah, that was crazy how he gained on the lead car, which was way ib front...
S3 licensed
Quote from szyszek :CityDriving Cops & Robbers is the server to join if you wanna get your team skin stolen (thanks distressor, I know it's nice, I spent quite some time making it,altough I don't enjoy seeing some jackass using it) and hear some racist comments.

The idiots are making their way into S2...

OT: Is the wrecker barricade only for wreckers, or ppl who steal skins and such as well?

stolen skin barricade, lol
S3 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :Effin' A! I'm going down with you, bring on the torchers.

I'm sick of these "why I got banned from Race-only-in-your-green-boxers, type-backwards-and-drive-only-GTi-with-three-wheels-while-robbers-knit-socks" -server.

I don't give a rats ass of what u are or are not sick off. Why I wrote here was to ask who the server owner was, so I could talk to him personally. But I guess reading my first post was too hard. So Effin' A your butthole!!

In any case, Thanks, Phlos
S3 licensed
Quote from Hallen :Jeeesh, back off dude. He didn't blame other people, he said he made a mistake. He was just explaining his state of mind at the time.
We've all been there. Had a bunch of wreckers ruining races all day, you get a bit touchy about any contact with another car. The ban was uncalled for, Static-x agreed that he made a mistake, and fixed it. What more can you do?
Well, unless of course YOU never make mistakes, then feel free to keep rubbing the salt in.illepall Subject closed.

Jakg was referring to earlier posts in this thread by Static:

Static says Senna is to blame:
Quote from Memph1s :looks now like Senna wants me to be the wrecker.
but everyone u will ask will say to you that its silly idea to pass with the MRT which is such instable, to pass round that corner and then in the first lap where everybody just looks forward to avoid crashing cars which stands in the track.


Static says he made mistakes and that Senna made mistakes (I wonder which mistakes of Senna he means?):
Quote from Memph1s :i guess we both made mistakes in that lap so i can just say sorry that i banned you then, but there where so many wreckers round there which annoyed me and then in the next race again out in first lap. I will unban you in a few minutes when I'm back on the server. So i hope its not anymore a problem. Finally i can just say sorry for the ban.

greetings Static-X

Hallen, I guess you made a mistake of not reading the thread and not understanding the conversation. Just to finish it of like you did:
illepall Subject closed.
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Same here.

Old banger racing was much better. Now, everybody just drives by (many even AVOID you illepall ) and you have to stay on the roof for the rest of the race.

Just like in real life
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :

Happy now? illepall

I dont think, many people, who join these servers, will look into the forums before. And if they are only a little bit as smart as me and do this , they will probably also look in the forum called "Leagues & Events".

And btw, where did I insult you?

If u read the thread, then u saw that nobody clearly knows the rules, so I guess almost nobody is "as smart as you".

You insulted me when you made fun of me whilst I was trying to help other forumers.

And btw, if not to insult me, what was the point of your first post in this thread at all??
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod ::ices_rofl

Sorry, Im busy now.

I'll do it tomorrow, ok?

Look, smart guy

clearly the servers with the new "cops and robbers" layouts have become popular lately. And clearly, very few people know the rules. Since u have all this knowledge all u do is insult me instead of helping the community by at least providing a link.