Yes okay.. but I'm saying if you got in a car you've never driven, and expected to make record lap times, it's going to take a LONG time, not all cars can trail brake that well.
But no ordinary person would fly into a turn and hope it trail brakes its ass into the apex
Like you said, it takes time.. yes.. that is what I am getting at, in no ordinary situation would you know this. Do you know how much speed you can take your car into a specific turn and expect to trail brake? Do you think you would even have the balls to trail brake your car? I know I wouldn't. Like a normal person you would be going slow the whole time.
Of course this is for the typical person.. who knows, you may do autox or otherwise in which case this doesn't partain but i'm speaking in the case of an ordinary person.
We aren't talking about the game anymore, we're talking about real cars... genius.
By the way, show me a video of you doing that in a real car and I will say fine, but once again everyone is showing me videos of professional drivers doing their work, I would like to see you do something like that....
A lot of cars it is dangerous to trail brake, why are you going to prove to me that diving into a turn to fast you have to brake all the way through it a good idea?
Sure.. why not, which is more important to the driver, .25 seconds? Or the entire race?
Besides, if you're going to trail brake and make it worth it then your marks have to be perfect, otherwise you will miss the apex and be on the gas later, thus being passed down a straight.
Oh em jesus, really? Clutches for the orbit gears? Nice try, but that doesn't even get close to the flywheel.
Yea.. and when are you driving an automatic under "racing conditions"?
It's there for reference for people following the argument and don't understand, nice try smart allec
Yea and the guy being the idiot downshifting before the turn is the one locking up the wheels because that isn't what you do....
It goes just like it should, you shift in the deadzone between no braking and no throttle.. it's how it's been going since racing started.
@kingcars, talking about real cars because this would only affect the cars we would be able to drive on a daily basis that have H gate shifters, only car in LFS that has an H gate shifter that isn't typical is the FZR so we're leaving it out.. that.. make any sense?
Okay I wasn't sure if you were one of those people that shifted down each gear or went straight to target gear like me.
Either way.. I still have yet to be in a situation that I have to brake and shift at the same time.
Like I said, it's dangerous if you don't do it properly.
The way I drive is I brake until I have to, clutch in, shift, blip, clutch out, throttle in.
They keep the pedals.. well.. really it's just because of everyone with different size feet, but if you're driving like a hot head shifting while braking.. if you screw up, then you better know what you're doing otherwise you're going to cause an accident and possibly total your car by locking it up, not being in a gear, all because you were to worried about making a perfect shift than steering, instead, your screw up has caused the car to become unsettled, and you're in the middle of a turn.. it's a bad combination.
That is why you don't toe heel in a car, because there is no need to, you slow down, shift, and then put down the throttle.
Also there is one thing that hasn't come to mention yet about this, I will make reference to your video of Senna driving that NSX.
NSX is a sports car, you know what, for this instance I will go as far as saying it's a super car in comparison to what we're working with here.
The NSX is far from an ordinary car, I had the chance to drive one once but I declined because that was when I had only driven one other manual car before in my life.
Anyways, we were talking about this on the Mazda forum I'm part of, people who toe heel, and you know what we came to the conclusion...?
It's near pointless for a normal car. Why? Go get in your car and look how far apart your brake and gas pedals are, doesn't matter if its a manual, it can be an automatic car, go look how far apart they are. Can you toe heel that? Sure if you have a foot the size of Shaq. It's stupid and can be dangerous in a real car if you don't know what you're doing since most people can't regulate the brake that way.
Now, looking back at the video of Senna in the NSX note how much closer the brake and gas pedal is.. why is this? Because it is made to do this.. and why was it made to do that? Because it's a sports car, that's why, and even its pedals aren't even that close, go sit in a Ferrari and see how close those suckers are!
Again like I said... the only car you would toe heel in LFS would be the FZR, that is it.
edit... nevermind! he just double clutched the on portion I watched.
Also you have yet to tell me about any ordinary person that can jump in a car and heel toe and expect perfect results.. even pros don't get it right every time. But does it matter? Not really no.. A blip is a good estimate, no one is perfect at heel & toe, sure I may be contradicting myself it may seem, but am I really? You have yet to prove to me how more efficient a heel toe turn is faster than not.
