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S2 licensed
It doesn't have to be on a mountain pass, it could be anywhere. Slowing the car down using a brake is definitely preferable to slowing it down using a tree/sign/other car.

It's not that difficult to apply the handbrake without locking the wheels.

But you're right that it's mainly used for parking.
S2 licensed
The wheels are indeed crappy. I have one of those and I couldn't even sell it for £20 inc postage.

90 degree turn makes it only good for the BF1.
S2 licensed
Tristan, do you suggest we plummet off the side of a mountain, rather than apply our handbrake slowly and carefully?
S2 licensed
If the quality of service is that bad, go to your local Citizen's Advice Beaureau, you'll probably be able to get out of your contract.
S2 licensed
Motors TV have been playing a lot of BTCC from the early 90s recenly. THAT was good racing, Volvos vs Mondeos and Astras.
S2 licensed
I want to see racing, not bumper cars. I hope the drivers grow up for 2007.
S2 licensed
Why do we have to have cars that are competitive with each other? The FOX has nothing, neither do the FO8 or BF1, so why should a truck?
S2 licensed
I thought he sounded a bit like Hill.
S2 licensed
Oh my, looks like my pre-joystick/wheel oval days are coming back to haunt me. I've changed my ways recently, I'd like to race the road cars more often, but honestly I just follow the crowds.

Kyoto Ring 2704 laps 6024 miles 9695 km
South City 1927 laps 2803 miles 4511 km

Formula XR 3025 laps 6269 miles 10088 km
Formula V8 2216 laps 4502 miles 7246 km

Westhill 183 laps 586 miles 942 km
Autocross 34 laps 24 miles 38 km

Raceabout 55 laps 111 miles 178 km
LX4 53 laps 128 miles 206 km
MRT5 8 laps 10 miles 17 km
S2 licensed
Actually, I have no idea what they did.

Anyone care to give me a brief summary?
S2 licensed
When I was in Germany I noticed that their discipline on the autobahns was much better than people's over here on the motorways. We hadn't planned to go to the Nurburgring until we saw it on the map about 100 miles away (we were just doing a general road trip around Europe), but it wasn't too hard to get to, until just when you're nearly upon it and all the signs disappear (the cars screaming past on the other side of a hedge at 12839172987mph helps, though).

We arrived on the test day for an endurance race, so we couldn't drive. We managed to avoid buying a ticket by sheer luck. I think we parked in the wrong car park, and found a cafe which has a balcony against the start/finish straight.

Getting out was a nightmare, we had no idea where we could find a place to stay, and nobody spoke English well. After a half German, half English, half impromptu sign language conversation, we headed for a town, which we missed but ended up in Daun and stayed in a nice hostel where NOBODY spoke English at all.

P.S. You'll love it. Simply being there was amazing, I can only imagine what it would be like to ride it.
S2 licensed
Floola is nice, cross-platform too.
S2 licensed
My iMac has never crashed in 6 months of ownership. Shoddy drivers used to make my Powerbook crash when I unplugged the ADSL modem, but otherwise that didn't crash either.

But then again, I rarely get crashes in Windows. If you don't do stupid things to/with your computer, it'll treat you well.

My Dad still uses a Macintosh SE as his "gaming" computer.
S2 licensed
They were testing the fire alarms, which meant going into every room and setting the sensor off. I got fed up with the incessant noise and jokingly draped a tea towel over one of the alarms in the kitchen. It had no affect on the noise, and I went to my lecture. The fire alarm guy saw it and took a picture of it, so the accommodations office fined me for endangering the lives of the people in my flat.

They didn't take any notice of my appeal, which pointed out such things as

a) It was a test, we knew it was a test because they told us. So we knew that the fire alarm isn't going off because of a real fire and therefore there's no danger.

b) It made no difference to the noise of the particular alarm.

c) There is a fire alarm in every room, every hallway and every kitchen in the entire building, one less fire alarm and you can still hear all the others.
S2 licensed
Congratulations Madman_CZ you WIN!
S2 licensed
You're all wrong so far. It's all the money I'm paying my fine with, so it's going to be a number ending with a 5 or 0.

For the non Brits, the big coins at the bottom are 50p, the smallest coins are 20p, and the round ones are 10p.
Another money game.
S2 licensed
My university decided to fine me for a ridiculous "offence", and then seemingly didn't even read my appeal letter. So I've decided to fight stupid with stupid, and I'm paying my fine in 10, 20 and 50p coins.

How much money is there? First person to get it wins the internet.
Can't connect to master server (V)
S2 licensed
I brought my computer home with me this weekend in the hope of unlocking LFS (it's blocked at uni), but it can't connect to the master server.

Before you ask, I'm with Pipex. I've never had any trouble with them before. I've added the extra information to the "hosts" file, but just in case I've done it wrong, who wants to give a fool-proof explanation of how to do it (open hosts file, paste line from other post?).

I'm not sure I can take another few months of demo only content!
S2 licensed
Quote from (-Mark-) :Is it me or does the spyker look more redish the orange?

It comes across like that in pictures, the picture linked has pretty awful white balance, to be honest. In reality it's not so red.
S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :The red flag should have been shown when the first Saleen span

I think the red flag should have been shown before the race even started. However, it's not a marshal's decision to show the red flag. Only one person can make that decision, and it takes a while to radio in to them. Then when it is thrown, it has to make its way to each post round the track from the start/finish line.
S2 licensed
Why is everyone suddenly talking about this car? It's been around for a while and it's never going to be mass produced, it's simply a publicity exercise for Mayback and Fulda, a tyre company who wanted a high speed test bed.
S2 licensed
Quote from zer0mercy :I actually /cried when i couldn't query the master server

Welcome to my world. I can't access LFS from where I live, due to the ****ing proxy I have to connect through.
S2 licensed
With regards to the aerodynamics; there are a lot of rules governing closed top prototypes at Le Mans nowadays, so they can't be made perfectly aerodynamic.
S2 licensed

The Maserati just looks cheap to me. The rear lights are horrible now, and what's with the front lights hiding behind the clear plastic? It just looks wrong.