Several years ago I had a major problem with "club drugs", but mostly ketamine, coke and ecstasy. Sure, it was fun at the time, but looking back at it I really wonder why I did it to myself.
While I don't have much against ecstasy (Although if anyone is considering doing it for that rush of serotonin, avoid pills. They can be
really dirty. Pay the premium for MDMA crystals), I have a serious issue with ketamine. The "buzz" before the disassociative effect is very strange and can be immensely fun, but it leaves you feeling very, very "trashy" a few hours after. And also the K-Hole isn't a good place to be. Stay away! Use 80x salvia for essentially the same disassociative effect, but with none of the trashiness. And it's legal
Just for the record, coke and crack do the same. One hit on a pipe won't turn you into a scabby faced criminal, just like a cheeky line won't. Ignore the hype about crack, it's the same as everything else, you'll only go back if you really want to.
I smoke weed as I have done for a while, I started during my club cainer days to help get rid of the edge, and much like people enjoy a beer while they watch reality "I'm a nobhead, get me a new career!" crap on ITV, I enjoy a nice spliff nowadays. I know it's damaging, like smoking ciggies (which I also enjoy) but at the end of the day, it's my life, I like the social side of it and it's not like I go out mugging grannies to fund it.
I used to be quite anti-drugs until I tried them, and TBH I'm glad I did. It's made me into a different person, my outlook on the world has changed, and I've met some of the best friends I could have ever wished to meet because of their influence.
No way in HELL a sober me would have approached some of my friends