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S2 licensed
Quote from Dalek0220 :I'm using FL Studio to make these, and yes, the drums are 909 mashed with other stuff to make it sound fuller.

Yay, another FLer

Try using some sampled percussion, it'll sound much bigger then 909+FL samples will. Drop me a PM or something if you want some nice sample packs

Everything sounds nice and clean. Listened to a few of your productions and they're all EQ'd nice.

La Senorita brings back DDR memories xD
S2 licensed
Remix of Splash Wave, yay.

Not a bad re-work. What are you producing these in?

Drums sound very 909ish, thought about using samples for your percussion?
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :I think you meant 'corporal punishment'

I imagine there would be a sizable uproar if they introduced capital punishment in schools

Go Easter Monday hangover!

S2 licensed
Quote from trebor901 :if i was still in school and they brought the cane back and a teacher hit me with it, i'd smack them back.

Everyone would like to think that, but you wouldn't.

If teachers still had the power to use capital punishment, smacking them back would just result in a bigger kicking then what you got before.

You'd sit down, shut up and get on with your maths problems because you'd be scared of the repercussions.

I agree that Labour has turned the UK into a country of wimps and that discipline is lacking here. Sure, giving the nippers a clip round the ear isn't always needed, but sometimes a quiet chat in soft lucid tones just won't suffice.
S2 licensed

Good memories as a young boy of wondering over to the factory (It's about 2 minutes from my house) and waiting to get a glimpse of the car.
S2 licensed
Lovely stuff

Any chance of widescreen versions of the menus? They look superb.
S2 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :Ok guys, I have setup a XFG+XFG server. It is called [SR] STD Racing and rotates tracks every 6 races with a HUGE tracklist. It also has it owns points seperate from the FOX server but no championship as yet. I am still working on it so might be some issues, not sure yet

I was hoping you lads would set one up <3

Gonna eat my sandwich and hop on!
S2 licensed
Quote from HavocS :XFG-XRG is done for good (I'm not willing to even notice the demo servers - I've not paid for S2 to race with wreckers or anyway, the same track over and over again)


XRG-XFG battles around SO were superb fun. BL1 in slow road cars just doesn't do it for me
S2 licensed
Not really a single seat racer but I've been absolutely addicted to this server recently.

Superb close racing with very good racers
S2 licensed
- Artist Name - Syfoon, as well as some collab names.

- Genre - I tend to make UK hard trance and UK hardcore, but I am partial to cracking out a bit of house, breaks, donk (lol), hip hop, D&B, breaks, chill...

- Experience and History - Got into production through DJing. Starting mixing when I was about 16 which got me thinking about playing my own music. Didn't know where to start so I started low... Dance eJay. After a while, I got bored of preset sounds following set progressions and went on a hunt to replace the toy with something else, and that's how I found FL, back during the v3 days. Been an avid user since, and it's even gotten me into the studio to collab on a hardcore track with one of my favourite producers, K-Complex

- Hardware - Production wise, nothing of major mention. Few processing units for cleaning things up but that's it. Pretty tasty DJ setup.

- Software - FL Studio 8 (C'mon 9!) is the major one, with slabs of VSTs. V-Station, ABL, Nexus, Vanguard and Predator are some of my weapons of choice at the mo. Outside of the DAW, I use WaveLab and T:Racks Standalone.

- Website - Haven't updated it in an age, should do really.
S2 licensed
Frets of Fire > *.
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Im raving. All on my own!


Techno Wonderland! Been remixing that on/off over the last week or so. What a classic \o/
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :I don't see how you are complaining about Linux not being able to run WINDOWS executables. Maybe game developers should actually make linux ports of their games...


I never used Linux, in fact I avoided it for years. Decided to try Ubuntu and have loved it since. So much more manageable then Windows, and LFS doesn't run too bad in WINE But native support from big studios would be superb.

I enjoy that Ubuntu is faster then Windows, prettier then OSX (Compiz Fusion \o/) and more reliable then them both.

Anyway, what wireless card are you using? My wireless stuff just worked out of the box on Ubuntu.

In fact, only bit of hardware I had to deal with was my video card.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :I'm also on 20Mb Virgin and i find it bloody fantastic. Their FUP isn't for everyone though obviously
I always do my big downloads in the morning or late at night, so its never affected me. I've not been throttled once. Never had any downtime either.

Pings are always great, it's great for gaming in my experience. I find it excellent value for money.

But if you're unable to work around the FUP i could see it being a nightmare.

