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S2 licensed
Shut up and give me admin, I want to be king of the retards.
S2 licensed
I find the quality of grammar, spelling and punctuation is much higher on race servers for some reason.
S2 licensed
Safari's not bad. It's basically Chrome with different... chrome. Lol.

I've never bothered replacing it as the default browser on my Mac so it can't be that bad.
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :Their fascist ideology of Sharia is the antithesis of everything that the enlightenment brought Europe. While the west came to value rationalism, education, scientific reasoning, tolerance, human rights and democracy, Islam rejects all of those values.

Hmm. Perhaps you should be warning of the dangers of allowing your christian right to worm their way into power rather than worrying about Muslims in Europe. Your christian fundamentalists do not value rationalism, education, scientific reasoning, tolerance OR human rights!

You also seem to be struggling with the rationalism, scientific reasoning, tolerance and human rights yourself.
S2 licensed
Speaking of religion, let's not forget Romney is a Mormon.

The Mormon 'church' was started by a con man from New England, who eventually died trying to shoot his way out of jail. The cult was then taken over by his right-hand man Brigham Young, a violent racist misogynist.

They have some pretty strict doctrine in their third testament (the one that was given to Joseph Smith on golden plates by the archangel Gabriel, but nobody was allowed to see them and they vanished once he'd finished translating them [he was later given some more mysterious plates to translate which he declared were written by the descendents of Abraham, only for the guy who provided to plates to respond that he'd copied the 'hieroglyphs' off tea crates shipped from China]), but because whoever is the current leader of the church is believed to be a prophet, they can each successively re-write the word of god however they see fit.

Doesn't seem to stop the republicans from thinking this guy from one of America's weirdest cults (they have to wear special underpants with masonic symbols on them. I am not making this up) would make a great president.
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :2. Of all the talk of a large peaceful Muslim majority I ask, where are they?

Do you expect them to be on the news? MUSLIM WOMAN WATERS GARDEN---MUSLIM MAN BUYS GROCERIES---MUSLIM FAMILY ENJOYS SEASIDE HOLIDAY - these aren't exciting headlines.

Quote from flymike91 :Are they protesting in the streets against terrorism and suicide bombing?

Have you ever seen anybody protest against terrorism? How many whites in America protest against suicide bombing? It's not a ****ing government policy, what would be the point in marching on parliament with placards? Idiot.

Quote from flymike91 :Are they denouncing en masse the ideology of Sharia preached in mosques?

Yes, actually, they are. The moderate British Muslim majority do not want Sharia and they are vocal about it. Similarly moderate British Jews object to the occupation of Palestine and Zionism.

Quote from flymike91 :Are they confronting the mobs in the street who chant about murdering the French or Belgian or Dutch?

Are you? I've never seen a mob of Muslims chanting about murdering people, it just doesn't happen, so anybody would struggle to find a mob even if they were keen on confronting them. Do you think life in European countries is a daily struggle to drown out a mass of seething Muslims in every street? It just doesn't happen. Someone should tell American right-wing bloggers that.

Quote from flymike91 :Why do they let a violent minority speak and act for them around the world?

That's like asking why the peaceful majority of residents of Belfast aren't regularly announcing that they haven't murdered any policemen and that they are morally opposed to the activity. Wouldn't a reasonable thinker simply assume that most of a given population aren't murderers?
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :Demographic statistics cannot be ignored or skewed. You are being replaced.

By other humans? That's a relief I thought we would be at war with sentient robots by now.

Quote from flymike91 :Whites in Europe are so guilty of past colonialism and nationalism that they have simply stopped having children and advancing their culture.

Ah Europe, that homogenous blob of old-world on the other side of the atlantic. Where America got the gothic arches that gave New York City some class, and the classical columns that made D.C. look grand. It used to be cool, but now it's just a bunch of self-hating liberals with a commie currency.

Quote from flymike91 :Why would Muslims assimilate into European culture when the Europeans hate it themselves? You must assimilate into Islam, which for better or worse is a much more potent and alive sociopolitical movement than whatever it is Europe stands for.

So Europeans hate themselves and their own culture and that's why someone got beaten up by Muslims in Belgium? Given how satisfied Americans are with the finer points of their nationhood and culture, why is it they're going on shooting rampages in their schools and malls so often?
S2 licensed
If it's a decent console (if it has pre-fade auxiliary sends) you should be able to do this without any additional hardware.

The desired result is two mixes - one for the front of house sound, and one for your recording. Let the house mix their sound however they like using the faders on each channel as normal, but ask them (if they have a spare pre-fade aux send, which they probably will) to create (or let you create) a mix for your recording using the aux send. That way you can take a stereo out direct from the desk and their mix won't affect your mix (or vice versa).

I've done this before when mixing stage monitors in poorly equipped venues (most have a separate console for monitor mixes) and while it's not ideal it does work.

Of course the best solution would be to record a multi-channel signal from the console and mix it later at home, but that would require more gear than you have, not to mention a degree of expertise with audio software. If all you've got is a stereo input to record to your computer then a mix through the aux sends is probably the easiest solution that gives you the flexibility you need.
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :he's getting more money for practically no work.

