Im sorry to quote that Dajmin, but since in your opinion, every setup is already the same and is the Inferno's, then why do we even need adjustable setups ?
Let's get all to hardtrack setup, yeah !
Well this is partly the goal of the game : you **** up = you crash somewhere and your car is undriveable.
It's pretty much the same in real life
I think it shouldn't be in solo because as someone mentionned already : it wont train the "newbies" to race/drive clean, thus being a real wreck fest when in multiplayer..
I think that if ever there are custom mades tracks, either you DL them from the server or a FTP to enter it, either they are included in an official add-on pack after being reviewed by competent people. Otherwise, we might get a lot of cruise tracks of look alike drift arenas, too much for being interesting imho.
Maybe the devs could 'employ' a team of moderetors that would like to test the tracks, seeingif they are worth it, and after passing that test, would offer them to the devs for a final judgements, if they are not too busy
However, maybe shall I suggest you to read the section you are posting in, becauseI have pain to see links between your post and the theme of the thread!
Concerning the probable bugs, I have noticed a slight FPS drop some times after starting playing with the patch.
On Z, I could get around 60fps on every track, and it was the same for Z10 at the beginning. Nevertheless some days ago, I can't reach any FPS level higher than 40. My Z install still have the 60 FPS (so I think it might not be because of my graphiccard), and I don't remember installing any textures, nor modyfing the options, do people experienced similar issues ?
Well speaking of actions that involve footwork, I admit that a higher front rebound would create more oversteer when trailbraking, in order to prevent the weight from going too much to the rear, but for the others there are a lot of things I dont understand ^^
Yes but there is something weird with the rear rebound on entry then.
The higher the rear rebound damping will be set, then the harder it will be to transfer load to the front end, so the front will have less grip so the car will be more likely to understeer...
If the rear rebound is lower, then it will increase your turn in in entries, but it says the opposite stuff in the chart ?
And you agree with me if I follow your reasoning
I just have a quick question for you
My game is in French, so the traduction of the Parallel steer field is litterally 'Ackerman Effect'.
So in LFS, if I put this value to 100% do I set Parallel steer to 100% or Ackerman effect to 100% ? Because I usually set it to 100% assuming I was setting Parallel steer to 0%
If I have set parallel steer to 100% it might have explained some of my entry understeer issues...
Basically, what I have pain to understand is why a softer front compression setting result in more oversteer in the entry transient whereas a softer rear compression damping result in oversteer in the exit transient ?
Should it work like : a softer rear compression setting result in understeer at the exit OR a harder front compression setting result in oversteer at the entry (depending which initial statement is wrong, if so).
Because the rebound damping at both end of the car have the same result when changed (a softer rebound setting make the weight of a car transfer faster from one end of the vehicle to another). But the compression damping at the front and at the rear do not work in the same way... (as is a soft front compression damper fastened the load transfer, while a soft rear compression prevented it...).
So, I would like to know which of what is said on the picture is true there I think it is the explanation for the rear compresson damping setting and effect of this on the car, because when accelerating, making the rear spring compress slower is more likely to make the rear tires compress instead, this enhancing the understeer. However, for the front compression damping setting, it is the other way around...
So, my question is : Isn't something wrong explained on this picture, if so, what? And if everything is good as explained, if so, why setting the compression damping in a similar way (let's say softer or harder), will imply different effects on the car (or setting them in opposite way will result in similar effects on the car, in the appropriate transient of course).
EDIT : Nah nevermind, I am getting all confused with the manual, because there must be something wrong about the rear rebound as well in entries, because increasing the rear rebound increases the understeer in entries, doesn't it ?
I think the LFS manual page got me wrong, but it says that increasing the rear compression setting will reduce oversteer at the exit transients while increasing the front compression setting will reduce oversteer at the entry transients.
Since the rebound damping work in the similar way (less damping at rear = more understeer in exits / less damping at front = more oversteer in entries), shouldn't the compression settings work in a similar way as well ? Or is there a specific reason (that I did not see yet) to explain that they operate in a completely opposite manner ?
From my experience, increasing the damping at the rear effectively reduce the oversteer, because the suspension will travel slower and behave like stiffer at the rear, which will transmit all the weight to the tires directly and not only to the chassis. So, about the front suspension, increasing the damping would mean more weight transfered to the tires directly (maybe load is a more appropriate term) instead of being transfered to the front end (I'm sorry, I'm tired and can't find the appropriate words ).
Or if there is a reason for this way of operation, please tell me, because I fail completely to see it
In general a drift appears slow when you exit the corner with a slow speed.
70 is quite slow indeed for that turn, as usually, you should hit the outside rumble at around 80 or 85 at the exit.
Remember that the speed displayed when you slide is not the exact one, since your wheels spin
My best advice would be to enter the corner a tad slower, because then you might accelerate slightly in the exit instead of slowing down all the way through the corner --> regaining the grip sharply, which is slow.
Not to lose momentum, you should make your exit smoother --> slowly reducing the angle, as your tries will go though lower slip angles at the exit which will favorise the acceleration.
I would like to see some more options to go along with that :
- NOS : On/Off --> For more action during the race.
- Turbo Boost : On/Off --> To prevent collisions and train people for safety passing.
- EMP : On/Off --> To develop people's skills when an engine shut down happen.
- David Hasselhoff : On/Off --> Allow people to use the David Hasselhoff player hack, with early 80's hairstyle and leather jacket.
All of these not as a server-side option panel, but setup choices for the new car KITT (the old Pontiac, because the new Mustang is ricer, it has neonz in attack mode).
PS : I voted no, and to being serious this time, my post is in no way an attack (mode) to the OP, I just wanted to do a tribute to Hasselhoff. I think that options would be a bad idea, because in a lot of demo servers, damages would be turned off, thus it wont give the proper image of LFS to potential customers
PS2 : Remember : DON'T HASSLE THE HOFF !
EDIT : Damaging would be turned off instead of crashing. A crashing off mode would be good
1600cc, let's say a bit supped up to around 130-140hp (instead of the stock 115), 940 kilos, front engined, 50-50 weight balance, Independent double wishbone on the 4 wheels (stock), and supers as shoes
Would be such a good car
Like TVE and NAI, every now and then.
Usually at the end of a very good lap or at a very bad split to see if I whether it was me or the tires that gave that time
Just for personnal knowledge, I know that STD refers to XRG+XFG, bt what does those 3 letters stand for already ? Is it "Standard" ?
Because TBO is "Turbo" LRF is "LX6-RAC-FZ5" and the others are pretty damn obvious as well.
Then Tomba, if anywhen the devs add a new path on an existing track, whether it will be a new combination of corners or a completelly new road, I challenge you not to do a single multiplayer lap or a hotlap on it
The interesteing thing would be that to hijack the other's monitor, and displaying porn while in the middle of the race. The surprise and interest to see such deviant pictures would disturb them so you could pass easily
This reminds me of a Counter Strike technique, called the "pornownd", where you choose as a tag either pics of naked Carmen Electra or people having sex. Displayed them somewhere on the map, and camp nearby. The hardcore gamer who know the map in and out are not used to see a texture that big and that sexy on their virgin map, so they will stop for a split of second, during which you can shoot them (it's better if the tag background is either red or blue ).
This would be the same for LFS I'd love to see it.
And the tanks would be so cool, who likes being serious anyway nowadays ?