I too have the same thing at Fern Bay... A6600GT 128mb, buggered if I can remember what driver though 7x.xx (what ever came with BF2 demo). It might be AA/AF related, which in LFS I have at 8/16. Although this doesn't happen on the other tracks with same settings, only Fern Bay from what I have noticed.
The main problem with the old credits system is you don't even have to drive cars once you unlock them. I know I just used the GTI with a dodgy AI setup to unlock all the S1 cars, I'm sure many others did a similar thing.
I have another suggestion for a credit based unlock system... An Unlock Credits Tree. Check out my crappy tree attached for what I mean. Basically it suggest that in order to get the XF GTR you need to earn 100 credits in the XF GTi. To unlock the UF1000 you need to earn 50 credits in the GTi first and to get the UF GTR you need to earn 100 credits in the UF1000 after unlocking etc. I wasn't sure about MRT, FOX and FO8 but since they are all single seaters I classed them together with the MRT being unlocked with an LFS license.... just a rough idea and those credit numbers are probably a bit to low for the cars - maybe 80 and 200
I'm not keen on the idea of the license tests to unlock cars as I find them boring and frustrating (well the AI is frustrating). What I really prefer is having all content unlocked from the word go... I'm tired of games that have all the good content hidden until you play the game to much... more and more I'm finding less time and I just love how in LFS S2 (and GTR) you can jump in any car at any track whenever you have time.
I agree that it's annoying when newbies drive cars online for the first time causing death and destruction, although some don't...
The light flashes on all cars in S2, even if they have no indicators.. I once bumped one of the indicator buttons on the F08 and had no idea why an Orange light was flashing.. lol.. until I realised a fair while later anyway.
bugger!! maybe it was a track load error? Ages ago in S1 I was hot lapping the LX6 around FE black and the car just all of a sudden launched in the air. I turned around to look at the track and where I got airbourne had an invisible raised part.. I had fun for 5 minutes, saved the replay and quit LFS. The next time I drove the combo the track was fine and the replay had an OOS error at the buggy spot
If you want some ideas for running a demo comp then check out what our team with Australian Auto Action mag hosted a while back for demo racers.. might have scroll a bit to find it.
Combined axis - No
Enable FF - yes
Effects strength - 100%
Spring strength - 0%
Damper strength - 0%
Center spring enabled - yes
Center Spring strength - 0%
I like the above. I usually tweak the ffb strength in game along with castor to get a better feel.
Hmm, LFSTweak lets you change the exhaust sound which was very cool. Although it doesn't work for S2 and it only worked at your end anyway (unless everyone online, server included as LFSTweak doesn't work online unless the server is using it, used the exact same settings).
LOL, no I am not stupid. There are no Indy car (clones) in LFS, so why do we need "Push to Pass"?? Formula 3000 don't use it, nor does what ever the FOX is a clone off.
Turbo boost is more fun anyway.. I'd rather be able to jump stuff at will than have full access to my engines power for only 60 secs.