Hmm, i think BF1 isnt the right car to learn, i know it's appealing but i think it's better to start with some more easy cars.
To learn trottle control and of course countersteering i suggest you to:
1) Open LFS select Fern Bay rallyx and xrt
2) Select the gravel setup for xrt (maybe with an 80% lock lsd) and just go around and learn the track a bit.
No need of WR setups, they are to difficult to handle for now.
3) Now try to push without spinning and practicing some slides, no need to do big slides like the wr replays just learn to control the car, the last corner it's perfect for this, because it's... ehm simply long.
4) Continue practicing...
5) Continue...
6) Some more practice..
7) Can you make a controlled slide now? (Not all the lap just like 1 of 3 it's a controlled slide the other 2 you just spin off)
The most important thing here it's to finish slow laps without crash than finish one fast lap and crash!
8) If you can, now select LX4 and restart from point n°2
9) Now that you managed also the LX4 reselect xrt and go at Blackwood gp, suddendly the xrt will become a superstable and userfriendly car!
10) Conclusions: this doesnt mean you mastered the xrt but now you will improve every time you practice and hopefully you will learn from your mistakes because you will know what you are making wrong.
11) Now it's time to return to FE rallyx, but now you have to improve your times...
If you use a joypad, forget what i say and instead save some money and buy a wheel (there are also cheap ones so.. no excuses!

Hope that i help and see you on track!
Edit- I now saw you use a joypad, well you can practice, but joypad wont help you because a wheel it's far more sensible so i really suggest you to buy one (i think there are ones that cost less than your joypad)