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S3 licensed
Quote from Leprekaun :Hi all! something which I've been thinking about for a long time is that, do tribute skins show respect or do they ridicule the importance of a person?. I have, in the past, raced in a league in which my cousin's son had died the same day of the race where I drove a black car to show respect. After doing the race, I felt that perhaps attempting to show respect only showed disrespect to others. Reason why I think it shows disrespect because I try and look at it from afar. Here I am, playing a sim, in real world (or real life if you prefer) terms, which hardly has any importance so am I showing disrespect to the person I'm attempting to show respect to by using a tribute skin in a sim?

Apart from sim racing, I'm also starting to doubt it being used in real racing as well. Its like combining one of the most important events in a person's life comparing to how much of little importance competition is.

What do you think?

My team has had unfortunatly a number of couple of "sad days" this year - and at every Grand Prix, we show are respect and thoughts to the individual/individuals who have been lost.

There is no disrespect in any shape or sense. A family member found it quite touching. I would urge anyone to show respect in this manner if they feel it is so.

Others opinions may differ, based on religion or similar.

We honour, and celebrate our lost or fallen comrades by wearing our black skins which we create a different skin for the person, and only ever wear it for that person.

We are actually discussing this on TS as I type - There is no issues with this in our team.
S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive : I didn't expect anything from this summer from LFS - it's summer and a summer break is surely well deserved to the dev team. It is just the fact that waiting that AI patch for december/januari is not what I wanted to hear. I have no problem with the developing speed, it is the things developed that make no sense to me, to be direct.

Its been explained before as to why the AI are being developed now. Its about time. The progress of LFS, has been slow, but its been good.

I personally think the followiing, if the AI patchs coming in december/ january, then its because its a massive task. (where was that info from?)

The massive task could be due to the fact that the current LFS engine, does not/is not able to generate real AI, that drives with you and against you. In my minds eye, I dont see any other reasons for it to take that long.

You could consider a few other items into the mix - We have been spoilt recently with regular updates and patches, its been an exciting and interesting journey, but at certain times, it will be slow.

Of course I am speculating, with no refference to back this up, but logical thought, that LFS in the next 3 months is getting a massive overhaul, with updates on lots of things.

Theres no rush to get to S2 final, except for 1 thing. Finishing S2 mean S3, and thats the next next "big" pay day. The only reason for the Devs to make quick progress.

There should not be any need for a flame war or moaing thread, when logical discussion and open mindedness, can lead to contructive discussions.

Roll on the next level of development, when ever it is, and lets enjoy LFS as it stands now, because when we go on to the next level, any opportunity to enjoy what we have now is gone forever.
S3 licensed
No - I dont use it. I dont use chase view. I treat LFS as a simulator and drive from the "sitting in the drivers seat view", like you would be if driving a real car.
S3 licensed
Welcome along - good to hear you found LFS.

Get out on the track and drive....
S3 licensed
Ohhhhh Dear.....

Thats the currency market for ya - shame - if ya had got it a year ago - you would have got a good deal. if you had done what I did and got it 2 years ago - it was well cheap.

Nothing you can do about it bud - thats life I am afraid. You are still getting a decent deal - Its LFS - your gonna love it and every cent is worth it.
S3 licensed
Quote from harjun :Some people understand...feel free to thank me

I understand.......................... that you are just a bit of a dipstick.

No need to thank me..................................
S3 licensed
Surely it depends on your style of driving, the corner, the setup your on, whether your leading or chasing....

There are far to many to many factors to consider to make such a sweeping statement.
S3 licensed
Quote from J.B. :Hmm, few people are in a position to be picky...

Theres being picky and being somebodys door mat.... nobody deserves that....

But if you want to be treated that way....
S3 licensed
Quote from Leprekaun :Well, actually, he didn't attend. He said that he has some personal responsibilities to take care of back in Cairo and another big guy involved with the team whom I've grown to like, very nice guy and very friendly said that he had organised a fishing trip with some friends of his before hand so he couldn't attend either. Hopefully, there will be another race this weekend and I'm pretty sure they'll show up this time and many more people so its good to know that now I have some experience of the track and can only build on it .


How about letting us know which team this is? Just for curiosities sake like.

I would be pretty pished off like - if I had driven most of the day to go karting to show I was good - done a few laps - come home - with the vague idea that they will be there next week - maybe?

That would not be the kind of team I would want to drive for, where a fishing trip is more important than a prospective driver. I would be looking elsewhere bud.... unless of course they didnt know you were coming? You were gonna turn up off pat - and impress them with your skillz....

Or..... they already know of you and .... well though you was cwap like... so didnt bother?

Dont be down hearted bud - hopefully they will be there next week (cos I dont think race teams are thick on the ground in Eygpt).

Good luck.
Last edited by Widdowmaker, .
S3 licensed

You need to get in touch with Shady Osama..... Hes currently Eygpts No1 Karting champion. Scroll to the very bottom of the page in the link Ive posted.. Shady is obviously a very talented man, with time for all. But I think you know that.

Im sure that he will already know of your talent, as you describe that there are very few drivers interested in single seat racing, and you are one of the finest.

Will the event be at the Ghibli Raceway? They do race pro Karts there. The track looks awesome.

I wish you all the best with your dream....
Last edited by Widdowmaker, .
S3 licensed
I would like the ability also to change types of tyre - to go from R1 - R2 - R3. (or road normal to Road Super)

I would also like to be able to force the option - for league races - like current formula 1 - where you have to use different tyre compunds during the race.
S3 licensed
A good setup makes a lot of difference to me and my driving style. I drive a lot IRL and find it difficult to translate those real life experiences into LFS. Non of my online friends own a car and they are all faster than me - real wierd.

