Speaking of religion, let's not forget Romney is a Mormon.
The Mormon 'church' was started by a con man from New England, who eventually died trying to shoot his way out of jail. The cult was then taken over by his right-hand man Brigham Young, a violent racist misogynist.
They have some pretty strict doctrine in their third testament (the one that was given to Joseph Smith on golden plates by the archangel Gabriel, but nobody was allowed to see them and they vanished once he'd finished translating them [he was later given some more mysterious plates to translate which he declared were written by the descendents of Abraham, only for the guy who provided to plates to respond that he'd copied the 'hieroglyphs' off tea crates shipped from China]), but because whoever is the current leader of the church is believed to be a prophet, they can each successively re-write the word of god however they see fit.
Doesn't seem to stop the republicans from thinking this guy from one of America's weirdest cults (they have to wear special underpants with masonic symbols on them. I am not making this up) would make a great president.