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S3 licensed
And this should be a thread to slag off Intel or AMD????? - help the lad out for goodness sake....

And stop talking Sh1t... lmao - 6 months...... For an amd chip to not run the next gen software....... now I know your full of cack. For the most, you talk as though your sat with your "shilalie" in one ahand and your quad core in the other, braging on about which one is biggest....

I sit on the sidelines and read most of this crap..... with out the need to respond, but come on.... it seems for what you know about this stuff..... your opininated, ill informed and place yourselves on pedestals, that you dont warrant.

Its about time you stopped offering advice (that is actually worthless) and got on with playing the game or games.....

I am sure you do it for attention. or flame bating.....

Come on - pull your head out of your back sides and go get a rub down.
S3 licensed

Nice one - good save
S3 licensed
It would be alright if your link worked CSU lol
S3 licensed
With out wanting to sound condesending or rude, you have got to learn race craft...

The question of how to get past is either to,

Get on the gas earlier,(out of the corner)
Get on the brakes later, (into the corner)
Get the track position to put your self in an overtaking position.
Apply pressure to force the other fella into a mistake.

You also have to choose the right moment - make the other guy think.

If your opponent is running a blocking line - as in oval racing, by staying on the white line, and theres no way you can get the inside line, then your out of luck.

You need to do the following.

i)Take an earlier pit stop, and be faster after the pits.
ii) beat him in qualifying so you get higher up the grid and dont need to pass him on the track,

If all else fails you have 2 other choices....

1) the pit manouver.
2) Give up son, you aint cut out for racing.
ATC 60 Lap GP - KY NAT REV - 18th Jan
S3 licensed

The next ATC 60 Lap GP is happening next Sunday, first one for the year - with a fair few planned.

Looks like it filling up nicely, so make haste if you wanna sign up.

As always, everything contained in the link.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from george_tsiros :sage


S3 licensed

Last edited by Widdowmaker, . Reason : Gags now sniffing Dadge's Ting Ting
S3 licensed
Last edited by Widdowmaker, . Reason : Dadge keeps sniffing Gags Ting Ting....
S3 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :Anybody know where this village is?

I believe its in Scotland??
S3 licensed
Around "The Ring" - I get 6 pmg in my motor..... 2.5 ltr turbo. Daily driving I get around 18mpg.

I dont think 12 mpg is un realistic in the LX6, but it is quite a suprise if your not used to that kind thing.
S3 licensed
In fact - we dont even need a replay of another person driftin.....
S3 licensed
If I was to sign up - could you postpone the race (maybe a week) so I can practice a bit with the restricted set?
S3 licensed
Just thought I would share with you some pics of my latest purchase. With Current price rises in fuel - the Scoob is going to be used at weekends only.... and my daily drive will be a 1994 1300 SPi Cooper ... CWiddowmaker/100_1904.jpg ... iddowmaker/100_1897-1.jpg

Was checked out last night by a mini restorer - who was pretty scerptical at first but.... it stil has the origional sills - in excellent condition - origional wings in excellent condition, sub frames in excellent condition.

It does need anew exhaust manifold - getting a Maniflow LCB to be fitted this week.

Drives like it's on rails and I cant hear the stereo over the induction noise. I think I will be quite happy pootling back and forth to work....
S3 licensed
You can re-intall in 10 minutes.....

Move your setup ands skins accross in another 10 minutes - 1hr 10 mins to spare...

S3 licensed
Would help if you posted the link maybe.....
S3 licensed
Theres is something wrong with that picture.

See the 2 drive shafts - they should go to the back of the wheels which whould be in the arches.... well the arches are not in line..... I think what your looking at is a car on a jig - being straightened/ then for rebuild after the job.

All is not as it first appears.

I do see the convienant thumb
S3 licensed
PM replied.

Dells - not bad, there are worse out there - a few friends have them - but ultimatly your paying over the odds for entry level pcs.....

Good if your not upto speed with building them - saves you a load of hassle.
S3 licensed
I have a tower for sale - about your price...

Pm me for details if your interested.
S3 licensed
What was more disturbing was a picture of racers, who suffered maining injuries from accidents beyond their control. A puppy with a cross bow bolt in its head. None of those victims on that slide show were "owned"..... Thats not being "owned"....

"Owning" or being "Owned" is when you suffer a public humiliation for an act of blatant stupidity - not an accident.

Personally I find that post - irrelevant to the discussion, and sick - It should be removed.

The response to the post was a little over stated - but I agree with the sentiment entirely.
S3 licensed
You will know if you installed Brazil corerctly -as when loading 3DSmax - a screen will pop up - with Rio on it - cant miss it.

You can render LFS cars - download the link above. ... ddowmaker/77ontrailer.jpg ... Widdowmaker/tisdone02.jpg
S3 licensed
This happens very clearly on Blackwood Rev, as you come around Popeye, and head up the back straight. First sign of it is under the bridge, and then at the bottom of the slope where the rise is on the back stetch. It does disapear as you get closer and it does seem to be terrain related.