All of the drifter population don't have S15 headlights on their cars. Having them is making them different from the majority of other drifters.
They are not like sheeps that copy the same lights on and on over their skins.
I, personally, think that Silvias' (S13, S14, S15) lights just don't fit the shape of the XRT/XRG/XRR, in my humble opinion. People are gonna flame me, but I have a skin on which there are some paste-on foglights on the bumpers of my XRG, just because I like it and I think it fits with the spirit of the XRG, and if people find it s**cks well I don't care, it's just a question of taste after all.
IanH, I've seen quite a bunch of your sarcastic comments, and I have to say I appreciated most of them, but herethat this one is less fun and its level is worse that the others. Indeed, it's quite boring. I know you're trying to be provocative and so, but here I guess it is an epic-failure ^^
It seems you look like more dependent to the paste-on-lights than superior to the people sticking them on their skins. Like you'd need them to define your own personality. It seems that you've been raped by a guy that had S15 headlights pasted on his Cosworth, right ?
I know it's a rude experience, and if you wanna exorcise it, I'm free and I will willingly help you feel better.
Then you'll be able to post sarcastic and entertaining comments.
By the way, people paste S15 headlights not only because they appreciate the car. They just want to have a different skin from others. Moreover if it is THAT difference that shocks you, what about real light race cars paints? Would you appreciate them to all have the same colors and patterns? I guess no, so as I guess you're happy to race with a different skin than others, so that people can identify you, then you shouldn't have a problem with people doing the same by having S15 paste-on-lights instead of a different stripe and sponsor pattern as you have.
Thus, maybe you don't get to my point and you go crazy when it gets to the paste-on-lights. (I just have to say that the nazi ideology started the same way, with people commenting hard on some specific people IQ.) IMHO, I can say that race car skins are pretty much as ricey as drift skins. 'Why the hell, he's a smart-assed drift fan isn't he?', must you be thinking. Most of the race cars skins are just ugly, with all the sponsors decals, color patterns that fit to the sponsor's logo and so on. If they could afford their car and the leagues with their own money, racers would do what they want to their skin, and not what the sponsoring contracts oblige them to. And then everyone would blame them for having a fancy paint on their car and no sponsor...
As a morality : conformism prevent humanity from going forward. So please stop acting like a 14 years-old saying : how, he doesn't have skate/gothic/gangsta clothes, then he's a stupid arse ! It's exactly the same as what you're doing, and it gives such a dumb and chidlish image... not the one I've been used to be given by you.
Concerning the "robbery" of the lights. I guess Falken Sebone doesn't have to complain. Anyway, you can virtually take any skin of any car you have raced with. So if you just want your skin to be very private, send it to the people you want to watch the skin, then play. Or don't share.
Plus, I guess complaining doesn't deserve his cause, because ('-->' means "means") :
He fells insulted of a guy taking the lights he cut --> He's proud of his cutting job (--> But, cutting something and paste it isn't a great deal of work) --> He's very proud of a thing that anyone can do in the same amount of time, maybe less --> He sure is a very bad skinner.
So please Sebone, stop complaining about that... This thing happens in every day life (look at the american muscle cars, every designer took the idea of the one just before him --> all the cars look alike). Moreover you should be proud that people use your stuff, and not get your pride on the fact you are the only one to have something. People will play their window shopper for five minutes then won't give a F-word and won't drool...
Basically, I'd sat the opposite : if you can race a track/car combo, then you can drift it.
I mean, maybe not D1GP or Formula D style, but at least fast drifts following the normal line of the track ( taking a corner, with the same line as D1GP, with a bit lower angle, and 10-30 kph more than formula D's pilots, I guess this is the real style )
Well concerning road tires on road cars i guess it is because standard road cars are really really understeery (made for safety : an understeery RWD will be less likely to kill people inside if it goes straight on while if it starts spinning, the sides could hit something and kill passengers), which means that the tires (the rear ones at least) have a lot of grip power.
However, I totally agree with you when it comes to cold front tires. Racing the XRG, FZ5 and LX4, they tend to lose grip a lot when driving at first, which is quite confusing as well.
