Here's the log from the last server I timed out on trying to connect... no idea if it helps. EXIT was done by Shift + F4 and using the X in the top right corner.
LFS : 0.5P2 timer resolution 1 ms read config get command line preinit d3d number of adapters : 1 adapter 0 - valid modes : 138 load bans load font max texture size 4096 can do shadows can use 2x tex can do multi tex can use dynamic tex can use compressed tex create english file initialisations human system init sound tables helmet init controllers default light map load objects start intro Autocross end of initialisation Corrupted NameReply shutting down free objects free languages free controllers clear light map close sound free humans free font free helmet save bans free host list kill graphics save calibrations free mouse save config EXIT
Edit: This time the server track was Autocross. Other servers were on West Hill & AS Cadet.
Edit 2: Maybe it's not me. I was just able to join Heathen Racing Australia twice whilst empty with no problems - even changed the track! I then tried one of the aforementioned servers and got the errors. Looks like a server side problem and not mine. woohoo!
(What rotten luck I had, 4 different servers all empty and not working.)
Here's a new one... or so I think, and wish didn't happen.
I'm trying to connect to empty LFS servers but so far all the empty servers I join I lag out on. I connect fine but get locked in the setup screen. I click on leave, say yes but nothing happens. I try to switch track, click on a track name and nothing happens. Can't change car (server's have all enabled) and can't even join the race. This has happened on 4 completely different empty servers.
Now here's the twist. I can connect and race on an occupied server with no problems at all.
Kinda annoying as everyone is currently racing a car and track combo I don't want to be on, so I decided to join an empty server. My lag bar goes up a little and then nothing... It's happened on these empty servers so far: www.S2, GSA-XGN ORT, Race Time & InSPire Net - NZL.
My details
AMD 2500 +
Albatron KX18D Pro II nForce 2
1GB DDR Ram Dual Channel
Leadtek A6600GT
Windows XP
ZoneAlarm Pro
I had some problems with my firewall tonight prior to this which I fixed. However, I can't see how it's the cause as why would it allow me to connect to an occupied server with no dramas and not an empty? I also tried connecting with it off and nothing changed. So it's ruled out.
Here's a screenie of my connection bars stopped position which it stays at the whole time...
Mention something over here in the LFS section as many of the blokes there have admin for the Optus Servers. I can see the frustration in that, however, currently the AAL is holding a FOX league so that could be part reason to the mostly FOX servers. Are their only two Optus servers? I forget been ages since I last looked.
That's due to the packets not physics. In order for there to be minimal lag online each player is updated online 3 - 6 packets per second depending on server settings. The higher the number the smoother it is as the player is updated more frequent.
There's a thread about this very recently, in which again it was told that the ghost car is patented which means it would cost a large sum of cash to use. Not aware of any mods for one, that was discussed to. Replay analyser is what most people use.
There's a pit wall at KY GP Reverse that you can drive through - right near the line where you turn off the limiter. It's the concrete barrier that closes off the gap between the walls of the pits and start/finish straight. Just drive through it 5 - 6 times and then when you go through the solid walls dividing the pits and start/finish the car launches and suffers huge damage
Actually, the above pitcure with my car doing 441 is the spot but going the wrong direction to were you enter.
Off-topic: What I think LFS needs is the option to limit car setups settings to finite values. Take the Aussie V8 supercars and their diffs as one small example. They have a limit of three diffs to choose from which I think are 3.7:1, 3.5:1 & 3.25:1. It would be good to run a comp in LFS that allowed setups to be controlled without the option of near infinite settings.
Server side optional of course.
On-topic: I've been wanting to tweak engine mapping in LFS for ages... I know bugger all about it, but would learn if LFS allowed it
6600GT is a good GF card and I recommend it, no trouble with mine. Although, from what I've read, the x800 GT out performs the 6600GT in higher screen resolution benchmarking
Athlon all the way if your main use is gaming. You really should try to get one stick of 512 DDR ram now and then another later if you can. In the not so distant future 1Gb ram will be required for gaming as the minimum and not 512... well so I think
Take BF2 for example, it's advertised with a minimum ram needed of 512... my system up until last night had 512 DDR and BF2 struggled. When it first loads a map I was getting so much stuttering for up to 1 minute, even after reducing texture quality which is the main cause of stuttering, and it's so frustrating waiting for the PC to sort itself out while most people are out shooting each other.
Since installing another 512 stick last night I get no stuttering and have been able crank up some decent texture quality So, now the game looks sweet, runs near faultless and frustration is completely removed!
BF2 now uses 905Mb of my ram according to task manager! Some people with 2Gb ram who run the game at the highest GF settings (I use a medium/high GF setting) reported BF2 using up to 1.4Gb. It won't be long till most games will be as ram hungry as BF2. However, LFS isn't ram hungry and 512 is more than enough for it.
My favourite three at the time of writing: XR GT, XR GTT & UF GTR
I never wanted the UF GTR to replace the LX8 GTR, and wish we had both not one of the two, but damn that UF GTR is a fun little race car despite being FWD
XR GTT is so much fun after S2's improvements... hated racing it in S1 (enjoyed drifting it though), but I refused to be a FXO driver as 95% people used it anyway and the RB4 was only good when racing those who weren't FXO aliens
XR GT will always be my favourite, it just feels so balanced and natural. Probably because it's similar to most the cars I've owned/driven.
In S2 I've barely driven these cars; FZ50/FZR, RA, LX4, MRT5 or XFR. I don't think I've driven the S2 version XF GTi unless it was for smash ups either. Hope to give them some time later on and see if my top three changes
Odd, drifters at the LFS RSC forum had it as tough there, if not more so, than here.
Tr8cer: What real world do you live in? I only ask as I want to be a part of it because my tyres have worn and it just cost me $800.00 to replace them. In your world they are MUCH cheaper, but in LFS I get tyres replaced for free... Amazing, how do you get tyres cheaper than free in the real world?
Leagues have a big influence on what cars a server runs... well so I think. Most people tend to race on a server that allows them to practice for an upcoming league race.
I bet if next the AAL was a road car league there would be hardly any faster car servers and most people would be practicing the road cars