I think you could level that criticism at a lot of footballers but Cristiano Ronaldo - as much as I dislike him - appears to be a model professional.
S2 licensed
I think people in the UK have been very impressed with the way the Norwegian court system dealt with Breivik. They tried him, they let him speak, they treated him like any other criminal, and then they locked him up like any other criminal. This is the best way - don't make him a special case, and certainly don't make him a martyr. He stood there in court each day doing his stupid salutes and made a mockery of himself, while everybody just looked at him like he was from another planet. Perfect.
S2 licensed
Ehrlund EAP contact microphone and preamp. Sick of using piezo systems for live double bass stuff (after a weekend of festivals and a nightmare trying to get a decent sound on various stages) so I'm giving this a punt. Apparently it can sound amazing if you find the sweet spot on your instrument, remains to be seen how resistant to feedback it is though. :/

S2 licensed
York City just signed Britain's brainiest footballer Clarke Carlisle. About as close as they're ever likely to get to a 'marquee signing'.
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :I also notice a lot of people that are pro-choice are against the death penalty and a lot of pro-lifers are all for executing criminals.

S2 licensed
Quote from dadge :Same here but I don't know how I got your picture. Lol

S2 licensed
I turned off face recognition because I got sick of the sight of my own stupid face.
S2 licensed
The S2 is such a good phone. There are a couple of small things I would change about it (proximity sensor is too close to the notification bar during a call, no notification LED) but given the quality of the screen and the camera, and how slim and light it is, I still think it's the best phone I've ever tried. I also love having Swype as an option.
S2 licensed
Are they earthenware pots of some kind?
S2 licensed
Sterling and Allen both put in good shifts. I'm surprised Carroll's being overlooked still though, he's got a lot of potential he just needs a system geared towards exploiting it.

Shame for Skrtel his goal was a cracker too.
S2 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :... A baby can be born, and if it is then killed that's full blooded murder, a murder which would have been perfectly legal only moments before a possible birth.

Oh look, here's another topic you insist on talking about when you know nothing about it.

Abortion laws attempt to determine at what point a foetus becomes self-aware and capable of feeling pain. In the UK that means you cannot abort a pregnancy after the 24th week of a pregnancy. In France it's 12 weeks. There is no country in the world that allows abortion up to the final day of pregnancy.

Quote from Intrepid :... But it's perfectly understandable why it's a 'hot topic'. It's typical anti-American and somewhat hypocritical ignorance that would think otherwise.

I'm not anti-american. I lived there for years and I have a lot of friends up and down the east coast and out west in California and Colorado. But you just like calling people names don't you. Enjoy the irony of calling me ignorant while knowing **** all about abortion law.
S2 licensed
I do find it odd that abortion is still a hot topic in american politics. That outlawing abortion even gets proposed in a modern society is shocking. Appalling even. It's getting the point where I wonder if the clerics in Iran tell their people that americans are jealous of their ruthless theocracy.
S2 licensed
Have they shown any shots of Rooney's miserable face? I was tempted to watch this game just to see that.
S2 licensed
Quote from DeKo :To be honest, it just sounds like GTA isn't for you.

Really? My criticisms are that GTA:SA was too big with massive sprawling nothing in between all the action, but maybe some people like having to drive for miles before they get to actually do anything, and the silly being forced to eat junk food every day, and the weird pointless stat-improving things with the gym, all that bullshit. Maybe they are things that mark me out as not being enough of a fan of the series. GTA4 took out a lot of those pointless activities (and sadly injected a few replacements), but let itself down by just not being very entertaining. Again - too much time wasted in between actually getting on with the game. I suppose it's a way to bulk out your game and make it look bigger. GTA 4 was mostly that sort of rice.

Quote from DeKo :I loved every GTA, from 3 to IV and everything in between.

So not GTA, GTA 2 or GTA London, then. Which were all really good.

Quote from DeKo :I agree that VC (maybe SA) was the peak, GTA4 had a lot of potential that it didn't live up to, but this will hopefully.

So you agree VC was the best the series has been, and that GTA4 didn't deliver what you expected it to, but you think GTA5 will? Classic case of being swallowed by the hype machine.

I will do what I usually do and wait for the game to come out before I decide if it's any good. It's always best to ignore a publisher's pre-release bullshit.
S2 licensed
Is a huge amount of stuff happening? In the area immediately around your character yeah. Not anywhere else. And more importantly: Is any of it really adding anything to the experience? Sure it's nice to have some other pedestrians and cars around to make a place feel believable, but really they're just decoration.

Also what was the story with the AI cars in GTA 4 - why was it that half the cars on the road were the same car you were driving, no matter what car you were driving? More often than not there were only three or four different types of car on the road at any given time. If the car resources are too heavy for the computer to render then maybe they need to scale the models back a bit rather than removing most of them from play. But I suppose that wouldn't make for good pre-release screenies, and those are what sell games.
S2 licensed
But they are irrelevant to the discussion. We're looking at static images of a game that nobody's played and commenting on how it looks. How it looks is 'average'. So now Boris would like to bring hyperbole to the table (50 times bigger...) to explain why this game is special, along with some features that many other games from the last five years have had.

Is it fun? Who knows. GTA 4 wasn't much fun. The story took itself too seriously; the protagonist's proposed personality didn't fit most of his actions; it was littered with unimaginative, overly long cinematic sequences, and if they weren't distraction enough they included NPCs nagging you to perform boring time-sink recreational activities with them. No thank you, I would like to get on with playing GTA, not watch badly acted short films or play The Sims.

The series peaked at Vice City. Ten years ago. And the solution is not to make the rocks look nicer.
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Um it has the open map 50 times bigger then most games? Million objects, buildings, moving pedestrians, cars etc..

So did GTA 4.

None of those things are graphics features by the way.