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Meh, they show games too late in the night to follow...
But i saw Germany-Slovakia (1+1/2 game fell asleep...) Germany it's really becoming a good team. Then saw Germany-Norway yesterday. Questionable call at the end of game but Germany screw up the game thinking that 2-0 lead it's safe.
Dont know the roosters. Well Czech Republic is always a good contender. And Jagr is out of playoff now, is he in the roosters?
Same for Russia and Canada, Malkin, Crosby will they join their National teams or are busy with Pittsburg playoffs? Dont know how it works with joining the team etc...
And i would like to see some more Ovenchkin. This season was huge, going to check roosters and tv coverage now... crossing fingers for time zone friendly tv coverage

Checked roosters (availables at, hmm...
In no particular order:
Canada: Ok. Good forward.
Czech Republic: Nice, nice. Get rid of Kaberle. Dont know why he is still in the NHL. Too bad there isnt Jagr. I love him also when he plays bad
Russia: Major businness here. Afigenov, Ovechkin, Semin, Kovalchuk even Fedorov!
Finland: hmm dont seems bad but not good either. Aaaargh! No Jarkko Ruutu! Damn Pittsburg and their playoffs! Jarkko is always good for a laugh!
Slovakia: if they play like against Germany. then its
Sweden: same as for Finland.
USA: how come there isnt Cheelios? ah ah (joking)
Italy (not a serious contender but it's my country) half of the team it's not even italian... really, i hate to live in an all soccer country
Germany: Impressed me against Slovakia. Very bad against Norway. What i have to choose?
Last edited by Rubenz81, .
S2 licensed
Checa forgot what brakes are.
Seen it live, i was mad about that. A very bad move. Desperation is not the good way to win a race. But there is a tin line between good decision and desperation. Expecially in SBK
It's clear that Checa would run wide in that turn. His fault expecially because in the end Checa had better bike/tyres/skill and was clearly catching up with Neukirchner who was "slowing down".
Sorry for bad english!
S2 licensed
Quote from lizardfolk :Can someone please explain to me the theory and reasoning behind the Keynesian economic theory. The supply side economics (Reagan) made sense to me, but when my teacher explained the Keynesian it made no sense to me.

How will deficit and more spending get a country's economy through it's troubled times?

First beware. My English is bad. My "technical" english it's terrible.

Considering that production "Y" and demand must be the same we have:

Y= C (consumes?) + Investements + Exportation/Importation + G (the public sector expenses). The easy and known IS model.

As other people already stated if you raise G, you will have a boost in economics as it CAN create more jobs, more opportunity for etc..
Where the "public sector" will find the money for that?
(S-I) + (T-G) = (B-TC) with:
S - I = the "private saving", hmm hope the translation it's ok. Like the extra money people have to spend
T - G = Taxes and public expenses. If you spend more than you can collect with taxes...
B - TC = B are the "national reserves" while TC are the "net movements" of ehrm.. "money", but it think it's a better translation: "net capital movements from and to your country". So in case people form other countrys give you the money.

So this increased public expenses must be covered somewhere, a reasonable increase will help economy a persistent high public expenses will open a new world of economic pain.
It all depends, for example a new bridge will maybe create more jobs and maybe help the trasnportation system so private enterprises of the area get a cheap, fast, whatever deliverys. Everyone is happy.
Rising the "unenployed help" (like money to people without work), maybe will help if situation it's critical, maybe will just give people more excuse to not find a work.
Well the matter it's a little more complicate, we didnt consider expectations, or the LM ("money market"?), nor the more complete AS-AD model, (try search on internet aggregate supply and aggregate demand) or any interaction between countrys.
So a little help from the public sector is more than welcome, a high and persistent "deficit" no.
Feel free to pm if you need help!
What are you studing? How much "macroeconomics" you have to do?

Edit: the Dawesdust 12 strippers example is perfect
Last edited by Rubenz81, .
S2 licensed
This program is going to ruin my studing

Gun! Press right arrow to shoot!

Edit- Will Evel the knievel success in his stunt?
You can play with: spring settings (Dump/Rebound) for softer landing
hinge setings (awd? fwd? rwd? it's up to you!)
"tyre settings" (wonder if with enough friction i can make the car weelie...)
Last edited by Rubenz81, .
S2 licensed
This game is really fun! Like playng again with lego!
Very nice time killer!

