IIRC tie rods are to doo with keeps the wheels pointing straight and both turning at the same time. best get the tie rod end sorted. not sure how it "will not work" makes no sense to me. maybe im totaly wrong (which is more likely)
general, you wont be getting a lift in my capri too soon, just failed my test only 6 minors, but some idiot not braking and using my side of the road is my fault aparently no money to book another test at the mo, so i may be a while
he seems to like to swaer a lot doesnt he? did you hear his comments about his headrest in the car its good little kids go to bed early!
And ross cant be too good a gardener, he said he'd damaged a disc in his spine and its only just healed (the wonders of no commentry strikes again!)
Was funny listening to the stewards too, the two by the pit light arguing over if it was actually working or not
yup, girls get it cheap. half price for my car in fact the money saved could probably cover the sex change haha.
Least mines gone down £600 by just waiting, only £1900 now.
Guessing you want this in theory. Otherwise it might just be worth doing a few 0-xxx runs using the two diffrent options for shift points and seeing which one takes less. Or im probably missing the point and your asking why the two results, if so carry on
make up some stuff for guitar (see the tips in the other thread :P) dont need the amp on, can just play. see if you can make "new" chords (to you anyway)
think hes mid 20's but nevermind, you might hear him one day. he seems to know everyone so thought it was worth a try
its best to try and learn songs you like. but for feeder id suggest buck rodgers and oxygen. (although buck rodgers is a funny tuning but barely anybody notices)
its always good to learn at least one song all the way thru, keeps your memory good for learning things, you also start to work out how diffrent bands style their music. one you probably not heard of, but a band called feeder. their older (pre 2002) stuff is catchy and simple. might be worth learning a few of those songs (can learn them in about 10mins.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AgPfKkHpHc just learnt this by dallas green (of alexisonfire) weird tuning, but quite good if you can do strumming and picking. probably a bit too much after 7 months though. I better get to sleep, 1:30am, gotta be up at 6am let me know if you find anything.
Also noticed youre in jersey, theres an amazing guitarist i know over there, cant remember his last name though! know his 1st name is alex (edit:last name macon or something), has a motorbike and a wacking great amp, should hear him a mile off lol
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... 5VMeA&feature=related another one id love to play, just listen to the intro. and you can use your neck pickup with clean to get acousticy stuff, well depending on string gauge. what do you use? got d'adarrio 11's on mine (think its a .42-.11 scale) what music do you listen to? might be able to find some "easy" songs
another good way to learn to make your own (i found) is find a song you like, and see if u can make ur own by re-arranging the chords, or replacing one chord and re-arranging, or adding another chord and just strum about.
if i ever get a mic and my electric working again i might. its been in pieces since november need to dril the pickguard for the new pots but havent found anyone with the right peice. soon though i hope! then i just need a job and a proper amp gonna try and find you a few links to pretty good acoustic stuff. by the way do you have a tuner? your high E sounded a bit out in that recording.
yeh i was quite proud of it. just gotta watch out as the guitar takes a thrashing, gotta play the acoustic quite hard, comes out as sounding a bit like two guitars. i would tab it out, but i cant remember it till i play it Also, ive never had any lessons, just learnt from tabs and watching people. Found although it can hamper with learning skills it leaves a bit more open for creativity.
got some new bits now. "new tune" is my favorite on these. and the "new string" on the other zip file was just a new set of strings on a £70 guitar and £15 amp someone gave me! (cant even EQ it) just the make and thickness of the strings giving it that punch.
Not really any tips no, just fiddle really. try picking chourds, adding an extra note, moving one finger a fret or two along to find a new/good sounding note/chord try picking it or playing it, or a mix of both. just go with how ur feeling at the time, thats how most of mine if not all of them came out. either that or from messing up learning other songs and finding something new thats how the "new tune" came up. was a mess up of trying to learn the intro to "mexico" by incubus!
ahh right. round a few of my very old files. then newer ones i had to record on the fone cause the mic broke might put them up. some are from when id been playing about 10months. others from the last couple of months (been playing just over 2 years) Will edit and upload in a second.
EDIT: old and new attached, sorry for the talking people in the new stuff. and for the mic which cant hold volume in the old stuff. and also sorry it sounds so bad :P
2nd edit: cant fit new files on, wil try again in as second
do you use up and down strokes? sounds a bit like all downstrokes to me probably just me tho. have to try and find some cheap old recordings off my phone when i get a second.