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Quote from xaotik :Hah - trinitron users are the same all over the world!..

That's because two faintly visible horozontal lines, (only really noticeable when staring at a white background for awhile), are hardly an issue with an otherwise awesome monitor. Also, I got mine cheaper than what alot of crapper monitors were going for back in the day. But to each their own I suppose. :twirl:
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Quote from dropin_biking :Dude, any DDR RAM will work, it just will run at a speed up to 400mhz...

Didn't look that far - there's your answer, DDR400, and I agree, 1 gig should do you fine for your LFS needs. I was happy with my gig of Kingston in my 478 rig. (and a cheap 256MB AGP vid card)
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Quote from xaotik :Where the Sony Trinitron's the ones with the horizontal line in the middle or just about of the screen? I remember colleagues who had them, almost had me use one, until I noticed that line. After that it was all I could see on those screens... the Line. So I just stuck to EIZOs.

Yep, there's a line and it's not a defect. I got used to it pretty quickly myself.
S2 licensed
My story.. I used my 17" Sony Trinitron monitor for a solid uhh, 7 years. (was on most of that time) It was absolutely the best monitor I've ever had a chance to look at for its size & price, and was well worth the $280 tag back in '99. One day it just up and died and I've been on this POS Gateway LCD since.
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You might print out a spec sheet on your motherboard and take it with you too, in case they have some faster DDR that will work.
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Quote from sgt.flippy :That's mostly because the LCD gives off WAY more light than the CRT. And the pics are taken with my cell, it can't handle the light.
I'll take a screenshot ...

When you compare the two screens IRL you'll see the flat screen is much more vivid in colors, while the CRT looks very gray-ish and dull.

What kinda CRT is it, a Trinitron would likely make things the opposite. Oh, and nice ajp. I don't plan on buying a monitor till around Christmas time, so I'll just try and wait and see what kind of decently priced technology's out around then. Maybe LCD's will have a major breakthrough, lol. If not I'll prolly go F900 or some kinda 21"ish sized Trinitron like you're persuing.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :How would you rate Trinitrons (I'm currently bidding on one on ebay for 99p )?

From what I've gathered from my uncle (who's a professional photographer) proper vertical colours are possible on a few LCD screens, only problem is the one he's got set him back (a JVC IIRC) £1200 for a 21" (and he ruled out an Apple screen on grounds of cost :tilt.

IMO there's still nothing better than a flat Trinitron tube. I had a 17" Trinitron monitor for ages that I miss dearly. I've never owned a better monitor. The main TV in my house is a 25" flatscreen Trinitron, and again, it's the best TV I've ever seen. (short of all the new HD etc. stuff that's still completely out of my price range) IMO, you can't go wrong with a Trinitron. Also, the last time I surfed Ebay, there was a FW900 with a Buy It Now of $99 with local pickup only, somewhere in the NJ area. Refurbished, but gauranteed and looked like a steal from my desk.. I also saw one for $149 with $99 shipping, which is what I may eventually go after, since LCD's just seem to pretty well suck, unless you throw gobs of money at them. :sadbanana
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Quote from Forbin :...NEC 20WMGX2 (or just the 20WGX2, the M just has speakers and other video inputs so you can use it as a TV)

It's probably the most CRT-like LCD I've ever seen. And from what I understand, they're not making it anymore, so whatever is left in the retail channel right now is all that is left, period.

Whew, and the first price I came across was $619. For that kinda money I'd rather buy fleet of non wide-screen Trinitrons. Heck, I could have one of those FW900's bought & shipped and still have $200 in my pocket. I'll keep digging, but if that's the general price range, I won't be buying one. Interesting enough, also, all the FW900's I run into for sale seem to be in NJ. I'd be driving over to wherever and picking one up for the prices I've been seeing before shipping. (if I too was in NJ)
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Quote from ajp71 :I'm fairly certain you don't have DDR2 RAM, at least according to a quick google, best speak to someone who can better advise you before going any further

Yeah, I missed that part, I'd say you can only run DDR1. As ajp said, consult somebody who knows the specifics on your motherboard. The fastest my 478 board can handle is 2100 speed DDR1, so there's no point in my, (and possibly wasted money), getting anything faster.
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Quote from Inouva :OK now Y buy with vid card a new set o ram i think mi matherboar support 2gb of ram , whit a gforce 6600gt 256mb and a Ram Kingstone 1gb Ddr2 533Mhz X2 ,my LFS shoul be run Smoth?

Yes, that setup should run it well. That's basically what I had, but I had 1gb less Kingston and a 5500 insted of 6600.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Well it depends what kind of performance you're after, I presume usable (at least 35) fps on low detail settings is what he's after which would be possible on this system for smaller grids but I would have thought you'd have issues trying to race on full 32 (or even 20) car servers online. I know I do and TBH I've got a slightly better system than that, although the processor is the main limitation in LFS.

I didn't run that system long enough to get to the latest patch where you can run 32, but I know I ran quite a few on the grid without probs, with most everything cranked and the "dust mod" turned up a bit. (not specific card settings mind you, like AA/AF - just in-game sets with default card sets) Things really picked up when I bumped from 512MB to a gig, even though it was oldschool 2100. That system's still kicking, but just as a server for various games & programs. Regardless, he's saying he's running 224MB with XP, which is his first big issue in my mind. FWIW, I did have all unecessary Winblows services turned off, and a few of those kinda system tweaks.

EDIT - I agree, much time below 32FPS is no good, I try and set all my games to run 32+ at all times
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Quote from ajp71 :Honestly you'd be better off starting from scratch with a new computer than trying to upgrade that.