Here, a pretty simple tank!
Help on trip to Ireland to see bike racing...
S2 licensed
First sorry for bad english...
The situation: me and some friends would like to have a trip to see some good bike road racing. Dvd's arent enough.
The problem is: we cant afford a trip to Macau, we cant plan the trip one year before going, so no TT either.
So we thinked to go see some Irish races as they arent located too far from Italy, and maybe as they are not worldwide famous as TT we can have some liberty in booking (well not last minute trip, but almost... ).
What i ask to Irish LFS people: UlsterGp, Killalane, NorthWest200, etc... what races are good to see? What circuits are also a nice place to visit? How about night life? As we plan to stay some days we would like to avoid finding ourselves in the middle of nowhere watching tv in hotel after race is finished . This part is very important, as we dont know what is around circuits. To us are only a point in Ireland map.
Thanks for the help!
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :If I go fast, I go to track and I won't take any passengers, no matter what the car is.

If I have passengers I just won't go fast as it is my responsibility to drive such way that even other drivers make mistakes I can avoid accident and offer safe transportation to my passengers.

What I can't understand is those who need to show off or test their limits with passengers, I think they lack of brains or something

Completely agree.
Aniway i dont think the problem it's giving a 18 year old boy an m5.
Fast cars will only kill you at higher speeds than slow cars.
Hitting a tree at 200 kmh in your honda civic or hitting it at 300 kmh in your Ferrari doesnt make too much difference.
The problem was in the head of the driver.
Sorry for bad english.
S2 licensed
Now that it comes to mind, i read this couple of months ago...
Stephen Davison - "Ragged Edge"
Fantastic book and stunning photos!
S2 licensed
Varlam Salamov - I racconti della Kolyma "The Kolyma tales"
Lord Russell of Liverpool - I cavalieri del Bushido "The Knights of Bushido"
Very interesting books, Salamov tales are even more touching than Solgenicyn.
And "The Knights of Bushido" it's shocking, never know about that part of history.
Another one that i read not so much time ago was Kien Nguyen - Indesiderato "Unwanted", a very sad book.

Edit - other books that i dont know if are published outside Italy:
Luigi Venturini - La fame dei vinti
Vincenzo Pappalettera - Tu passerai per il camino ("You will pass trough the cimney", it's a possible translation)

Then 2 good books for the aviation entusiast:
Saburo Sakai - Samurai!
Boyington Gregory - Baa baa, black sheep
Last edited by Rubenz81, .
S2 licensed
OSCO: ... /Street_Celica_ST205.html

This is the car RB4 is inspired i think, and it resembles it's specs...
So to me Rb4 it's fine with his hp.

S2 licensed
I have one (the car is group.N.), but no never looked at it.
Not because i know how to race. Simply because it would indicate me how much slow and unskilled i am
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :...Unless of course they ARE planning on having deformable surfaces and therefor the change in track will dictate the bumps. It's still a cool idea

eh... luckily hoping doesnt cost money but i would be happy just for some more bumps
S2 licensed
Hmmm why not invert them? from the photo seems gas and brake are more near now allowing easyer heel and toe. So you dont need to make any changes to your hardware. ... d=407276&d=1167470513

Anyway i think i seen that also here on LFS forum but dont remember where!
More "bumpy" rallycross tracks
S2 licensed
Well the title says all.
I'm not talikng about jumps or big hole in the grounds as usually rallycross tracks are well mantained but about that small "holes" and "irregularity" that you will find in real life. As for now i feel LFS rallycross to be too "flat" in comparison to my real life experience.
It would be nice to consider not only track layout but also traction/stability over small bumps when doing setup.
Yes i know we still have no slow/fast settings for suspension but... i dont have it also in my rallycross car
Summing up i would like something like the new "bumpy" feel that i find tryng the new south city layout, a more ruined track surface in the end.
Sorry for bad english!

Edit:- I'm aware of the old thread about dynamic changing of the rallycross surface, but that's not what i'm talking about
S2 licensed
Quote from MOSTWANTEDM3 : ....

Then i will say we need a more specialized drift car. Easy to understand?
I make an example i can rally with rb4 with a proper setup as i can drift with anything rwd (xrg,xrt,lxs...) as lfs permits lot of changes in set, but i would like a "proper" rally car more suited for rallycross racing. So the same for drifting.
As devs are working on more important things it's not an urgent thing to do but for me in the future it's a +1.
It's a question, you can answer no or yes, and explain your thoughts but no need to insult.
S2 licensed
Hmm a drift car...
Is like...
An xrr.
With unuseful road tires.
With a enourmous unuseful wing.
With an enormous turbo that takes ages to spool. (yes more than now)
With srekcits desrever. reversed stickers
With unuseful high steering lock.
That pretty sum up everithing i think
In my mind xrt (and all rwd cars we have now) are drift cars as rb4 is a rally car.
S2 licensed
That's why i want a proper rallycross car, and that's why i see no harm in giving drifters a "drift" car.
I already know that all gtrs have too few "excursion" (movement? sorry for bad english) of the suspensions and no, as i do it in real life, i dont like ultra low large tires that cant bend to race on gravel. Even with "slick" mod they suck. But it would be easy i think for scawen to implement more movement for the suspension and proper gravel tires.
Or make a rallycross car for us that like it.
So no changes to gtr for "racers".
Did i mention i dont like drifting? But i see no harm in giving them a "drift" car. Or if it's too difficult/long for devs put some "road" tires on xrr. So they are happy. And no harm too for who like to race gtr, i bet you wont race with road tires! As you dont race on gravel with slicks!