Word of warning about Sky. For everyone that says they are good, i could find you 5 people that find them a complete shower of shite. I woulnt risk it personallly.

One of the Entanet resellers are probably a good bet still, they always had a fantastic reputation.

Just read the FUP's of everyone before you join anyone else. Truly unlimited broadband is virtually impossible to find in this country. If you do find it it's either going to cost you an arm and a leg or be very hit and miss speed wise.

Yeah, I've read some bad things about Sky myself on the internet, but never actually spoken to anyone who's had a bad time, and I know a fair few subscribers. TBH they all say good things. Except about the router they stick you with (which is where a lot of problems arise... easy to use your own though )

Sky's contract doesn't even contain anything about a fair use policy or shaping. First UK ISP to completely scrap it, and it's not expensive, not hit-or-miss and really is umlimited.

Since they abolished the FUP, I've downloaded enough data to get my contract, had it been with another ISP, cancelled. Sky haven't batted an eyelid. Plus pings and download speed is consistently superb, much better then any other ISP I've tried.
S2 licensed
O2 shape their traffic quite a lot too.

I'm with Sky Broadband, unlimited package.

No shaping, no FUP. Always get close to advertised speed, only thing slowing me down is the distance from the exchange, as a result I only get 7MB instead of 8MB.
S2 licensed
I'm really not a single seat racer, but had some absolutely cracking races

Will be back for more
S2 licensed
tealeaf'd but meh.
S2 licensed
Getting the inside on [CD] Jezebel on CD1.
S2 licensed
Bit crap really.

Brainiac but with cars. Yawn. Glad they only made 2 series of it.

Sky One should stick to buying American programmes, not making their own.
S2 licensed
I don't get the bad vibes about cruise servers. There's not that many of them and you can click an option and not see them any more.

My big annoyance with LFS is demo servers totally dominating the server list when I'm wanting a good race.

Do we really need 50+ XRG/XFG@BL1 servers? No. Sort it out guys.
S2 licensed
Yeah, I do smoke.

Started off during those... erm, "hazy" days when most young folks discover pot.

Continued smoking ciggies, although mostly on/off. Then started again when I started my ravey days.

Stopped again, but took it up AGAIN as it'd help me relax and think when I was DJing.

Do like a nice J while I'm sat producing too, doesn't inspire me or anything, just helps me get what's in my brain into my DAW
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I am so far beyond caring about this fake day to celebrate so called love, devised to make money, that I don't even hate it, to hate it would be to make an effort to have a feeling about it, and I can't be arsed to do that...but you didn't put an option for that in the poll.

My thoughts exactly.

Just another day, exactly the same as February 13th and February 15th...
S2 licensed

OK, good stuff, although some issues with sound quality, due to the Flash streamer you have on your site? Didn't download them so I can't check

Promosong83 has a good electro vibe to it, sounds very commerical. Slap a big vocal hook on it and you've got a monster there. Are you running any sidechaining on the lower freqs of the lead? Will help give the kick a much crisper sound. Also, the snaredrum feels far too solid and crisp for the track, perhaps another sample that's a bit more "floaty" or some 'verb/delay will help soften it out and stop it from dominating the mix so much.

The first one, quite spacey in feel. Feel like the higher freqs need pushing out a bit more, especially the hats. Smack some stereo separation on them too, gives them more space. Really not a fan of the progression, also it lacks a fair bit of drive and the direction of the track as a whole seems a bit disjointed. As a whole, with a bit more oomph it'd be great.

I like your work on the effects and your percussion work, also you seem to know what sort of sounds to use when and where, which is massively important.

S14, that's turntablism, beatmixing (which most people know as "DJing") is a whole other world. Best start with the crab and skibble scratches now fella
S2 licensed
Quote from chavm481 : 3min of quitet takes more kb that 3min of noise.


3 minutes of silence takes up the same space as 3 minutes of banging music.

Assuming it's in .wav, of course. Filesize is down to quality. Without knowing bitrate and whatnot, can't say how long an 8kb file will be. Short though.
S2 licensed
Wow, that looks awesome. Hardcore arena looks like it'll be superb. Will be stealing Kev Energy's badger puppet and 'aving it

2 weeks before my birthday... methinks I'll be there! Best start getting on the blag

Klutch, pal of mine is playing in Sydney, dude called Technikal. If you're anywhere near there, I really suggest you check him out as he's pretty damn good. Although you'd only agree if you're into the UK hard trance sound