Team Name: RSRadicals
Number: 27
Car: FXR
SpikeyMarcoD, M. van Dongen, NED
-nightfly-, U. Mikk, EST
jrd.racer, J.Junior, JAM
Niels1, N. Mul NED
StableX, A. Kirschetorte ENG
z-ro 8, K. Myers, USA
the silverado is a right handful! Most of the top drivers seem to turn their Force Feedback right down to off or 2! I admit it really does help but I prefer FFB to none!
good luck to you with a 1.16. I managed a 1.19 on your set but without the balls I can do 1.19's a lot... and I know my PB is a 1.18... 1.16 is bloody fast!
you need to be at 4.0 Safety rating......... also check at the top right of the members bit and look for MPR. Put your mouse over that and will tell you what you need as well as safety rating to get your license upgrade.
It'll say 3 more races or 2 more time trials or something like that
well, the mazda has a lot more people racing it and also has races scheduled every day all the time. The radical however has about 280 people racing it and the schedule is races every Friday, Sunday and Monday. They are both very different to drive and both a lot of fun.
that was the first race but if you click on the schedule from the site link arrow, you'll see the complete list. Will be great fun. They also do a Legend advanced Road season too !