Edit: by the way in peugeot 205 shocks are the same for tarmac/gravel as you dont need to rise car like 50cm but only small amount. Hmm, have to say that we have pretty flat rallycross tracks in Italy dont know in rest of the world.

Edit2: Summing up. A proper "drift", rally, even dragster cars wont harm anyone. But as i think devs have quite some more important task before this, some small changes to current cars would make everyone happy. Someone suggested more lock to xrt, some others road tires for gtrs. As i race i dont care about that plus you would make them happy. Hope i was clear now.
Last edited by Rubenz81, .
S2 licensed
Hmm, to all people sayng we already have drift cars in LFS. Yeah it's true all rwd are pretty driftable but...
I like rallycross, i can rallycross in rb4 (and in all other cars too) but rb4 isnt a pure rallycross car (wonder if this rallypack for lfs will remain a legend...). So i can drift in xrt but xrt it's not a monstrous turbolag/fancydecals/uglyrims/sillywinged car for drifting.
So +1 to "drift" car for lfs or give xrr road tires.
And gravel tires too. So i can go rallycross with xrr!

Hope you guys get my point, my english sometimes is really bad
S2 licensed
Yeah why not. So for me there will be 1 more car to use for racing. I miss something between xrt and xrr.
I miss also a lot of other cars. But it's alway a +1 for more cars in lfs
S2 licensed
I join too but... as i was maybe the only idiot who didnt flatshift in previous patches the clutch heat didnt affected my driving.
And the no more digital speedo doesnt affect too as i never watch the speedo anyway.
So i'm in too but to me this patch didnt change anything to me ecept for a brand new car and south city track.
Oh yes! the rev limiters! that was a great idea!
S2 licensed
Quote from kaynd : ...

Thanks, by the way i too think LFS understeer isnt a "dramatic"
problem but i think also Bandit77 has it's own reason.
Still i dont feel it like a huge problem, just something a little bit "exaggerated" by LFS physics model and that only on tarmac... but who i am to judge tarmac racing? Everybody know only sissies drive on tarmac real man drive on gravel (joking )
S2 licensed
Me skips the force/physics/whatever/highiq argument.
So basically the lack of (slight as was stated before) chassis flex it's the problem of the high understeer of lfs on tarmac? How it could be improved?
And most of all how it could be improved leaving unaltered the current behaviour of lfs on mud/gravel?
Because i think lfs feels almost perfect in the fwd understeer department on slippery surfaces.
S2 licensed
Bandit:- Come to my rallycross universe where mud and gravel makes your life hell with open diffs then!
I see your point, maybe lfs has way more power understeer on open diffs than real life but... setup it's a big point in that, as i sayd before i spent some time to do a set for xfg to match one of a 205gr.n i drived and really it was much fun and very realistic (still we are talking about a game...). Maybe on the less powered cars (Uf1) it wont be so pronounced as 50hp cars... ehrm dont spin too much.
Hmmm now that it comes to mind my sister Y10 it's a clear example of a very underpowered understeer car with a completely wrong setup even for normal driving. So i contraddict myself .
I think you can notice this problem more in high speed turns where the less powered cars shouldnt understeer too much and of course on tarmac! (On mud and gravel, it's a completely different story and here lfs it's really fun)
So yes lfs it's not perfect, but i dont see this as a BIG lfs hole in physics more like something that needs a small small tweak.
S2 licensed
Uh... i found the open diff in fwd pretty real in lfs; bear in mind that setup and aggressive driving "exaggerate" the understeer of the car. In real life you wouldnt push to the limit as on lfs... or real life racing

Not so long ago i experimented with XFG to match behaviour peugeot 205gr.n in rallycross. It was amazing how with a similar settings the xrg behaved. In fern bay rallycross x it was like racing with the 205 on rallycross. This really showed how good lfs is... power understeer, weight transfers... was really realistic to be a game. Ehrm. A sim.
S2 licensed
Really interesting post... seems just another way to defend themselfs. First "we havent copied Ferrari" then as found guilty "we arent bad guys anymore".
Well they are still McLaren so i dont see too much sponsors flee (expecially as they have Hamilton... and they dont have Alonso anymore ).
Bah i hope that the removal of tc is just a start to less technology in F1 so teams will try to actually sign good pilots and not good engineers...

Edit:- Uh... by the way i never heard WHY Stepney did it... did he said why?