I guess the devs did that quite on purpose to make racers in lap 1 go slower and then reduce the accident number ^^
Have you ever raced on slick tires-fitted go-kart when they're cold ?
I did some, and I can assure you that they are as slippy as prewarmed tires in a laggy first corner...
I remember a race in an indoor track, where about 50% of the grid (including me) spun during first lap.
Maybe it's because you're in California and the hot weather makes your tires prewarmed anyway (jk ^^)
Even with two pedals, don't try racing with both feet.
Before I bought my G25, I had an old Logitech Formula wheel, and I only drove with my right foot (2 pedals, 180° of lock xD).
When I bought my G25 in mid december 2007, I still didn't do the heel toe stuff, I tried it when I thought I could handle the pedals (because it is easier to do in most RL cars than on the G25 pedals ), but in one week I could handle it pretty well, and it gave better braking stability and faster accelereting times (you don't have to wait 0.2 seconds more till your engine revs to the wanted RPM, which might make the difference before long straights ).
Well, the pluses of a team very depend on what you expect the team you'll join to be. It is just a matter of goals, ambitions and expectations.
You might enjoy having a "social tag", which means that your team is just a place to hang out and have fun with the other drivers. It is good if you don't want to acheive impressive goals. This might be a good place to start on if you want to slowly learn things (setups, strategies, lines, special stuff) while having fun.
Then you might be looking forward a "professional tag", a team which goals are to set up as much World Records as possible (like Team Inferno), or to win as many prestigious leagues as possible, or to leave as much smoke on the track as they can (Saiko D for instance). In that case, you'll need to have some serious skills, and mostly those teams will be invite only.
If you want an example, I've bought LFS a year ago, but because of RL issues, I hadn't the time to play since November. My implcite goal back there was to join a good team. I realized though that, at my level, joining a team was too restrictive and wouldn't give me the time to train at my own pace, of doing what I want. So I started joining LFS servers, race or drift, as a freelance and started having a lot of fun like this. I guess I won't join a team right now, maybe if some looks like what i want (but then, i'm not even sure of what i want ).
Also, people can remember you better if you are NOT in a team. You can impress them better, for because when they see you on the startgrid, they unconsciously think : Oh that guy's not in a team, so he must be slow! Then you can show your real skills, and people will remember you for your name, not for being just one more driver in the Slide FX or the GWR crew
I like to cruise IRL, but I mean, where is the point of cruising again and again on the same track?
Plus, most server insist on the fact that you need to drive A LOT to get the proper car you want... which is stupid. You wouldn't drive a mini 10000 laps around a loop highway just to buy able to drive a sportscar...
That's why people try to get in a chase : it's to be closer with the spirit of Live for Speed : racing, and being fast.
Also, I don't get why cops complain about tank setups... They can end a pursuit by throwing that car on a barrier actually...
To make cruise more attractive, you'd need to be able to go anywhere on the track (like merge all different configuration possible), which isn't the case... Plus, the layouts are quite annoying, it's basically the same and the same all over again...
It's normal that you get a FPS drop when recording.
Try to shut down every other app running but Fraps and LFS.
If this still doesn't work, and you still wanna make a good video two solutions :
- Either you record it slowmo, and you accelerate the pace later on on Virtual dub or windows movie maker.
- Either you lower your graphics settings (antialisating, texture filtering and resolution mainly). Anyway, if you want to put this video on stream, the quality will be lowered, so you won't lose much doing this
My multiplayer port was 63392, I tried 3 other ports (59392, 27010, 54010), and the InSim error still appears. Moreover I can't create a new host : I get the error "TCP Socket - Bind Failed".
So after putting those two errors together, I guess it's more a problem of connexion with the TCP. Any idea of how to fix it ?
MAJOR EDIT : Okay i've fixed it
In the multiplayer/create a new server page, I chose "Auto IP assignation" (putting nothing in the "IP adress" field), then I didn't have any problem to create a server. Once I was in the track, I could open any InSim port
So, just remove the IP adress you manually entered, and it's gonna be fine
Hey, if the sceptics want a taste of what is a mountain road/track, I suggest that they should try the layout I made (
I know it might sound like self advertising, but as the feedback says it's a very ncie layout to ride on, and the closest one to what a real mountain road/track should be