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S2 licensed

Is it possible to set the mouse wheel as the throttle input??

Anywho, the LX6 is a beast. I love it. To make it harder to drive the devs in their wisdom removed Auto Blip on downshift option. This unfortunately makes it very easy to compression lock the rear wheels in higher powered light weight vehicles if you're not careful. Probably easy to blip the throttle with a keyboard, but people like me using a Logitech gamepad can't. (not unless I stop braking to do so... crash).

Damn it, I want wheel/pedals again so I can heel/toe.
S2 licensed
Quote from David 96 :Ok. Maybe I buy S2 license but help me.
After I buy what happenens?

You won't get Flamed for being a demo user, but you'll still get flamed for reasons that not even Santa knows why.

S2 licensed
Quote :drift (drĭft) Pronunciation Key
v. drift·ed, drift·ing, drifts

v. intr.

1. To be carried along by currents of air or water: a balloon drifting eastward; as the wreckage drifted toward shore.

Live for Hot Air Ballooning??

S2 licensed
Quote from hughesie89 :As a recent brainwashed mac user, i find myself using lfs less and less as it requires me to load bootcamp. otherwise good game

Fixed it up for you

S2 licensed
LFS is the only game that has been installed on my hard drive since Feb 2003. Nuff said. (although I do not play it very often )
S2 licensed
Quote from Glenn67 :A long time ago the hand brake pressure was just as adjustable as max brake pressure is now, but for some reason it was removed

You're right, that was a loong time ago. No idea why it was removed... it's more easy and realistic to be able to adjust the handbrake strength then the brakes in a roadcar. Anywho, it's just a game...
S2 licensed
Welcome to the Offical Forum.
S2 licensed
My theory on the delayed release of the VW is that it will make the fictional cars in LFS look like they are from a game 10 years ago. Look at the RB4, compared to the other cars it looks half finished now... compared to the VW... nasty.

Anyway, the game has been more successful in its development than Racing Legends by West Racing.. lol, now that was an epic failure. LFS in its prime gave many of us a number of enjoyable and unforgetable races.
LFS' current state and you?
S2 licensed
After nearly 6 years of playing LFS the development has hit an all time slow and I, personally, have lost a lot of interest in LFS. I still pop in every now and then to see if/what anything has happened... nothing has happened.

I've got no idea if the Alpha tag will ever be removed from S2, but after 3 years I would expect it to be at least S2 Beta by now.
S2 licensed
I vote yes. There are so many flame wars between "licensed" and "Demo" players on the general forum. A demo sub forum might stop the pointless bitching between them.
S2 licensed
Quote from speedemon57 :Truly, the RB4 GT is a Supra with the taillights of a MR2. But, ok?

And the running gear of a Celica GT4
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :The state penitentiary?

*runs for cover (and the comfort of a sheep she's just wrestled free from the claws of a Kiwi)*

S2 licensed
sometimes I put ramps at the end of Blackwood and see how much chaos it causes amongst the AI. Then, just to spice it up, I'll add concrete barriers at their landing position
S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :It's graphics card usage, not RAM useage. Also, it would be a massive increase. In essence, not possible.

As you probably know, graphics card have their own RAM/RAM useage. Now, accordingly to LFS on my rig with graphics set to the highest, it's using about 50MB of my graphics card RAM. So I've got 462MB of RAM doing nothing because this is "not possible".

I dunno about you, but I see plenty of space there for a massive increase in graphics card useage. Maybe the DEVS need to replace there TNT2 graphics cards and start to take advantage of todays hardware.

(TNT2 was the Graphics card my PC had when I first played LFS in 2003. hehe.)
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :a pinto is not a muscle car. Maybe in new zealand 100 horses=ridiculous power.

I drive an american muscle car and it has yet to understeer on the track. I'm sure with all the experience europeans have with late 60's american performance cars they can tell you all about how I'm wrong.

We all have our experiences and I have my own. A few years ago a mate and I where at our local race track (Raleigh International Raceway). I had my (long sold) Nissan Pulsar (Japanese) he had his Holden Calibra (European). We paid $20 each to use the track all day when the local hire karts were not in use.

