not been to Daytona, but that's my experience with MIS too... you want to be up high-ish (maybe not ALL the way up) on the front side of the track... behind the two rednecks that get in a fist fight because someone accidentally spilled their beer.
You have to be near the rednecks, otherwise you lose out on all the great people watching opportunities and the umm...unique culture
just goes to show that politics is as much about the marketing, if not more, than actual policy. Funny, we're in the same quadrant of the same quadrant, but I've always trended Democrat.
well I don't have the slightest idea how you could ever claim that dearborn doesn't give back to the community, it's certainly not a one-sided relationship.
Besides, despite a large muslim population, it's an incredibly multicultural place. And pretty much everyone speaks English at at least a passable level. All the kids who grew up in the USA are as American as you or I, they just celebrate different holidays, look a little different, and eat different food. What's so bad about that? They talk like kids I know, act like kids I know, play the same sports, make the same stupid teenager mistakes, go off to college, get jobs... The blending in starts fast, another generation and the lines will be even more blurred...
I take what I said back, I'm used to Midwestern country roads... there is no terrain in the Midwest to speak of. I assume near mountains and stuff they could get pretty twisty.
Not only does this video have absolutely 0 relevance to anything we've been talking about, there is little to no context of the events preceding the arrest. My guess is that the officers standing right next to them told them several times nicely to cut it out and they were arrested for disobeying a police officer.
On a lighter note, it would appear they've arrested Racer X
The tests are pretty minimal. My buddy and his family lived here for a few years (from Mexico), and his mom was able to pass the tests when she got the chance. And it's tough for me to have a conversation with her in English. I speak better Spanish than she does English, so we get along in my questionable Spanish.
If you're ever up my way, visit Dearborn, MI. It's a great place, known for a huge Muslim population. They make some killer food in downtown, even if you can't read the signs or know what you're eating. I love it there specifically because it's different. I don't want everyone to be the same, that would bore the hell out of me.
Oh, and it's a very well kept place, and most of the people who live there have good jobs and definitely contribute to the society in a meaningful way.
Actually, I do wonder. Forums are raceless places, because we all hide behind avatars. I wonder who he's not-so-indirectly insulting right now, without even knowing it.
It's not. Actually very, very noticeably different when I go between Michigan and Georgia. USA's far too big to only have one culture.