If he's trying to run anything heavier, yes, but if he just wants it to run LFS well then no. Slap some more ram in it and spend $45 on a video card and call it done. If looking to the future too, upgrade the PSU and swap it to the new system when the time comes. Like I said, I was running the game GREAT with a $50 5500 256MB AGP (running at 4X) on a socket 478 P4 2.4Ghz and a gig of 2100 DDR. I didn't build my new rig for this game.
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Quote from dropin_biking :Actually the 6600 GT probably wont need a new PSU. Check the sticker on the side of your PSU, if its 300watts with 15amps on a 12v rail you will be fine (asuming PSU is still healthy, and the case isn't crammed full of shit)

True, but having a nice solid PSU can make all the difference in the world somtimes, (as well as keep you from eating hardware), and if he ever builds a new system he'll need it. I don't like running on the edge of power consumption. Before I did anything I'd be finding some more system RAM though, especially since he's got XP. He's at the lower limit for his OS on its own, unless I read it wrong..
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Quote from Shotglass :...i rarely sit in front of the screen in the exact same way for longer than a few minutes and lull to the sides a lot...

I have some pretty extensive back problems, so I tend to "wander" as well.
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Quote from NikLaw :A tad below and left or right isn´t that good, because of the horizontal and vertical color shifting at the same time.

Well, howabout just a tad below, lol. I have no choice but to sit a smidge under screen heidth and with this old Gateway LCD, darker colors become extreeeemely washed out etc. from it. I fear I'm much like Forbin and just won't be satisfied with any LCD, heh. (short of spending a small fortune I could have just snagged another Trinitron or two for)
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :...There is no extreme colour shifting - you can view them easily at a normal desk-sitting angle and don't have to swivel/pitch them around much if you change your chair height...

So lets say I'm sitting a tad below level and off-center with the monitor, still a good purchase?
Last edited by Tinytacohead, .
S2 licensed
Quote from NikLaw :...Why should you shift your head from left to right all the time?

Angle of view can mean alot depending on seating posistion and who's watching, and from where..
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Quote from xaotik :True that, but in this case it is - I was only going on the grounds of actually having seen them side-by-side at the offices of a client two days ago and having a whole discussion about how he had actually gotten them for the same price but I digress: they are virtually the same, so if $40 makes a difference to you, then definetely go for the 20".

You saw these monitors in person.. how's the color, in terms of what Forbin said? From watching & reading reviews on this particular line of monitors, it's my understanding that they actually have a pretty wide angle of view without the color going nutzo, but I might be misinterpereting things?
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :Yes - go for this one instead - similar price, same deal, 2" larger: ... 2881203&sku=S203-2247

And as the joke goes 2" can make the difference from "oh" to "AH".

I saw that one. Bigger's not always better. Anybody have any other reasoning against their 20"? ... 2881201&Sku=S203-2002
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :...Why did I do all this research when I hate LCD's? My beloved CRT died...

I feel your pain. My good 'ole Trinitron finally gave up the ghost and I'm stuck on an ancient 15" Gateway LCD as backup. I'd kill to have Sony's 24" WS CRT but that one's just not gonna happen. I'm thinking of going with a Samsung 20" WS. Anybody have any objections to this one? ... 2881201&Sku=S203-2002
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I was running the game pretty well cranked with my 256mb GeForce 5500 and a gig of 2100. The card will do 8x AGP but my old 478 board would only run 4x. If you really want to make that system last, I say get a 6600GT as Bryan suggested, and snag a decent power supply too, but first get some more system RAM. When you finally upgrade, (like I did not long ago, also going the PCI-E route), you can put the new supply in the fresh system. OCZ has good ones for great prices. I went with their 700w here.
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Quote from The General Lee :American talk!

Uhhh, after a wreck like that I'd be doing the same. That was pretty cold man. :rolleyes: Good luck Nate - I know how it goes. I wound up in a 15 car pile-up with my first car, a '92 Mazda MX-3 GS, which was my baby. I wrote it off and got enough $$$ to buy another just like it, or at least like it before I'd tweaked it a bit.. I'd hate to have been the woman who caused it all, LOL!
S2 licensed
Quote from JasonJ :...Widescreen FTW. I have to take motion sickness pills before I play haha. If I go and play on a 4:3 screen now, its like WTF, I feel depressed.

You're not helping me keep from spending money I shouldn't really be trying to spend. Good to know though, thanks! I think I just decided on a widescreen. Will be awhile yet, but I've made my choice.
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Quote from JasonJ :...And have you turned this handbrake option on? I forget this one all the time when setting up.

Ah-ha! I bet that's it. That's likely another one of the minute settings that was lost in my "re-install". Checking now.. BOOYA, that was it, thanks again! I've been away from the game for quite awhile, again, and have obviously forgotten alot, as I was sure I checked over every little option such as that one, lol. On another bright note, I'm on a MUCH better system than the last time I played, and things look excellent, cranked & tweaked. I think this game will help me on my new monitor decision as well.. still debating on a 19/20" inch widescreen LCD, or picking up another old Sony Trinitron square/flat tubed CRT. I'm sure this one would rock on the widescreen. (and the other main game I play, which does not properly support wide aspect yet, can be played in a window, while awaiting a wide-aspect patch)
S2 licensed
Quote from JasonJ :Are you able to post a pic of your
Options >> Controller Menu >> Axes FF Settings screen

Point out or write which yellow/blue Axes is responding when you move the Throttle Slider on the stick. I think you meant 3, as opposed to 0,1,2, just to clarify that.

The number is 3 and it's the fourth one down in the yellow/blue indicators. It's also labelled: slider 0. It shows movement in the yellow/blue area and I've got it properly set to "handbrake/axis 3", but it does nothing once actually driving. I also just turned "show pedals" on and watched to see if it was registering when actually in a car. Nope. I must have some simple option I'm forgetting, turned off?