Yes, at 256 minutes u have reached the nexus of the Universe where time and space does not exist in the manner as we know it... In there time dilations occur at random intervals, cars morph from FXO to FO8, your mother drives faster lap times than you, etc.... U are lucky to just escape with two world records, I tell you...
Man... JJ72 had all these nice skins... But they are not gonna get banned, are they? How is such a cheat possible anyways and what the hell were they thinking on the 1st of the month to have such high numbers... I just don't get it
In case you really "you use up all your unlocks then suffer a system problem (say, a hard drive crash)" the best bet is not to "never ask him [Victor] if you can help it"
In that case you are not going to be able to race. I don't see that as the best bet. I mean best bet for what? Best bet for watching TV?
I think that if u really have serious problems and have used up all your unlocks then the best bet (and I am assuming here that the person wants to play LFS) is to ask Victor and like you said "he might give it". He might tell you to wait, but asking is your "best bet" I would say...
errr... not sure what u have in mind when you say "dingy" (and probably don't wanna know) but please do stay on topic, I'm sure "Scrawen's dingy" has nothing to do with absinthe at all...
lol... from just turned from an autosport simulation BB to a "High alcohol content, psychoactive, illegal in many countries drug, " pedling business Soon to be closd by da authorities...