Enlighten me more about the purpose of heel and toe on an ordinary car driving down the street.. I fail to see again why you would need to shift from for example 5 to 4 to 3 and even to 2.. when you could save yourself, the clutch, the car, and the transmission by braking like a normal person, slowing down, and going from 5 to 2.
No car I know of that is automatic involves a clutch.
Sure you may be able to overheat it.. but even then what difference would it make in an automatic transmission? Nothing is touching except liquids in an automatic transmission, sure it may not work as efficient if it somehow overheats (which.. as you say may be possible in the wrong condition), but nothing bad that I know of could happen unless you let it sit on the surface of the sun until the metal melts, I mean I just don't understand how you could even overheat the liquid to the point where an automatic .. quits working, it takes a specific temperature to run at, and then there are coolers, I suppose if you did restrict the coolers from cooling the transmission .. well you'd have a problem
Really I am rambling because I'm at a loss as to what could happen to an overheated automatic transmission or an overheated transmission at that.
^me rambling
Okay so I looked it up, if you do overheat an automatic transmission, the connection between the engine and the transmission.. you can't ruin (well.. you could if you took it apart and broke it), but overheating an automatic is same as overheating a manaul.. either way it's the transmission, you'd be overheating the oil in the trans and the gears would grind each other to bits.. but that is AT/MT
Whereas in a MT car you have a clutch, in an automatic you have you have what's called a torque converter which is just a disc .. with a bunch of fluid in it.
Well.. ever take a manual car and go down a hill and shift into lower gears? That's how, I don't need to explain.
Again.. if you know how to use a clutch properly.. this is your duty, if you feel as though you need to heel toe (which you don't) then learn to shift smoothly. Heel and toe doesn't reduce wear and tear, shifting correctly does. Heel and toe is just an accessory to blipping to reduce wear and tear
My logic is that I personally don't know anyone that is good at heel and toe, that is what I'm getting at.. if you say you can't do this or you can't do that because you're to busy heel and toeing.. that is YOUR fault, that means you AREN'T good at it, if you were, you wouldn't be complaining about having to do this or that.
When..? I have yet to be in a situation that I have to drop down a gear except for going up a hill I drop from 5th to 4th but that doesn't involve braking.. when do you ever in any car have to brake and shift at the same time?
Like I said.. these guys know what they're doing, not to mention they are RACING transmissions, the normal H gate cars in LFS.. would not involve a racing transmission, chances are any idiot to try heel toe and screwed it up.. would probably be a $2,000 or more mistake
Yea.. if you're racing.. and have a transmission made for racing. By the way, the time you waste downshifting probably skidding the tires.. is much more time than it takes to downshift in between braking and throttle to shift gears... Unless you have one foot on brake and one on throttle so when you are at the apex your throttle is halfway in as you're letting brake off... otherwise it doesn't work that way.
Stall... how are you going to stall a car when it's moving unless you somehow manage to lock up anything and everything that is moving?
If you stall a manual car when shifting.. you will break anything worth money in that car.
Honestly if you have a clutch, learn to use it, otherwise don't worry about it that's what it comes down to, if you want to deal with a clutch, then you should know better to put it in if you start to spin out and come to a stop.
Thats just true for life, if you get a manual car.. you should know better, if you stall it when it comes to a stop, that is YOUR fault, not the cars.
Also by the way.. automatic cars don't have clutches in the transmissions, there is nothing to overheat.
I don't know if that was bad marketing or what lol but making a BF1942 and now a 1943... lol
I love the orchestra music of the BF series though, catchy little tune!
My roommate still plays BF2, he always gets on those bring a pistol to a knife fight servers, those guys are crazy lol!! watching that is so funny, unreal.. yes but oh so hilarious!
I don't know about 1942 though, I love that game, I'm sure plenty of people still play it online, but man oh man does 1943 look gorgeous!
I tell you what though, 1942 changed FPS gaming forever with the entering vehicles thing, there may be others that had it before, but not on a large scale like this before, I instantly fell in love with that game when it came out (I never bought it though), but WOW how the entering vehicles has come so far!!
