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S2 licensed
Reaction time is pretty important in the world of drag racing. Good suggestion.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :/ban BBT 999

Sometimes, it'd be nice, just for Eric to end this all by going "THE ONE POST, TO END THEM ALL!"

Which would be:

"I've quit LFS"

S2 licensed
Quote from Jamexing :FYI, auto diff locks are known as detroit lockers. Their default operating mode is as a locked diff. When one wheel is forced to turn faster on a sticky surface like tarmac, the faster outside wheel is allowed to disengage and freewheel whilst all power is sent to the inside wheel. But if one applies torque to the detroit locker again (e.g. flooring the throttle) it'll return to its normal locked diff mode of operation after about 15 degrees of wheelslip.

Detroit lockers are somewhat strange to those not used to them as they change the cars behavior from super tight and stable to absolutely loose whilst cornering. Turn in will feel tight, but as the vehicle starts to turn and the diff unlocks, there's a relatively sudden increase in yaw rate. But if one gets used to them, they do in a sense provide the ultimate performance as they have the traction of a locked diff without the mid corner speed penalties.

Cheers, I've always wondered how the detriot locker worked... only ever used ARB air lockers.
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :/me leaps some years into the future ...

Remember them silly quad core 3Ghz cpu and SLI 8xxx series - how anyone ever managed to play games on those snails is beyond me!


Years ago people also used their pc's for gaming. Games weren't invented yesterday.
Not everybody has massive amounts of cash to spend on their pc. In fact there are many people who appreciate LFS being capable of running on their lower end system - dare I say the majority.

Unfortunately for many that is a thing of the past now with 32 cars... which isn't at all a bad thing, 32 cars is brillant and long awaited. Now to get the most out of my old PC to get frame rates back up... just can't afford an upgrade atm. Progress shouldn't be hindered by low end PC's though.

I think the skin idea is good. 1024 isn't all that high quality considering old games such as Operation Flashpoint have allowed the choice of 4096 textures if you wanted. However for bandwidth sake it's a good balance... 4096x4096 skins would cost a fortune, I dare say 1 pound wouldn't cover 2000, maybe 2... hehe.
S2 licensed
In general the front diffs of a 4WD are "open diffs" unless they are fitted with a diff locker, it's rather rare to see an LSD in the front diff of 4WD. However, most modern 4WD's have a rear LSD at the very least and some makes offer Front/Rear Diff Locks as an optional extra. A lot these days are also using the ABS to help control wheel spin, but that's completely different to a diff lock or LSD.

Some diff locks require the driver to press a button to engage the diff lock, some are automatic. When the manual diff lock is not engaged then the diff is "open". I don't know much about automatic ones (only ever used manual), I don't think it would be wise to fit one to the front diff.

To further explain a Centre Diff Lock, what that does is engage a fixed 50/50 drive split between the front and rear axles. Otherwise, when the Centre Diff Lock is not engaged the "Full-time" 4WD really just acts like a AWD vehicle which varies the drive between the front and rear wheels depending on wheel slip etc.
Last edited by Rotary, .
S2 licensed
Quote from DEFFX :But how does our state-of-mind differ from those that do it for real?

well i dunno bout you but im usually not even legal to drive when i play

hehe, thank god there are no RBT units in LFS... I would that license test quite often
S2 licensed
Quote from Dethred :I'm sorry. Name any Real vehicle similar to any car in LFS that gets its speed anywhere than from the differential.


Challanged accepted.

The RX7, to which the XRGT Turbo is similar, speedo cable is mounted in the transmisssion.

Frankly, does it really matter that much?

DragonCommando: Porsche do measure speed at the differential, but my experience is similar.. being that all cars I've owned/worked on have always had the cable running from the transmission.

(oops didn't realise its an old thread!)
Last edited by Rotary, .
S2 licensed
Nice mod!!

One thing, the file "winker" in english should be "blinker" or "indicator" depending on country
S2 licensed
Watching any form of Motorsport with drivers who know what they are doing is entertaining to me. Car control is what I enjoy regardless of the form it's used in. I also miss the days of drum brakes and no power steering race cars! Geez those buggers had a lot of work cut out for them and were the only ones in control.

Everything has it's time and place and maybe the reason so many people are anti this or anti that is from bad experiences. I know it bugs me if I'm racing and someone joins and starts drifting disturbing the race... but I'm not anti drift, just think we all need to think about what's appropriate to do considering the circumstances. I'm sure drifters would be annoyed if people joined their servers and "grip" raced.

I remember not all that long ago there was a "Anti Drift Faction", it was discovered they supported genocide..
S2 licensed
LOL Well done, that was great.
S2 licensed
I think part of Tweak's point (sorry mate if this wrong, to many long posts for me to read ) is that the CSR mod has more of a placebo effect
S2 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :I just had to change my pants.

God damn that is an awesome place for a camera (also love how the sponsors don't waste any space, eh?), some of the corners looks like the tyre is about to fall off.

It was even better watching it live on TV the other day!

BTW 888 isn't the sponser, it's the number of the car (The team of that car is also called Triple Eight Racing). Although, they also had a camera in the wheel arch of another vehicle showing the rear of the brake disc and suspension components, there was plently of sponser stickers in there!

(Oops, looks like Gunn beat on that one!)

The move from 10 to 7 is going to be bad. Channel 7 are useless at best, shit they can't even get regular TV programs to run ontime with the TV guide.... they stuff the most simple of things and want to tackle live sport?? Shudder to think how the coverage will turn out. Considering 7 spends more time off the air in sporting events then on... hopeless, hopeless, hopeless station. BOO!!

