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S3 licensed
License name : vain
Ingame name : 3id P.Galaske
Car : FZ50
Team : My3id Gaming

S3 licensed
Quote from J.B. :Because he didn't give them a chance to.

Well, I've seen GT2 cars defend harder against me while I was driving a GT1 in the MoE.

Regardless of that, the pace was exceptional.

S3 licensed
SpeedTV via TVUplayer (->google) has been working perfectly for years.
However it sometimes lags behind reality by several minutes, so don't check the forum during the ads, or you might read something that your stream didn't yet show.

S3 licensed
Keep it up Dan!

S3 licensed

S3 licensed
7 pm GMT is 21:00 WEST, which is austrian local time.

S3 licensed

S3 licensed
It's sad to see AR gone.
I hope to still see many of you online in the future.

S3 licensed
I've posted the sourcecode in the linked thread. It wasn't supposed to be read by anyone but me so don't come crying when your eyes start to bleed.

S3 licensed
Since I've been asked to do so here's the C++ sourcecode to the LFSpitboard version R3.
Notice that it wasn't reworked for improved readability and contains some bad sections. Also, it's completely procedural and written in one file because of the way development went. There are some work in progress comments and a lot of debug statements from bugs that are long since gone.
It is however a nice example of using SDL_net to make a quick and easy to use InSim connection.
To compile it you'll also need some header-files for the Irrlicht XML engine. Or just go straight for the full Irrlicht package because it's really useful anyway.

S3 licensed
In what language did you program it? If you want to I can share the C++ code of my own pitboard.

S3 licensed
I bought a gamepad for this and it's pretty good fun with a good glass of beer on the desk.

I think I could get used to this sort of gaming. Does anyone know any similarly relaxing games for gamepad use?

S3 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :Rumour has it that some changes to the graphics engine that may be able to facilitate it may happen soon, but not in Patch Z.

Rumour has it that you're talking rubbish.
(just joking )

Sorry, but your post really needs some sort of source.

S3 licensed
The chocolate rainsaw is surely vastly superior.

S3 licensed
Normally I'd support changing the layout of the track to not make the cerbstones too rediculous. The Fe Green and Gold chicanes are simply stupid at any competitive pace.

However I have the feeling that detachable car parts are within the scope of LFS by now and I assume that the possibility to rip off your front wing will put some constraint to jumping the FE cerbs.

So my opinion is: If anything needs to be done it's work on the car damage model rather than work on the cerbs.

S3 licensed
Quote from z3r0c00l :

Way cooler:
It even has a soundtrack!!

S3 licensed
It can't detect FFB clipping on the hardware side. But if you've ever set FFB to 200% in the profiler you'll notice that that shouldn't be an issue.
LFS can however detect FFB clipping on the software side which I consider much more likely to happen.

Some sort of warning to notify the player of FFB-clipping
S3 licensed

When discussing torque steering in the locked diff thread I remembered an issue I came up months ago with:
Right now the only way for the player to notice wether FFB clipping occurs is a lot of concentration, testing and research, something the average LFS user is unlikely to do. If my understanding of the way FFB works is correct I think it would be a very good improvement to notify the player when the simulation maxes out the FFB strenght so the user can change his FFB-setup to improve the feedback.

As far as I understand the matter LFS breaks down the FFB into e.g. 256 steps of strenght with 0 being full force to the left, 127 no force and 255 full force to the right.
Using the ingame FFB strenght-variable LFS calculates the scaled FFB value and hands it over to DirectPlay, which hands it to the logitech driver which makes the wheel exert a force.
So when the ingame FFB strenght is set too high an average force will already reach a value of 0 or 255 (read: maximum) so a higher force can't be expressed anymore in this scale. That means any higher forces are filtered out (similarly to audio-clipping) and the player loses a lot of the FFB-effects.
If it works like that the player should be informed about FFB-clipping in some way because it significantly reduces the feedback the player gets from the car.

That is of course under the assumption that my understanding of FFB is correct. I didn't read any documentation on the inner workings of FFB so I may just as well be completely wrong.