Is 1943 supposed to be basically the same thing as 1942 just with .. more and better looking stuff?
and I am telling you that you don't have to toe heel, the only thing that helps at is engine braking which.. isn't helping anyone unless you're a pro at it.
Besides, in the cars we're talking about.. there is no purpose of heel and toe, the only time that would be necesary would be in the GTR cars (okay fine you got me.. the only car it would matter would be the FZR) but even then I have yet to upset the car that much when downshifting to much, and if you are, then learn how to use a clutch more properly.
Honestly, I can say the only person I know that is good at toe heel here is.. probably Tristan if he even does it (no offense to anyone else if you are good at it)
but when will you EVER have to toe heel.. in a non GTR car? Ever?
Why WOULD you toe heel in a non GTR car, it would freaking RUIN your transmission, or atleast cut its lifetime in half if you're trying to downshift fast from 6th to 3rd and going down each gear in between, unlike a normal person which would slow down.. hit the apex of the turn, shift into 3rd and go, and save the transmission that much pain.
So honestly, this whole toe heel arguement isn't going anywhere in this thread it's just a sub arguement that is entirely purpose and I have no idea why I'm continueing this sentence lol
@morpha, well.. you gotta take that chance, I've been to enough servers (back in the days when I really played you could only have 16 [or was it 15?] players on a track at one time) so even then it was hard to pick a fight because chances are people were either much faster than you.. or much slower so.. that is why this doesn't bother me because even if someone is having to do more work, or if I were to set up my H shifter and deal with that, no matter how unfair it could be, I would much rather have fun.. racing next to someone doing half the amount of work.. than otherwise really..
lol as for fuel prices.. yep that sounds about right haha! and ours is actually pretty expensive right now, hopefully it will drop down to 2$ flat when I leave for school.
Sometimes you know.. it isn't about how realistic it is.. it's about how much fun it can be.
If you want to get serious about being realistic, how many track days will you ever see two cars that are perfectly balanced?.. Rarely if ever, and that is what hurts about LFS is the limit of cars and modifications, the only things that seperate you from someone else is skill.. and suspension. That isn't much, in the real world.. you can't even compare, so if you want to go the realistic route.. you're going the wrong way because LFS is far from realistic.
our diesel right now is [edit.. usually is at least] more expensive then our gas since they have passed laws and it has to go through sulfur filters (that happened.. last year I think?)
In my area gas prices are dropping quite rapidly, they are down to $2.30 (87 octane) for a gallon of gas, and diesel is in the $2.40 range (actually doing really good, it's usually more expensive but right now it's looking pretty low) premium (93 octane) is about $2.55
As for my D40, father bought that, but I suppose you're right, it was bought at $360
But again I didn't spend it so.. spending that much money for me is.. gonna take a lot of pushing! I really want a G25 though especially now because I'm thinking I'm going to take my Momo down to school so I can play (wireless xbox360 controller wasn't much fun lol so I never really played)
At prime server hours I see a lot of servers get up there, and the more people in the server, the more likely people are to join in!
Why join in a server that's 5/30 when there's a similar server running 25/30? Which would you prefer to join lol?
@amp88 again.. forcing something that isn't real ISN'T INCREASING REALISM. Not every manual car in this world has a clutch. Sure maybe the cars in LFS aren't like today's cars, but that's not the point, because what about everyone running an Auto gearbox? Can they race too?
By the way, toe heel doesn't make you faster, and if you think it does then you must be delusional, because all you're doing is setting the car up for the gear to take out of a turn, when you could always brake.. clutch in, shift from 5th to 3rd, clutch out and be on your way.. or instead you can risk damaging your entire transmission in a real car by attempting something like that if you don't know how, or miss the turn, miss the apex.. there is plenty more to go wrong in a heel toe situation than there is when you shift at the apex like people did when my father raced.
Excuse me I was wrong, the G25 in the US from costs $300, not $200
that is WAY more than I would ever spend on something for a computer, I won't even spend that much on a new graphics card for my laptop no matter how much I want it.
You can buy a laptop for that price.
I spent $169 on my Dell Mini 9
That's strange.. for Britain, it costs $450 USD (279 GBP) for a G25
The G25 by no means is cheap.
I have yet to spend $300 at one time for anything in my life.
Now.. why do I say it would make that little time difference?
