OK, so had my G25 for a while now, and I've been living with something that's been winding me up.
About... 3 days after I got it, my push-down reverse thingy has stopped responding completely. Everything else on the shifter is fine, except it doesn't want me to go backwards.
Anyone else had a similar problem and knows how to fix it?
There's far more important things to be fixed before something like this should even be considered by the devs.
Personally, I'd say just leave them in. They're not doing anyone any harm, and it's not like leaving the horn code in the GTRs will make them any slower...
I use VDJ (along with a timecode CD system and 2 CDJ1000's).
Personally, if I had to start again, I'd opt for a separate, traditional mixer and a non-mixer based hardware controller. Or 2.
VDJ used to offer one themselves that looked fantastic. Not sure if they still have a partnership with the company that made them.
Not saying the Hercules isn't good, you might adore it. Just wasn't solid enough for me, and it felt like a toy. But maybe that's because I've been mixing for years now and I'm used to a proper mixer.
Anyway, back OT, nice ambient tunes Should really finish projects I have going. "Everything But The Girl - Missing" techtrance remix is gagging to be completed.
A bass-swap is one of the practices in beatmixing, yes. But this thread is about sorting out gaps in a ripped CDs playback, or putting them all into one track.
When not ripped as one whole track like in the method I posted above, your mp3 player, even if it claims it does seemless playback, will pause for a few ms, which as I said before, you don't want right after a bass-swap as it interferes with the "flow".
Imagine pressing Play/Pause twice quickly on your CDJ right after you've done a bass-swap, it'll sound funny. Your player is doing pretty much exactly the same as it decompresses the first part of the mp3.
I've seen a few Winamp pluggies in my time that have tried to decompress the first bit of the next tune, but they've all been really, really rubbish.
And Pioneer DJS is far better when you use a traditional mixer as an output and a DJ hardware controller to control the software
Easy way is if they're MP3'd, decompress them to .wav using something like Winamp's Disk Writer plugin. Then in your sound editor (I'd recommend Wavelab for putting split mixes back together), load up track 1, and go to the very end of it. Then simply insert the track 2 .wav at the end, and continue.
If they're still on CDs, use Audiograbber. Go to the very last track, right-click and go to Track Properties. Where it says "Sectors", copy the value in "Last" and close that window.
Then right click the tracks, choose ""Select None", then recheck the tickbox for Track 1. Right click Track 1, go to Track Properties, and replace the value in "Sector" > "Last" with the value you copied from the final track.
Not supposed to have it unless the copyright owner has granted permission, but you're not gonna have John Law kicking your door and possibly your teeth in just because you do