Rather than start a new thread, I thought I'd rekindle an old one....
I wondered what the Dev's opinions were on a hill climb course as a future development>?
I think it would be a great addition and something that would be a lot of fun for spectators as well as for participants and server owners/drivers. A totally different skill and really fun to add to LFS. Maybe have ability to reverse and go downhill too.
I like this too..... and little awards you get for your profile here. Easy to add with vbulletin too Better to have something like this part of LFS rather than independant I think.
thanks Richard...... From a few posts I looked at on the iRacing forums and from a private chat with someone that worked for SB< they said the improvements have made it a lot better still in terms of some of the characteristics.
Can't beat someone's analysis like that I guess...
it totally depends what you are looking for in a game that determines which, you prefer or which, have the greater merits. Both have their own and unique benefits.
what sort of lap times you running on Phoenix in the Mazda Crommi>? I noticed one of the clubs must be using the same setup as they are consistently 0.2 quicker than anyone else....
It's worth buying. All you have to do is see the startup video to know the amount of work that's gone in to this. For the manual, all you need do is register on their website and then click on FILES to dload the manual for free!
Fair enough .... I took "real racing drivers" as anyone that gets out on the track, including people that used to like me and noobs that are getting going...... rather than just 1337 super uber tristans!!!!!
In addition, I think iRacing, just like LFS, has proved to be a very credible and valuable tool for real racing drivers to understand a lot more about the variables that come with setting up a car for racing. Whenever I have managed to get out on track, having driven LFS, and now iRacing, I can pin point a few of the variables I need to tweak to get more from the car to suit my driving style. I wouldn't say its iRacing specific or makes iRacing sifferent from other games but its certainly there as a helpful tool and does make a difference.
FPS games online are definately about practice to get decent. Getting your mouse and keyboard setup with the right parameters is ratgher like setting up your wheel for sim racing. It can take a while to get it right. Once that's right, you then nered to get your aim sorted and that, game depending, changes with the recoil of each weapon and the nuances of the game......
In answer, like any game, you have to prac to be decent!!!!
As a game, get HL2 and EP 1 and 2... excellent single player action