DFP is great overall. I also heel-toe without a clutch. For comfort, I pushed the pedals far enough to the right so when I straighten my right leg, it is already over the brake pedal without any need to move my leg left or right to get it. The biggest problem I have with heel-toeing is trying to keep the brake application constant. Whenever I blip the throttle with my foot, I lift off the brake and with my axis sensitivity set to maximum, I tend to overshoot the corner when braking. If you see me in Conedodgers 1, you probably see me overshoot the corner and hit someone, overshoot and go into the gravel, overshoot then lock the brakes and slide to make it through the corner, or steer away from the corner so I don't hit anyone.
The problem you might get could be all of the pedals dying on you then going back to life. It happens to revision A models of the DFP (which I unfortunately have). Try to get revision B models if you can.