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S2 licensed

Very bad summer for hockey
S2 licensed
Rubenzorz my name if you want to add! Dont have lot of time for play lately...
S2 licensed

He was one of the main attraction of the Hillclimbs here, his mad driving in his even madder BMW will be missed.
Really sad news...
S2 licensed
Quote from Senninha25 :I'd like to say thanks to Rubenz81 for his tips on how to use an APC - They helped me score half of those points!

You are welcome!
Antoher tip, in Oman when you are Russia side go to the right flag (facing carrier dont remember now; i think it's b, you know the aa on the train flag) then continue to the beach. Near the beach there is a big rock, you can hide parallel to the sea beyond the big rock and pound EVERYTHING on the carrier with APC! and you have the rock for cover if some apache starts to be mad about you killing him before take off
Beware that using thie guide will make you became mexican.

Too bad i dont really have time for playng now, maybe next week will see you guys online
S2 licensed
Lol and i mean lol from the last game.
I feel so mexican rigth now
S2 licensed
BTW anyone online in the next 20 minutes? I will go for a quick game!

Edit: oh noes! Teamspeak still down?
S2 licensed
Registered on the Flying clan page! Now we have to work like a professional team of... trollers.
S2 licensed
Still laughing from the game chat, lol i couldnt even play by how much i was laughing!
S2 licensed
How to join the clan? More info? Thanks!
S2 licensed
Send me a pm on how (and who) join! Might not have too much time to play during week, but an hour here and there it's not a problem!
S2 licensed
Clan? How to join? Can i drive the apc? An lx6 with cannon is fine too
S2 licensed
The Ruben's guide for APC succesfull trolling:

Apcs are one of the most effective vehicle in BFP4F; good armour, lot of firepower and good speed/mobility.

-Russian side:
Here is all about trollcamping. Nice camping spots are near C where you can conceal most of the apc behind walls while still being able to fire the turret gun. Facing the carrier you can find low walls on the left of C. From there you can pound everything moves from A, or D.
Beware if enemy USA conquers C as some engineer could sneak behind you, as soon as you see that C is lost you can quickly go there and pound the attackers that wont espect it.
From there you can also down helicopters and with some luck even airplanes.
-USA side:
At the beginning dont rush to A, friendly helis will be faster than you and you will not be exposed to bombing and mi 28 fire.
Stay in the water just 50 meters from the shore, you will down easily the unsuspecting mi28 that rush to A and with luck also the mig29 that bombs A.
When Usa conquers A it's time to move. Trollcamping spots are... all over the beach! There are a lot of low walls/barriers that let you conceal the apc chassis while still firing the gun. I personally like the small street just outside A. Placing apc there and going up and down the street i can pound easily B and D and can take shots to the AA gun of C. And in this way i prevent A to be overrun by attackers, so team can focus on conquering.

Russian and USA sides:
Here every corner is good. Try to place yourself on the "flank" of the flow of the game: people will tend to attack in a "vertical" pattern. From USA or Russia base they will attack going "vertical", they will not expect attack from the flank.

GENERAL guide:
APC, and tank also, are not invincible machines. Enemy engineers, other armor and helicopters are dangerous enemys.
So it's always best to hide behind a corner, a wall or a barrier then come out take the shot and go back behind safe cover.
Always keep an escape route and practice reverse driving when you have to rush to a safe place to repair your vehicle (you are not an engineer? Sorry you will die soon.) Smoke is your friend (default "x" key). when you take hit from unknow source or someone traced you pop smoke and escape as fast as you can!
Apc's are formidable against helicopters, shots have a high speed so with a litle practice is easy to hit even long distance tergets, and if heli comes straight toward you you can use also your powerful tow missile.
Same apply for enemy airplanes, more difficult to hit but more vulnerable also.
Remember that trollcamping is not for your own personal kill ratio. It's a way to use effectively the apc. Your goal (Oman) is to destroy as many vehicles you can while on karkand preventing the advancing of the enemy and provide cover for your team attack. And always always use the "q" key to spot enemies. ALWAYS and CONTINUOUSLY it's very helpful for teammates.
So here is the guide, i think i have forget something for sure in case i will wrote down other tips.
Sorry for the long read nad my bad english and happy apc hunting!
S2 licensed
Well i think S14_drift can guide you on how to make big chopper scores!
Tomorrow will post a guide on how to use APC and tanks to make big scores!
S2 licensed
Just had some good battles with S14_Drift, good pilot and good team mate!
I think i am the (noobcamping) god of apc. Always make good points in Oman and also Karkand.
To the choppers pilot, never approach straight Ruben's apc...
S2 licensed
Go Ovi!
S2 licensed
Going to play a little bit now, anyone to join? (rubenz81 my player name)
Edit: new update!
S2 licensed
I just come back from a 33-2 k/d and 12.000+ point game. I used my mp7 only once. All kills by APC, this thing is (with an engineer inside) very powerful can destroy tanks, vehicles, helicopters, with some luck even airplanes! And comes in two colors!
S2 licensed
Dont know! joined first time today and played this new map, very small no vehicles. No kaboom But nice and very fast action map! Then joined couples other servers but didnt find it again
S2 licensed
New map! Finally! uh? No things to blow on new map. Me need thing to blow up. Me engineer. Me kaboom.
S2 licensed
Just finished playng a little bit with some of the guys, too bad i figure out now how teamspeak works and how to raise volume lol
Anyway good game and great fun!
S2 licensed
Added most of you guys, see you on the battlefield!
S2 licensed
Interested, playing as "Rubenz81"
S2 licensed
I'm level 18 engineer; recon has scoped rifle. But you need to shoot head to instant kill and in karkand "fog" dont let you use the scope at his max potential. On the other hand you have claymore mines! Medic has machine gun (uberpowered and superaccurate) and medikits. Soldier. Well dont think has any real strongpoint.
Engineer, has smg, problem on long distance but good medium-close range. And then you have rpg. Godd as antitank, antipersonel and even as a"sniper rifle". No really it has even a scope and once you practice you can even countersniper! And you have also mines, and you can repair vehicles!
So if you actually ahve a clue to what to do in a battlefield go for the other classes. If instead you are like me who likes to blow stuff go for engineer!
S2 licensed
Search for Rubenz81 engineer would like to play with lfsers; man if i suck at recon.
But i always make lot of points as an engineer! I love to blow up things!
S2 licensed
Signed in, looking forward to test it!