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S2 licensed
Having fun at a small racetrack with the m3; NitroNitrous: wonderful celica, awesome car!
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Update: new rims and tires, too much grip though; now it needs a better driver than me!
S2 licensed
All the photos on this awesome thread are... jaw dropping!
Even the "amateurs" here are... pros!

Some of mine, hope you like...

Last edited by Rubenz81, .
S2 licensed
Quote from 5tag :It's not a proper Volvo though, but a DAF design with a Renault Engine.

Isn't the 2.0 Volvo engine?
S2 licensed
Quote from 5tag :...for a car with 300.000 km on the clock... ...2.0 L carburator these days? No thanks :P

Volvo with 300.000km? Still brand new!

A 2.0 carburator will instantly grow a manly beard on you. And you will be able to kill grizzly bears with bare hands.

Well right now i'm busy working on the bmw, but in the future i wouldn't mind making a funny track day/mountain roads car out of a little volvo...

Speaking of wich, epic sunset on the alps is epic...

Beside a little understeer and totally finished tires it's very funny to drive on the mountain roads! Waiting to change rims and tires before changins setup though...
Last edited by Rubenz81, .
S2 licensed
Quote from 5tag :I'm a bit jealous now, considered getting one in search for a new car but all I found were overpriced or badly maintained examples, or keys and documents were "lost...

not all the hope is lost... ... ?id=245838205&asrc=st ... =228835210&asrc=st|sr ... rom=1000&ustate=N%2CU
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :nais. any mods?

Yep, Bilstein pss9 (new shock mounts too), front and rear eibach sway bars, front and rear strut braces, adjustable camber plates (front, still waiting for rear adjustable camber arms to be delivered...) and this thingy wich i can't name in english: ... e-e36-318323325328m3.aspx
Also just bought new brake rotors with some better pads and stainless steel brake lines.
Still puzzled on the rims though; car came with 7.5X17 in the front and 8.5X17 rear. Wich gave me a little understeer as front axle is a little bit narrower. Will go for sure with 8X17 all around, and in case correct with spacers as needed. But what style i don't know, like the bbs a lot but i change mood eveyday about it

tbofram: i wouldn't put silly mods too on it, but with lightweight and a good suspension setup, 70 hp wouldn't be much of a problem in the twisty roads! I really really like the look of it! Really looks good with that rim's! As long you avoid bumpy roads XD
I see on wiki it has a stock wight of only 960kg. That is a really huge potential
S2 licensed
Other two photos, wish i had more time (and light), soon to change rims though.

Tbofram: that Volvo has potential. I like it!

S2 licensed
Lot of nice cars here!

Took a quick photo yesterday, 1995 M3 3.0L. Road to the ice rink; every time i use the bmw i arrive soo early at hockey practice...

Last edited by Rubenz81, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Karlokarlo :Legendary Group B Audi S1, pure sound, made me jizz in my pants!

Great video! And i was there too

Speaking of nice sounds... here the 2013 edition
Can't find a bad sounding car in all the video!

extended video:
S2 licensed ... 9Wn1c&feature=related

Hillclimb near where i live; starts with "slow" older cars to faster new ones.
Very good visual and expecially audio quality! Worth watching all 30 minutes!
Shitty music only for the first minute
S2 licensed
Someone playing tonight? LFS company?
Will create one now on EU server.

Edit: no more premium account no more creating... will wait for someone to create it...
S2 licensed
Still playing, with new patches i'm starting to have quite some garage...
IS8 and IS4, T34 and M103, my loved JagTiger (i found it awesome), amx90 the trolltank, obj212 (still i miss the s51), and whe i get the money will buy the E75! Also kv2 for money; just buyed stugIII again, i felt nostalgic today
S2 licensed
Just added Jagdtiger.
6 games 18 kills.
That thing it's awesome!
I suggest the Tiger II also, lof of fun with it!
And soon... IS3! But first i need money! JT was really expensive!
Don't like too much T29 though, don't know if will continue on that line.
Trying also the french medium line, strange tanks but autoloader it's pure fun!
S2 licensed
Playing now, anbody for making a lfs company?
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Had trouble downloading the new patch (now downloading torrent but not that fast), i will not be able to install patch today
Wargaming screwed this one, had to restart download three times before quitting and going via utorrent (at least one more hour)
S2 licensed
Already downloading will post if something doesn't work; i think this is the patch where you can create limited tier companies? So we can have some low tier fun
Downloading via Torrent now, speed constatly changes; don't think i will get it in time, will let you know...
Last edited by Rubenz81, .
S2 licensed
Well, will play it to get the T29 too
Tonight will create an LFS only company at 08.00 UTC, let's see if we can have some people to join. See you guys later!

Edit:- will be on EU server
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :Is that sarcasm?

Sadly yes; probably there is an effective way to use that tank, still i haven't found it.
The most effective way that i found it's just to go around hoping to explode as late as possible
I hope that m6 will be better, still 10k exp to go...
I'm free almost all monday night you guys can choose the time!
S2 licensed
Oh well i got kv, is, s51, KT, Ferdi and the marvelous and unstoppable T1 heavy tank!
I'll throw a date; monday night could go? How many will be online?
S2 licensed
So when we do some lfs company games? That would be fun!
S2 licensed
Game name: Rubenzorz

Playing a lot lately; loved my tiger but now just buyed a king tiger.
Can't play with is; seems i use it wrong, lot of xp but also lot of losses and poor k/d ratio, hope the is3 will be better.
Got also Ferdinand, all upgraded is real beast.
And kv (107) and s51 to earn some good money!

So when we do an lfs platoon?