S3 licensed
Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to drive a FWD with anything but an open differential so my thought are purely theoretical, but shouldn't a locked diff cause horrible, horrible, horrible torque steering?
The logic is simple. The tractive forces on the front wheels engage at the contact patches of the wheels and due to the not-open diff the forces at each of the two driven wheels are different. Since the pivots of the wheels are not identical with the point at which the tractive forces engage there must be differently large torques which should lead to a quite immense torque at the steering wheel.

From my experience the effect is only minimal in LFS, even in an XFR with a locked diff on slicks on tarmac. Is this something caused by the steering geometry in LFS (which isn't stated anywhere for the different cars AFAIK, I yet have to see the kingpin offset etc. for any LFS car) or does the FFB amplitude simply max out and the effect is cut off due to clipping?

S3 licensed
Quote from Clownpaint :Button / Coulthard incident = Racing incident. Button committed himself to a tiny gap and Coulthard made it even smaller, Button did everything he could to get out of the way but Coulthard was intent on holding the line and squeezing him out, and it just ended in tears. It's 50/50 IMO, but Jenson instigated the incident.

My opinion is that Button committed himself to a move at a time where he couldn't judge wether the move was save or not.
Racing is about taking chances and dealing with risks, but when you take a high risk and come out as the loser you have to accept that it's your own fault.
Button was the one who took the risk, it didn't work and now Button has to accept that it's his fault.

...Not to say drivers shouldn't attempt such moves in the future anymore. It sometimes works, but since it didn't this time Button has to take the responsibility for the outcome.

@"Anti-Hamilton" discussion:
It's the Schumacher effect. Since Wonderboy was hyped so much last year he's the scale to measure against. He's the enemy to defeat, the evil guy. The only difference is that he has a normally sized chin and isn't german.
The effect will wear down when Hamilton fails to win 3 WDCs in a row and people will assume he isn't the best driver ever like they were told by the ITV commentators.

Last edited by Vain, .
S3 licensed
Take a friend to your microphone, ask him to speak a couple of words and then listen to the recording. Is the recording a rough impression of your friends voice? If no, buy a new microphone. If yes, speak the same words into the microphone yourself and listen to the recording. Obviously, as you witnessed before, the recording is pretty close to the original voice which, incidentally, was your own this time. So then you roughly know what you sound like to other people.

It's fairly simple, isn't it?

S3 licensed
I wish I'd have known how to do that last time I wrecked my bike...

S3 licensed
Real WRC cars use 540°. That works rather well in RBR too.
If you don't know where to put your hands during sharp hairpins go watch some WRC broadcasts and copy the techniques. Works nicely. If it's still too tedious plan your lines better. In the heat of the battle it's easy to forget to properly "Turn in - apex - accelerate" every single corner.
Also make sure you access the digital button filters in the settings menu and set the rate of change to instant. Rumour has it that the rate of change for digital inputs also applies to the analogue inputs, which causes some of the steering lag usually observed.

S3 licensed
1. has a setup-sub-section in the download-section of their RBR section.
I can recommend the KSP sets, and the 'realistic KSP' to some degrees. I found the Subaru and Mitsubishi gravel sets from the latter pack pretty bad.
2. Finding out the exact chipset can be a bit difficult. Do you know which manufacturer provided the motherboard? Do you have any of the packaging left from when you bought the PC? It usually states the exact components somewhere.

S3 licensed
That sort of stuff is usually a driver-issue (no, not you! the software-bit! ). RBR tends to work pretty well on the most common systems, but it has the tendency to show some weird behaviour on certain hardware/driver-combinations.
The fact that you need to reboot windows (read: reload the drivers) to fix the problem also indicates that there is a driver-issue.
You should definitely try updating the chipset drivers of your mainboard. There are often tons of strange issues with them.

By the way, I lately reinstalled RBR and am now trying to regain my pace with the G25@540° rotation. It has proven to be a whole lot of fun and I've finished every stage of the first three rallies now.
Though to be honest I almost killed the car in Finland. In the fourth stage I slightly damaged two dampers, didn't have the time to fix it in the service park, totally broke them in the fifth stage, spun, flipped the car, lost two or three prop-shafts, lost the brakes, broke 2 wheel-hubs and killed 3 dampers. But I kept going (without brakes!!) until the end of stage 6 and managed to bring home 5th place, securing my championship lead.

I want to see Loeb hurling such a heap of scrap metal through snow-stages at 140km/h with no brakes!