With autoclutch right now you still have to let off the gas, in the same time you let off that gas, you could be shifting with a clutch and a gate shifter, but instead.. you're just letting off the gas.. meaning the only thing changed between two people, is one person has the fun of managing a clutch pedal and a gate shifter, while the other person doesn't get to have as much fun.
There IS no difference in autoclutch vs real clutch except the motions. That is it.
That hasn't always been the case, but it has been the case since this year.
No I understand what you're saying and I will say it again, the system will be abused during a break in period and will ruin the integrity of LFS.
It would be just another option to keep others from racing, that is all it would be doing.
Just as everyone realized with the force cockpit, the only good thing about it was the ping times because there were a lot less people on the server than there would be, making the races that less enjoyable.
Then someone had the bright idea saying hey.. why not give everyone a chance, and everyone wins.
Plus.. do you honestly think that auto clutch is much slower than using a real clutch in LFS?
I can tell you right now the differences are so little, the only reason why someone with a real clutch would be slower, would be if they had an H gate, and they missed it, and even then.. it's so little time difference it wouldn't change your laptime but by maybe a whole .1 seconds.
On the subject of skid marks (.. that came out wrong didn't it?)
Lol, how skidmarks are made is currently wrong, Takumi.. someone, the user, had an entire thread pointing out how the skidmarks were made at wrong times etc.
I doubt I will ever be able to find that thread again though.
But anyways, as Tristan stated, the tires aren't exactly made for low speeds right now giving us a multitude of problems, hopefully one day they will be solved.
Thank you.. proof from just one person.
How many people online have you seen that still use keyboard to drive?
I usually see a good 5 people playing with keyboard out of 30 people or so.
And that's a pretty good ratio considering those are racing servers that keep track of your every move.. isn't it?
That's 5 less people.. those 5 people using keyboard could be the people racing right next to you, meaning if you forced clutch, you would be all alone and wouldn't that be a boring race?
I agree with you %100, I love using my full setup with my H gate etc. It is tons of fun, but not letting people racing because they don't have a clutch .. isn't cool.
What can I do with $200.. hm lets see, well I could last on Ramen noodles for over a year, I could buy a cold air intake for my car, on the subject of my car I could take a trip from my home in Georgia to San Francisco CA, and then to Vegas.. wow thats a lot of driving! That's over 2,100 miles (over 3,400km)
I could buy another netbook...
I could buy Windows 7 lol
I could buy 2 Blu Ray players
I could buy an Xbox360
I could buy an entire 5.1 Surround sound system
I could buy 5 demo racers an S2 license.. or spend that money and get me 4 or 5 brand new games for the Xbox I could've had
I could buy the monitor so I could play with forced cockpits and not complain
Want me to keep going?
I could get a multitude of lenses for my camera
I could get a camera just like mine (D40)
I could buy a big flash like I already have
I could buy a sub & box for my car
Instead.. I am saving my $200 and will [hopefully] spend it on a new ipod touch this year .. if and only if it is what I want.. seeing somehow.. someone.. threw my first gen ipod touch away (dont ask..)
$200 is a lot of money to just throw away when you're a college student from my point of view
Besides my 55-200 VR, SB600 and my Dell Mini 9, I hadn't spent more than $200 at a time for anything in my life.
One person can last $200 on money for food.. No not a family, but this is LFS, how many people here are having to support a family?
How many kids here are even old enough to have a job to MAKE $200?
That isn't deciding, that is forcing something on them that they may not necesarily want.
Sure you could choose a server that doesn't have it turned on.. but do we even have that option for force cockpit?
That's why I was so mad about forced cockpit just because every server I went to I didn't have a choice, it was deal with bad FPS, or get booted to spectator, that's what annoyed me is I wasn't even using chase cam intentionally, I was going through the views and I got specced.. without even knowing I would be if I hadn't of done that.
My limit idea is where this thread should head, forcing something on the gamers is a poor decision in the end.
I mean if you want to take it to extremes to see how this really sounds, that's like starting a US server and saying only US people can race it.. well.. what if there are no other servers running the F1 on KY Long, and you want to play but you're in Canada.. No.. you can't.. you're not in the US so go find somewhere else to play.