Glad u guys like the capri, not so much a restoration project, more touching up before i can afford to get it on the road.
Its a 1986 model, only 62,000 on the clock (works out 3,000miles a year) been sat for the last 8 years in a garage till i bought it. then im just sorting out what needs doing for the MOT and getting it on the road. Looking at fitting an EFi and electronic ignition system to it at some point, just hard to get all the parts. needs a tubular exhaust manifold too, the cast one holds back about 3-6bhp minimum! If i changed to a K&N airfilter, tubular manifold, EFi system and head, electric fan (as opposed to viscous) i should be getting about a 10-20% bhp increase

Looking at getting 15" revolution RFX alloys too at some point. it does need a respray as some of the paint is gone down to primer, but one of my uncles is a body specialist and has a compressor, so i shall get that sorted in the summer! With the prices the capri's are making now ive made a profit just by letting it sit there, barely any rust on it, nothing noticeable!
Talking of the freezing, my boot is frozen unlocked

and the door wouldnt shut when my friend drove it down the field, she almost took the door off on a trampoline as it swung open
If you got any more questions let me know