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S2 licensed
Now updated because both 405T16 skins were 2048*2048...
S2 licensed
"Have you ever i.e heard about / read the European Copyright Directive (EUCD)?
I bet no.

It doesn't matter how you define something. It's the copyright law that defines it for you, me and all the others.

In fact the laws about copyright in Europe are so caotic that companies register logos under EACH country where they are present plus on UE laws.
Because laws in Italy are different from the one in Germany, and EUCD will not cover you in some cases. Coca Cola is a registered mark not only in USA but also in Italy, Spain, UE etc...
For example in Italy i could name my company "Ferrari" that makes for example wines and Ferrari the car maker cant sue me because it has nothing to do with cars. And there are also laws that protect brands that are not registered. So it's a big mess. And also more complicated, but space and my really crappy english...
And LFS it's not the only skinnable game, and i never heard of someone sued by ford because he has done the last focus WRC replica for richard burns rally...
S2 licensed
Another replica! This time Peugeot 405 T16 Rally Raid!
The RB4 T16!
Hope you like it!
Last edited by Rubenz81, .
S2 licensed
Less than 5 min work. It'ok?
At least i finally use the chrome filter of psp.
S2 licensed
Replica skin for rb4, Lancia Scuderia Grifone, another famous livery for lancias other than martini one.
Yes i know that rb4 has nothing similar with any lancia...
Hope you like it!
S2 licensed
Quote from filur :The devs can't use any logos or anything else under copyright because they're selling a commercial product, using popular brands could be seen as marketing for LFS itself.

For private individuals, hobbyists, to put copyrighted logos on their car is something very different.

So you asked valvoline and intel?

Anyway, nice skin, like the paint job!
S2 licensed
Well guys, really thanks!
Smax, beautiful!
Dajmin, the same!
Good job
S2 licensed
Nutty boy: yup small skin for lag problems, bigger for singleplayer or Bob&Doug entusiast!
Jakg: Sadly nice avatar.

Edited: changed the skin a little, check previous post!
Last edited by Rubenz81, .
S2 licensed
Bob: So how we can advertize our film?
Doug: We paint our race car eh.
Bob: Beauty eh! My brother is a genius eh.
Doug: I'm a professional eh.

Strange Brew movie skin, for Canadian members here or just for the hosers who like Bob&Doug McKenzie!

Take off, eh!
Last edited by Rubenz81, . Reason : tweaked skin a little
S2 licensed
Dajmin and Smax: lot of thanks to both of you, awesome job.
Here are the logos (all black as they are on the car) that i find not correct in preview pics.
Oh and codriver name was CrestO not CrestA, who anyways is a heck of rally driver.
The number plate it's a problem. What is the correct one? What's the right number? If some finnish rally nostalgic could help...
I hope that i explained me right (my bad english), it's just that when i make a replica skin i like it perfect to the last detail so... dont be angry!
Also because you guys have made a wonderfoul job so far...
Dajmin: i found the "dirty" skin looot better, the dirt makes it more "real"!
Anyway if other people or you like the skin clean i will sadly accept the decision of democracy...
S2 licensed
Call me dumb but i couldn't find the skin on masterskinnerz forums
Would you mind sending me yours?
Alright, i'm outta here, i"ll stop ruining the thread.

Well i sayd you may find one because they have a lot of skins there... but i really dont know if someone has relised a public skin! (my bad english)
I will post a small preview so you can make one by your own (and see where you have to paint). I found the paint skeme it's really easy (even for me! ), and if you want help for logos...
If you can wait some days i will do one, but dont expect it for tomorrow!

Ok here is the pic:
S2 licensed
Juihi and Knight attack - Ehm, i didnt post the helmet... because it really sucks! I simply dont have the skills to make a decent one...
Knight attack- Nice avatar! And makes me think that we need a Gilles suit now. Anyone want to do one? Pleeeaase...
Meanie - I found one in the skin_x folder so maybe if you search, also on masterskinner site...
S2 licensed
Well... thanks a lot!
I will do the missing logos and the correct sabelt one, and also the tour de corse plate, just wait because today i'm busy!
Anyway looks really good!
Thanks again!
S2 licensed
NotAnIllusion- Eh those unbelievable flyng finns and their impossible names...
No wait.
Ok Forget it.

Alén it's one of my favourite. Some times ago after driving a wrc he said in a very funny italian: "Me dont like WRC, me likes Gr.B. Gr.B were noisy, you know roooaar. WRC not. Me dont like WRC"
S2 licensed
Well thanks to everyone!
If you guys will do a 037 for FZR and a S4 for RB4... weeee!
Here are some reference photos for 037 (note this is MARKU ALEN car NOT TOIVONEN; same car different details), and also all the logos on the car.
I will post pic soon of Toivonen car, but i cant find a decent one for now...
Thanks people!
Last edited by Rubenz81, .
REQ. Henry Toivonen/ Sergio Cresto 037
S2 licensed
Car: Henri Toivonen/Sergio Cresto Lancia 037
As paint skeme it's a little too difficult for my skills...
If someone can make this i can provide reference pics and most if not all logos.
I think FZR it's the most similar car, but also xrt, or the one you like skinning...
Then if someone want to make also Lancia S4 gr.b... for rb4
Thanks in advance!

Also only the martini paintjob would be a huge help!
S2 licensed
My last skin; as i dont have the skills to make difficult paintjobs i choosed a simple one...
Anyway finding and making all the logos taked a lot of time...
Ferrari 126 c2 N°27 inspired FO8 skin. Do i have to say was the driver?
Helmet in preview pic is not in the package...
Last edited by Rubenz81, . Reason : Edited due to wrong files upload
S2 licensed
Sorry for double post, here there is a pic for the ones who dont know what is a Lancia Stratos gr.5
S2 licensed
Here are my latest skin...
They are simple, but i'm still a noob!

-Fantasy G91 Pan Frecce tricolori
-Fantasy Hawk Red Arrows
-Lancia Stratos Giro d'Italia 1977 Replica (the number plate isn't finished but i cant find decent pictures of this car)

Hope you like them!
S2 licensed
Really thanks bean! And thanks to your sister also!
Help on some sort of flag... (for UK members... or jet pilots!)
S2 licensed
As i'm doing a Red Arrows skin, i've found a sort of flag\logo\whatever that i dont know and i would like to know what it is so i can copy or replicate it.
Seems i cant find a more accourate pic of it. If someone UK member or some pilot here knows what is it...
Thanks in advance!
S2 licensed
Third attempt at skinning.
Limewire/Tacobell fictional.
S2 licensed
...and i was thinking "hey i will upload on imageshack so there will be only the link here..." :dunce: My poor english...
S2 licensed
My second skin attempt.
Now it's XRR time.
Seem i cant find any other sponsor to add in this skin, all the ones i tryed look weird...

click for image 1

click for image 2

click for inage 3
S2 licensed
First, hi to all!
My first skin: Camel Lx6!
It's simple but that's my first attempt at skinning.
Well, the first non ugly attempt...

Edited: hope the links now are ok.

removed image tags; please dont post huge pictures, just 1 attachment will do -nuse
Last edited by XCNuse, .