I'm interested in this as well - please let me know if you find the models. I'm playing around with ANSYS and wind turbines, it should be fun to try the airflow around the LFS cars...
If you've got both your skinning program (photoshop/GIMP) open and LFS CMX Viewer open with the skin loaded at the same time you should be able to get the logos on with several attempts.
First do the top part of the sticker, save it. Load the skin on CMW Viewer to see if it loos ok. If not, readjust the skin and save. Reload on viewer. Once the top part is done - go for the bottom bit. Good luck!
Hi, welcome to the LFS and the forum. Too bad to hear that you're having trouble connecting. Going through this thread, what I understand is that since you can ping the master server the basic stuff seems to be working. The problem might lie with your router or your ISP as discussed here:
Check your firewall and router settings so that LFS is allowed to communicate via UDP packets. I'm not sure if in this case if the ISP is blocking the UDP packets...
Hopefully someone who knows about these will help you out. Good luck!
Yellow Flag: (from wiki)
i.e. There is a crash ahead / slow car(s) on track / car stopped on track. You should approach with caution. Usually you are not supposed to overtake others when the yellow flag is shown; you might get penalized - but this rule is not enforced in public racing servers.
Blue Flag: (from LFS Manual)
i.e. A car is coming up to lap you - you should not block him. The servers usually have their variation for what you should do under a blue flag. Most of the time, you should hold your line whist the faster car should overtake you in a safe manner.
There are a couple of cars in LFS S1/S2 with turbo charged engines. The 3 demo cars do not have turbo.
Press tab (click on the arrows on the map) to switch between other drivers (you'll be able to see other's driving with the cockpit/chase/tv views). However you won't be added as a "passenger" in to the car.
As Jonathon mentioned, the demo is there to give you as taste of LFS. Its there to let you have a go and then tempt you to buy a S1/S2 licence. If there were more content, people might race in LFS for years and years without ever buying a licence.
You can create your own Autocross layouts (or download cool ones that's already made by others). They are great fun! Some of the autocross objects were upgraded just a couple of months ago too! Autocross objects are disabled for demo licensed players. One of my favourite ones: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyXZ3LwmD4U
I think the damage model will be updated in the future. I cant find if Scawen mentioned this or if it is rumours - but there is likely to be "break-off" damage (i.e. parts of the car breaking off when you crash...).
Well... its better to get rid of the rammers! Try and race in well maintained servers (the ones that have mature admins who can kick of people who cause havoc).
Oh, but there is one already!
You have to use the feature via LFSWorld. First of all, log into the LFSWorld and then from the LFS Desktop open "Online Racer Stats" (. Type in the friend's username that you want to add to the friends list. Say for example, "Scawen".
When you can see Scawen's stats - click on the Buddy Menu () and then on the first option: Add Scawen to your buddy list.
Now, from LFS Desktop, open Live Alert (). Under the first tab, "web alert", you'll see the people that you have added when they are online (i.e. Scawen is racing on South City TBO - Join). Say if you want to join in - just click on "join" and LFS will be launched and connected to the South City TBO server (you will need to have LFS Association setup).
Maybe they wont be supported "official", i.e. hard-coded like the current reverse configurations for other tracks [maybe its to do with the agreement with Rockingham (if there is any?)]. But still it would be possible to drive via the autocross system - and with the use of Airio track PBs/AIRWs etc.
However, it would be a shame if the autocross and/or open configs were disabled in Rockingham...
Did you restart the host (I'm not sure, but you might need to restart the host for it to take effect).
And I think (again, I'm not sure) even if you set mode=S2, if all others options are playable with a S1 licence (S1 cars/tracks/ etc. and max guests?/cars on track?) the host will be S1...
Nothing wrong with that, is there, since S2 licence holders will be able to join and race there anyway?
If you enable a S2 car (say the UF1000), the host will be S2-only.