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Quote from amp88 :stuff

Let's not forget, Renault got accused and found guilty of exactly the same thing and got away with it. Was it simply because the data was stolen from McLaren? ... the mind boogles.

We all know McLaren's $100m fine was because the data came from Ferrari. The URLs posted by the OP are just further proof F1 isn't a level playing ground.
S2 licensed
Captain America (Mega Drive) - Probably the only game that has made me angry. I broke 3 controllers, all trying to pass the last boss. IIRC, the developers made the game uncompletable (yes, I know it's not a word).

DJMAX Portable 2 (PSP) - 6 button? 8 BUTTON?! WHO OR WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM? Anyone who has played it will know what I mean.

Pride & Joy on Expert on GH3
- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! Hurts my fingers, as well as my brain.
S2 licensed
Strange bug, sorta.

Was at SO1 (CTRA Race 1) in the XRG. /o setup'd and it downloaded an XFG setup instead.
S2 licensed
Roundies like that, with no left turn as you approach, can be a bugger to decide which lane to use when you're new to roundabouts. Just remember that if you're going past "straight on", get in the right hand lane, indicate right, then indicate left before you turn off.

Living in MK, I don't really understand how people get confused by roundabouts
S2 licensed
Yup, that works for me
S2 licensed
Having the same error.

Just stumbled across the URL for 3.0 and it works.
S2 licensed
SL2 - On A Ragga Tip
S2 licensed
Does anyone else think the whole Chuck Norris thing wasn't even nearly funny the first time, all those years ago?
S2 licensed

Although I do hope we'll be able to change the country on the number plate...
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :However, you know that kids selling pot to other kids is also classed as dealing?

Obviously. But it's how it happens. Kids buy pot from slightly older kids who buy it from older kids who are growing it in their council flat.

Quote from S14 DRIFT :The comment(s) about the drug users that turn to becomming serious dealers was probbably a generalistic comment to make.

Indeed it was. I've been smoking for a fairly long time and I've never had the urge to sell it on.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :How is that laughable? Many dealers now either chose (I'm sure many chose) to walk that path, of (some of them, probbably a minority, but a group nonetheless) started out as casual users (as this thread is talking about) and became addicted and eventually become either casual or full time dealers.

Btw, Marijuana is harmless and totaly non addictive.

</hide really, byebye *runs from flames* :bananadea>

Saying that potheads are all dealers who sell to kids?

Massively laughable.

You know who sells pot to kids? Other kids.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Also, tell everyone you know not to buy presents for you, and do not buy them for other people. Don't send cards. Perhaps have the family round for the day, but no more.

Don't support it.

My thoughts exactly. I despise Christmas.

Buy your family good gifts for their birthdays, not for some false "holiday".
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I'm sure that's what the pot-heads said when they first took some, and now they're dealing to the kids of today

You are joking, right...?

S2 licensed
Grandpa Jock's record at injuring AA men continued to grow.
S2 licensed
Quote from Electrik Kar :I said hyperthermia, not hypothermia.

... perhaps I should read *scratches chin*

Heatstroke, yes, possible. But not as widespread as it used to be, with air-conned clubs and the like.

Ecstasy is only dangerous if you don't know the score and what to do. If you don't, you shouldn't be taking it IMO.
S2 licensed
Quote from Electrik Kar :Ecstasy can take you out from hyperthermia if you're really really stupid, and combining alcohol with E is generally a bad thing (see above). It's also pretty much confirmed that there's a link between regular E use and short term/immediate memory loss. It's track record is otherwise pretty good though, and the benefits to society (happy people are much nicer to deal with) should be obvious

Wrong. On an epic scale.

The biggest killer with ecstasy is from water on the brain. Knowing how much to drink while on ecstasy is key. About 500ml an hour is what I always did. It certainly can't kill you from hypothermia, especially as your body runs very, very hot while "up". Also, mixing with booze, while not recommended for the first timer, isn't as bad as the hype would lead you to believe. It produces a different kind of effect. Never was a fan myself but... gotta try things.

Yeah, it does cause some short term memory loss, but usually only of the whole rushing experience...

I used to hate the imfamous comedown. Which, if you know your stuff about how ecstasy works, can be completely avoided.

5-HTP is the secret, a legal "suppliment". Basically it's a precursor to serotonin. Take the afternoon before you go out, and they refill your brains "store" of serotonin, stopping the Monday and possibly Tuesday blues.

Or you could eat a few bananas. But anyone with experience will know that's not a great idea
S2 licensed
The Jolly Green Giant's new ride was woefully inadequate.
S2 licensed
The theme tune to Space Pirates.

Nah-nahnahnahnaaaaaaaaaaaaah, SPACE PIRATES.
S2 licensed
Quote from rich uk :(alcohol is a violent drug as are pills, coke, caffeine)

During my near-ten year affair with pills/ecstasy, I never saw a single person become violent from it. Although it is a very common misconception that it makes people go utterly doollaly. It doesn't.

Unless hugging everyone you can get your hands on is violence.

Edit - Nor is coke really. It just makes people lively. It's when you mix a bit of chop with booze where it starts to get punchy...
S2 licensed
Several years ago I had a major problem with "club drugs", but mostly ketamine, coke and ecstasy. Sure, it was fun at the time, but looking back at it I really wonder why I did it to myself.

While I don't have much against ecstasy (Although if anyone is considering doing it for that rush of serotonin, avoid pills. They can be really dirty. Pay the premium for MDMA crystals), I have a serious issue with ketamine. The "buzz" before the disassociative effect is very strange and can be immensely fun, but it leaves you feeling very, very "trashy" a few hours after. And also the K-Hole isn't a good place to be. Stay away! Use 80x salvia for essentially the same disassociative effect, but with none of the trashiness. And it's legal

Just for the record, coke and crack do the same. One hit on a pipe won't turn you into a scabby faced criminal, just like a cheeky line won't. Ignore the hype about crack, it's the same as everything else, you'll only go back if you really want to.

I smoke weed as I have done for a while, I started during my club cainer days to help get rid of the edge, and much like people enjoy a beer while they watch reality "I'm a nobhead, get me a new career!" crap on ITV, I enjoy a nice spliff nowadays. I know it's damaging, like smoking ciggies (which I also enjoy) but at the end of the day, it's my life, I like the social side of it and it's not like I go out mugging grannies to fund it.

I used to be quite anti-drugs until I tried them, and TBH I'm glad I did. It's made me into a different person, my outlook on the world has changed, and I've met some of the best friends I could have ever wished to meet because of their influence.

No way in HELL a sober me would have approached some of my friends
S2 licensed
Quote from sam93 :What really is the point in illegal drugs though. I think it's pointless.

They have a place in certain places.

Reach for the lasers and all that.

S2 licensed
My remix of "Gouryella - Tenshi".
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Who's the bloke in the beret?

Geezer from Mythbusters.
S2 licensed

Sam Beckett's latest leap couldn't come at a worse time.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :As far as I'm concerned protesters should be treated no differently to any other intruder at a vulnerable location, they should be immediately rounded up by armed police and shot if they refuse to co-operate plain and simple, had they done that at a military airfield they'd soon either come to their senses or have a load of lead in them.


They won't even get a slap on the wrists. No doubt a large majority of these "protesters" really come from large estates in the Cotswolds. Daddy will fix any trouble they get in.