When looking to make a set up for any track - I take an aston club set - and then tweak the brakes - camber and tyre pressures. If the track has a fast straight - the gearing is normally about spot on. If shorter then just have to adjust the gearing to suit. Im never gonna be a world record beater but for what ever reason - Im just comfortable that way.

One team mate tweaks set and goes considerably faster - I drive his sets, and I cant touch his pace.
S3 licensed
Well - I have to say..... Only 1 skin got my vote, but in the order of decency - I will find 4 more to vote for.

It stands out as a clear winner in my minds eye - but there is more than 1 prize to be won.

I will spend the rest of the week selecting the next 4.

Well done everyone for creating a skin - no matter how good or bad - at least you bothered to do something. (my efforts were just not good enough)
S3 licensed
The track IR should be agood bit of kit - but not owning one - I dont feel it would give me a realistic feel. I tilt my head when driving normally (not on LFS) so I could imagine the view moving with me and it would be wierd.

I found that buying a 3h2go gave me what I was looking for -Ive got faster, which is a good indicator.

I would still like a Track iR.... but not for LFS.
S3 licensed
Ghost car would do it - but I dont know if it works with X?
S3 licensed
ooooo......... Its this kind of thread that really winds me up......

ARRRRGHHHHHHHHHH :something:something:something

S3 licensed
Great Looking Card Gen...
S3 licensed
It would be quite difficult to hold a track design comp, without the tools to do so.

Unless the tracks were just visuals, drawings, a layout, sketch, 3dsmx Scene, and then the winner worked closely with the Devs in realising the finished track.

It wont happen at this stage I dont think - There are no plans to release the track editing/designing applications - and there would be far to much work involved in realsing the finished atrical.

Im not saying that it cant happen - just saying not yet - one day after S3.
In my opinion of course - The Devs may suprise us, but I doubt it...

Improved AI next..... ya ya
S3 licensed
Quote from CasseBent :cracking and popping sound in X5, just me?

No - nothing like that here... works a treat.
S3 licensed
This may assist you in your quest to be faster.....
S3 licensed
Your recall of the events is wrong.

You might as well ban me mate - cos I aint going back on your server - and I hope that is greated with a smile.

I have never been so insulted.

I may have driven for the length of the straight seeing the blue flag - but you were no were near to passing me - you lost it - I clearly saw it in my mirrors.

There was nothing for me to apologise for. Once you brought it to my attention - you gave me no chance to discuss the issue - as you kicked me - after you asked if I was taking the P i ss...

You were out of order.

By the way - You need to loose the totallitarian Neo Nazi attitude..... The jack boots and the Sparks like tash do not suit you.....

Blame is so easy to attirbute when you have a Singlular thought process..... When are you invading Poland by the way?
S3 licensed
{CD)Birder..... you are not welcoming to your server. I am an experienced racer, who nows the flag rules....

I will not frequent your servers again..... as you obvoisly have no idea of how to control yourself - with lapped cars, or your own self.

I am seriopsly dissapointed in your attitude and ability. What did you expect me to do? I was watchning my mirrors - knew exactly where you were - but you chose to almost drive straight through me - you really should have lifted and moved up my inside where I would have let you past.

I do hope you dont treat others with the same distane.

Im very very disspaointed You give your server and your team a very bad name....
S3 licensed
Some other things to consider...

The development of the AI will take additional steps - as not every form of racing has the same technique..

Oval racing differs in terms of over taking and maintaining pace, drafting etc.

Circuit/ road racing differs in technique to dirt racing.

The AI will have to be able to determin which type of surface thay are on, and the type of track.

Straight forward really to code I would have thought, but the difficulty is in making them good... or great.

Im not so sure its going to be an easy one this -and it may take time...

I wonder if they will be able to determine there own setup? If you never tell an AI to use your own set up - which one are they currently using?
S3 licensed
I think the problem comes along the lines of... Imagine this Scenario...

Scawen - in the forth coming patch there will be new Red apples, which we have been working on for a few months. A new banana, slightly larger than the last one, we will up date the grapes and correct the outline of the Pineapple, as we noticed it was not the correct variety for this time of year.

First response in the post.

Great, been waiting ages - thanks for the info - cant wait.

15th post.

I dont like red apples. I thnk the bannanas are fine as they are. The grapes do need work - what are you doing to update them? Ive never liked the pineapples - I think you should release a pear.

Another form thread start.

Who thinks the new patch needs pears. SHould they replace the pineapple with pears.
1) Yes
2) No
3) I dont care

500 posts along the lines of what some else wants to happen.

Back to the origional post.

10 pages on -

Demo racer (with 1 post history about his apple peeling style) - When does the new patch come out - I need to try out my wide style peel man, I can do it real fast and all in 1 peice. You Devs promise so much and give nothing.

etc etc etc etc.

personally I feel its good the way it is - when new patches come out, its a suprise. Sure we may not like everything but hey - Thats just like Christmas.

We know vaguely whats happening in patch X. We sort of know what Scawens is working on now. (because hes posted it previously)

If you want to find that out, keep upto date on the forum every day or at least twice a week. Show some commitment to the sim and dont post suggestions in the general forum , use the suggestions forum.

CAll me selfish - but it takes time to keep up on this forum, it takes balls to post an opinion on this forum, and if someones gonna come in, who I know is a damn fast racer, has damn loads of potential to be one of the fastest racers in LFS, but cant be bothered, or just doesnt care about the main forum for what the game is about. Come on man - sort your self out, and get with the program....
Last edited by Widdowmaker, .
S3 licensed
Quote from birder :Widdowmaker, i can only find a time for WE1 so no licence but i am sure you will hit 1:44.40 on CD1 without any trouble

Did 2 races today - Hit a 1:43.73 - without issue.... Had 2 good races actually - with a CD upfront showing us how its done.

Enjoyed it.