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S3 licensed
For me K6 also started in 640x480 before I even tried to fiddle with borderless windows. And I was certainly at my native desktop res just before applying the patch.
S3 licensed
Works well on the quickie test I had, seems to be almost the same way as Assetto Corsa handles the borderless window so thats good. Smile

Only difference as far as I can tell is that AC does properly V-Sync all the time without me needing to put in an FPS limit.
S3 licensed
Thanks for the detailed infos, I know of course that the internet can be a strange mistress. Smile Could've been anything from routing problems on a certain carrier to problems caused by your mentioned ftp backups.

It may be worth opening a support ticket at your provider next time it happens so they could investigate further.

A good tool to investigate where you lose packets is MTR (or WinMTR for Windows), sadly I forgot to run it yesterday but will be running it tonight in case I do see lag spikes again.
S3 licensed
Server was pretty laggy there, I've checked my ping and things are clearly fine on my end, no package loss nothing. So I would guess something is wrong on your end with the routing guys?

Ping-Statistik für
Pakete: Gesendet = 210, Empfangen = 210, Verloren = 0
(0% Verlust),
Ca. Zeitangaben in Millisek.:
Minimum = 13ms, Maximum = 23ms, Mittelwert = 15ms

Not the first time this happens either, you may want to double check this before the 24h race!
S3 licensed
Talking setups, some better way to sort setups in LFS itself is sorely missed too! Just the ability to create folders for different tracks or different events would already make the mess I have in my setup list a whole lot less cluttered.
S3 licensed

that is certainly quite something, will be interesting to see where vive is pricing in relation to this. But that makes me wait for initial adoption rate and reviews for sure.
S3 licensed
Try adding a game capture device while lfs is open, chose lfs in the list of windows. And that should be it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Here it is Smile

Edit: I seem to have most of the skins from L4P in my skins folder, I think I could re-upload them in the skin posts and replace all the broken links. Uhmm

Would love that, L4P was a great repository for quality skins.
S3 licensed

Sounds good, can't wait until we finally get the consumer versions of both major headsets on the market to see how they compare.
S3 licensed

edit: btw @ people with not enough drivers to form a team, I may be looking for a drive with XFR or UFR, doesn't matter too much I guess.
S3 licensed
I was hoping for a bigger bang with S3 but content is content so I wont complain too much. Some teaser screenshots for the aditional S3 content would be very nice though.
S3 licensed
I can't ping any more either, maybe something changed there. I still get the server list though. No help I know, just wanted to let you know it's probably not a problem caused by not being able to ping it.
S3 licensed
That's exactly why I came here. Smile

No idea why he wouldn't send a quick message, especially while this is still in test patch phase. Well, maybe he mentions how the bug mysteriously fixed itself after J4 in his next video. Big grin
S3 licensed
Oh yes, thats how it looks by default. Smile You probably installed some texture mod to make it look better? the high res pack is pretty good.
Last edited by troy, .
S3 licensed
AC RTD Realistic Track Day - Max 300 BHP

That is a non booking server, no password, with plenty of people on it.

Maybe the serverlist url changed? Can't remember what it was before but atm it's:
S3 licensed
I am positive your server list doesn't show all the servers. I'm filtering so I don't see servers with booking/empty/passworded on the AC Launcher and I see way more. I use exactly the same filters on your list.
S3 licensed
Nope, your server list is broken it seems, I see a lot more servers when I go online with the AC launcher.

edit: 66 non empty servers without booking and password for me, while on your list it shows only 22 with the same filters.
Last edited by troy, .
S3 licensed
If I remember correctly the UFR got 10kg in one of the cityliga Aston rounds. May be worth considering.
S3 licensed
On his second video this VR-Nerds guy mentions a bug that "occurred multiple times" on his Vive already.

Seems to happen when a new track is loaded, he says something about the image being distorted, not sure what exactly he's talking about.
S3 licensed
Thats what you call dedication, good stuff Big grin
S3 licensed
Skin had a little mistake in it and was updated, skinpack creator was too fast for me!
S3 licensed
Happy Kwanzaa!

Thanks Bean0 Big grin
Last edited by troy, .
S3 licensed
And another edit to 23


S3 licensed
Now bribe super duper with a mic and you're golden! Big grin Gratz guys, must be nice not being so lonely any more. Smile