What's funny is I didn't... I went on the forum to download that exact file and copy it over each skin instead of making them blank manually :shhh:
Exactly. I don't know why I didn't do this sooner! I've always been a 'fidelity-phile' and only used dark colours to try and minimise the effect of the default skin's shadows. The devs should make an honest-to-god blank skin default--not even have a jpg for it. The RA and FO8 look particularly better.
Listen... if it's not "lag," what is it? It's lag. It may not be network lag, but it is lag per se. The name is lagging behind the car. The car is accelerating away from the name and the name can't keep up, id est it is intrinsically lagging!
Thus Dillyracer's original complaint, either way, is one of lag. He words lag as "float" (as in drift).
Right. And I said "right," corroborating your bug report. I also said "also," proceeding to explain another way going backwards in the pit lane can be used to cheat.
Right. I've also noticed that on some tracks it may be faster to go into the pits, take the first box, and go back out the pits the way you came in, in order to avoid a speed limit.
Wasn't the UF one of those cars that was planned to be changed? along with the LX4 and maybe one or two others? They had some warning about skins for them not going to work forever. Maybe I'm remembering wrong.
P.S. I clearly remember seeing a very modern car the UF was [obviously] based on. Some Korean car or something. Maybe it was only in the concept stage, but it was a near match.