I just hope they learnt something from the crap attempt at covering the Olympics - doubt it though.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :As a simulator its fantastic.
as a work of art ... Its DX8 lol not really a "work of art". If the game was rubbish with good graphics I wouldnt buy it

I posted these two screen shots in a Neverwinter Nights (RPG game) forum and below is the response I got.

"WOW! What game is that?!?! The graphics are killer!!!"

It may be DX8, but on my system LFS is the best looking sim out there. Probably because GTL and the likes are system killers and mine is getting old.... but that's what also makes LFS so good, you don't need the latest super computer to get the most out of it.

Oh, Welcome to LFS
S2 licensed
I've had a rear right tyre roll off the rim from cornering to hard... the tail then tried to overtake the front . That was in a Nissan Mica (not much bigger than a UF1000/Mini). It was a Domino's Pizza Car and I reckon I changed the tyre quicker than any professional pit crew could just so the pizza's were on time.

Not my finest hour, but I just told my boss it was a puncture and luckily for me the tyre was never inspected to prove otherwise.
S2 licensed
When you mix young males with the internet the result is not going to be good for any girl that enters the arena. It's a shame, but fact. It's probably worse in a game like this that has a higher male player base than female... more likely to find that "I'm 13, horney and never even seen a girl" player.

You can simulate the same thing in real life.... just place a large group young male's on a desserted island for six months. After which add one female... I wouldn't want to be that female.

I feel your pain. Once in the real world I had some crazy witchcraft women cast spells on me to fall in love with her. Either magic isn't real or she was crap at it because it never worked. I do however have these unnatural feelings toward farm animals... (j/k)
S2 licensed
Quote from tommy10101 :thank you so much all....

You're welcome, glad I was of no assistance... oh...

The answer you seek is 42.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I get like 4 of those a day, and I'm 14, so I should have like a 45743589074358435743759843957438 inch penis by now... :P

Bah, over the weekend I received no less than 50. Yes, 50. Everyday I receive up to 25 of those emails. My penis is so huge I currently have 130 freight trains following me everywhere to carryit.

S2 licensed
Metric, but I alternate between Bar & PSI.. so actually a mixture sometimes
S2 licensed
You mean a squishy tank

In the argument of realism previously used by yourself, that chicane jump at FE Club should be closed off! (although I love that spot and don't mean that statement, rather it was a cheap shot at Tweak meant in good humour)

Please don't hurt me.
S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :No. Bad idea. I can't be bothered to do them silly tests. In fact, they only belong in "Gran Turismo : The Real Nissan Skyline Simulator (if you like anything else, you can f**k off)"

I like that name for the GT games, very accurate
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :in that case how about we just block off everything that isnt within 10 feet of the track lol

i think thats what makes games better.. well.. more realistic atleast, if you remembered from the GTR demo, on Spa, there were these holes in the armco that you could go through and drive around the infield quite a bit and even around the backside of the pits, i personally see that as something.. way more fun, and totally realistic since that IS possible in life

so i personally dont see why that should be blocked off for the sake of the image of LFS.. plus.. i cant say i've ever seen many people go up there.. besides myself that one time with roadhog and.. someone else

GTL is like that, you can drive around infield and outfield of most the tracks. Love it. Great idea. Makes the tracks feel more realistic as you're not locked on the track only... I love making my own short "AutoX" tracks using the infield foot paths - lol, its great fun.... FUN being the keyword. Not everything has to be serious all the time and if LFS was, it would be deleted from my harddrive.

As for the video, I've used to have FUN up there when S2 first came to us - love it and in fact until now had forgotten about that spot

S2 licensed
Quote from KaverL :Take my dog off my lap..

That's not a nice thing to call your partner

Normally I play with/pet my pussy on long straights

Beer must also be consumed on straights.
S2 licensed
What was this thread about again??

Ahhhh, that's right the LX8 GTR and grid girls

TC is a good thing for the majority of people who know bugger all about driving, along with ABS etc. Maybe we should remove airbags and let people slam their heads into steering wheels and dashboards again? Even better, lets remove collapsible steering coloums so the driver gets impaled like in the old days.

Lets face it, if technology makes cars safer for all those around it, then what's the problem? You have to look at the big picture and not just own personal preference. If it offers more safety for the majority, then majority rules. Sure some features on some cars may encourage a rich idiot to push his Enzo harder... put lets face it, with or without these aids the same rich idiot is still gonna buy the Enzo and push it beyond his limits anyway.

In motor sport though, I prefer raw mechanical racing. Man v's Machine. Hence my current dislike for modern F1, which is more like AI v's Man. Gimme the good old days, where the cars were raw and the driving talent was real... kinda like what the LX8 GTR would offer us

Having said that, I'm often told to turn TC ON in the BF1 - what, you don't like my often sideways action through turns (resulting in a trip into the sand or grass - damn minimal steering lock, who designs these cars anyways??) One day I'll master the throttle control in that car without TC
Last edited by Rotary, .
S2 licensed
Here's some shots of it from pre S2 Alpha days.

Pretty much an LX6 but with flared guards, slicks and a V8 engine similar to the F08's.... all that equals fun!
S2 licensed
I prefer raw mechanical beasts but I'll use technology if its there. Besides, since the real F1's have TC why is it a problem in our "real" F1 car?