Neither of us came off once, we had a few moments but never left the track. Some dude with his Ford Mustang (late 90's) had been watching us and decided to have a go. After doing a stupid burnout, he made the first corner OK then at the first Chicane the car just understeered straight ahead off the track. He then proceeded to spin the car twice on two separate occasions on the back corners.

Sure he could have been a bad driver, but from watching the car it certainly didn't look anywhere near as composed as ours nor easy to control. At this point I must also mention my car was built in 1982. I certainly was proud to be going home in my little rice box than his ego destroying yank tank

LFS 2 years from now...
S2 licensed
... we will be playing S2 Beta instead of Alpha...
S2 licensed
Sorta, using in game commands you can get the game message to show your PB, your submitted hot lap time (if you've done one) and the current world record for that track/car.

(bottom of the page)
S2 licensed
LFSTweak worked on any server and people could do less than 20 second lap times in the XFG around Blackwood.
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :No, sorry. That line can be found in previous versions too, been there for quite a bit I think.

Ahh bummer!
S2 licensed
Anyone else noticed this… looks like some big changes to the weather/time of day with it possibly being be dynamic.

3g_dt_dawn_ Dawn
3g_dt_sunri Sunrise
3g_dt_morni Morning
3g_dt_day__ Day
3g_dt_after Afternoon
3g_dt_sunse Sunset
3g_dt_dusk_ Dusk
3g_dt_night Night
3g_wth_clea Clear
3g_wth_clou Cloudy
3g_wth_over Overcast
S2 licensed
Quote from Electrik Kar :I think he means after the game is finished. If people are still playing Stalker 4 years on from now, I'd say that's long term. I don't consider Stalker to be a 4 year old game now, as it only came out this year.

The Stalker situation is completely different to that of LFS. Stalker was not available to the public as a Beta until late February 2007. LFS has been available as a demo (and it only ever started as a demo) from it's very early days and the Alpha was released some two years ago. So of course Stalker isn't considered a long term game already, it's just had a long term development.

LFS S1 was an offically released product after the demo peroid. S2 demo was then released and S2 Alpha soon followed as development was delayed on the final version. S2 offical or final release version isn't even here yet... Stalker's official version is.

Going off topic: Having recently purchased and finished Stalker, I've never played a new release that felt so unfinished. Although Stalker has been offically released and has had 4 or so patches, it's still got plenty more bugs requiring attention and feels incomplete/rushed. Also the developers are now creating a second Stalker title so the development of the first has more than likely stopped.

Having said that and going further off topic, Stalker has the most intense atmosphere that I've ever experienced in any game. I highly enjoyed it and am about to play it again... maybe with mods.

In a nutshell... you can't compare the two on basis of long term as one was only released to the public this year and the other title has been public for most of its development life.
S2 licensed
Quote from Borat :If LFS is going to survive long term ...

Some of us have been playing since '02 (Feb 03 for though)... that's four years, that's pretty long term already.

Also, why mod a game that is technically still in development?
S2 licensed
Quote from Nick Whitney :My pit crew jack my car up every time I stop in the pits,(like with my tyres off the ground) That's why I ca'nt drive off.

What do you mean you've never seen any pitcrew?....

What about when you only stop for fuel?? hehehe...
S2 licensed
Quote from icyocean :...

but i don't know about the pit stop false start thing. irl can you move the car evenif ppl are working on it? anyway i doubt it'd add anything to the racing.

Urm, if the car is engaged in gear with the driving wheels on the ground then of course the car can be driven... why wouldn't it move? The reason why cars don't move when pitting irl is probably due to the drivers not wanting to hurt/run over his/her pit crew.

Irl if the car is jacked up for a tyre change and you have it in gear with the clutch out, I highly doubt the pitcrew could change the driving wheels without inflicting extreme damage to equipment or person... just imagine what would happen to a person putting on a driving tyre if you drop the clutch with the car in 1st gear... bye bye arms.. ouch!
S2 licensed
Everyone gets their own starting garage, so why not a marker of some sort highlighting to you only which garage/pit box is yours?

Makes sense to me. In the real world of motor sport (LFS is meant to simulate motor sport, right?) you don't see a Ferrari pit at a random pit box... that would be interesting to watch though. hehehe.