Bums in F1!
The four stage of get your self drunk.
Kimi: "Johnnie Walker ad on my suite isn't a sponsor. It's a choice. burp."
Alonso: " I feel sick"
Briatore: "Oh god i need to puke!"
Ralph: "Already puked, another round Kimi?"
Oh well during summer i try to avoid roller hockey because it screws my ice skating (here we have a long stop, from may to september no ice!).
Anyway if you are patient i will try to search for some drills (ice drills).
Yes roller it's similar, but it's not the same thing and wont help you with feeling and using the edges. If you can dont do it. BUT... as you are learning maybe it's better than nothing!
If there are figure skating courses at your rink i suggest it to take it, i've started as figure skater then quickly bored; who want to skate in circle when you can plaster someone on the boards?
A good skating instructor it's unvaluable!
Meanwhile you can try to search on "usahockey" they have a huge drills video section, i bet there are also some videos on skating.
Learning to skate on ice it's a never ending businness, but if you apply, it will not take too much time to start enjoining skating and stop feeling fear of fall down!
But dont expect learn it in 5 minutes, it take times and patience!
Too bad ice rink has just closed otherwise i would have filmed some basic drills
Sorry for bad english!
Find it.
You have to choose the 5th video on the left.
It's titled "Il prefetto: basta polemiche..." 06/04/2007.
After the Roma goal, Roma supporters run at the plexiglass to taunt MU fans.
Then "stewards" (right word?) try not to let both fans go to the plexiglass barricade, then police enters to protect stewards attacked by MU fans.
Then some policemans find themselves sourrounded (too far from the gate) by MU fans who start to trow them bottles, seats (?!) spitting... etc. then hooligans "chiefs" send the order to the "troops" to attack police (the hooligans chief has been identified by security cams videos police says).
Police then charge and beat those "fans". http://www.video.mediaset.it/v ... ria=servizio&from=tg5
Still it's not the entire video, but as for now it's the only one i founded.
Mmmh, did English television show the whole footage? (comprehensive of security cameras?)
They showed yesterday on italian news, and i think police have behaved well.
MU fans first attached "stewards" (WTF?) of the stadium, then police took a mild charge to them, and they disperse them, then like 10-20 policemans find them self surrounded by a huge crowd of MU fans, and i mean surrounded.
What MU fans do? Attack police obviously!
Then started the big charge. I really think police didnt do anything bad, despite dont think of a retreatment plan after the first charge.
I will try to search for a link of the footage that i seen yesterday on tv, but i think it will be with italian commentary.
Oh btw we have hooligans too, a policeman has already been killed at the beginning of the year, so italians, english or whatever country if you go in a stadium to make caos you deserve a beating, and if you attack police you deserve a double beating.
Well, as i'm not a pro skinner (aka i suck at skinning), i request your help!
I'm tryng to replicate some "gold paint" effect, on the skin attached.
As for now i tryed to "air brush it" and plain colour (in the pic the body gold is airbrushed and the hood gold is simple colour).
Both of them appear as gold paint from some view and both of them seems weird if you switch lighting.
Is this the best we can do with "shiny paints" in LFS, some of you know another way to replicate the gold colour?
Bear in mind that i use Paint Shop Pro and i dont have too much knowledge of computergraphics!
Pics of the WIP skin and the paintskeme i am tryng to replicate!
Sorry for bad english and Thanks in advance!
Really interesting, and 650hp too!
Wonder how it is to drive it!
But the design it's ehm... terrible. The front looks only well.. ugly, but the rear it's the worst! Seems a bad attempt at batmobile!
Someone got a link with more specs. etc.?
If that is Venice, i suggest to you all to not do that.
Pigeons in Venice are like rats, not only you risk some unexpected poo on you, but they bring disease so beware...
Sorry for spam, but i feel better now that i saved some tourist hair
I will see if i got a pic of me.
No im not the guy in the avatar.
Fantastic work Davews!
Liked all the sound you made, absolutely a must to download!
Now a long file renaming session expect me!
No more original sounds!
That was funny! Got 122, after a severe friday night party.
So basically i'm smarter if i'm drunk
Next week that i go back to uni i will bring lot of beers with me for classes!
From the 2nd video i get the impression that this is an understeering whale that need to be turned with pedals rater that steering wheel, dunno maybe it's just a wrong impression.
8 million dollars are way to much for a 2660kg (!!) 5,589 (!!) meters whale!
Hmmm bf1 oval? 8\10 Because i dont like bf1 but i like the pic!
Davo:- Is your avatar a screenshot of Dune2? Seems the last mission with the Harkonnen. If i am right then it's the ultimate proof my brain is stuffed with unuseful informations.
Ian.H:- Then you werent right when you say my english is good, because seems you didnt get my point!
As we have complitely hijacked this thread i think it's better to continue our discussions via pm.
But basically i never said i am police (refferred to the example, that was an example it never happened to me!).
Sorry for off-topic again!
Mmmh, because i paid it?
I hope that this example helps my bad english:
You speed.
You get a speeding ticket from police.
Fair, you were speeding!
The car behind you was also speeding.
Police let him go.
You start yelling at police "why i have to pay and the other guy not"?
Why i have to pay for LFS and others not?
Am i idiot then?
Im also tired of this bash the demo user attitude, of course they dont pay but the have less content! If they need more they will buy it, if they just like to make a race once in a while or are not car fanatics or whatever i dont see the point in buy LFS.And i dont see the point for criticize them for that.
My 2 cents.
Again sorry for bad english!
Andy: youre right but still later starter will manage to spectate not too much (with 30 sec interval or even less, you dont have too much time expecially if you have to exit from box and go to the pit lane end) and with the risk to be late for start.
Of course it's not perfect but it's an improvement for me!
It will be not difficult for Xenowolf to calculate times as you have only to sum delayed start times to overall.
Sorry for my bad English!
Well i may give it a try, as i miss to go to Trento-Bondone this year.
The fact that they also put Faggioli prototype in it make it more interesting, too bad that 1 track and 1 car (that i never tryed i bet they are not in demo?) it's the only thing that appeals me to try it...
Hyperactive: well they arent stryctly "prototipes" but believe me they are really scary... in those tight mountain street they can reach up to 240kph...
Well i was thinking...
With the current rules if we use custom layouts, the ones that starts last can spectate more time and have an advantage so...
Why dont start from the pit lane end 30 sec after each other; like after 1 min after the race start so we can also have false start (after replay analysys) so everyone can spectate only the organizer lap.
Like first start at 1.00 second at 1.30 third at 2.00...
With that one can learn the difficult passage of the track but cant learn perfectly all the track. A substitute for codriver?
Also starting from the pit lane end we dont have starting guys disturbing finishing guys and viceversa.
Hope that my English wasnt that bad!
And you never notice me? I'm the truly middle racer!
By the way when you make a lot of laps on the same combo it will be easyer to pass in the category of the fast ones, so keep up the practicing!
Nihil : events simulate "point to point" with 1 lap race, 1 competitor per time.
Xenowolf for the last stage may use a "super special stage" layout where the track it's divided in two lanes by barrier with 2 competitors at time like the sss of real rally.
We actually use standard lfs tracks but it was proposed to use custom easy to remember layouts, but the only try was made by me and i have no skill in layout; so they suck
If someone is interested to make layouts i think it's welcome to do so!
But they have to be easy to remember so the organizer (Xenowolf) runs a lap before the stage so competitors while spectating can learn the track before the race; obviously they cant be too different from original track otherwise it will be a crash massfest!
Hope my english wasnt that bad, and if you like to try something new i really suggest to give it a try to this events!