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S2 licensed
Wow, never noticed it !

Good find and good idea so +1
S2 licensed
Well TVE did not launch the boobmania... and we already have tit smoke (I spent half an hour digging this thread out ) ... &highlight=boob+smoke
S2 licensed
He's ugly anyway
S2 licensed
Quote from NoYPiDRiFTER :
The physics engine will not allow a town map or free roam because it can't handle it.

I am not supporting the idea, but then what about AutoX areas and the Skidpad. There is no laps involved, it's freeroam and you don't need a lyt to drive on it

As someone said here already (and I can't remember his name I'm sorry), the trick would be to add a solid underneath everywhere in the track, remove barriers, and make it behave like AutoX
S2 licensed
Yeah sorry, that's why I added and edit in my first post since I thought I read you wanted 3 setups (and not three kinds of setups)

And this is why I like it, because it allows people with different view of the gameplay to play their own without jeopardizing the liberty of others to do so
S2 licensed
I am sorry, but I did not find any hatred comments here toward cruisers.
No insults, no cruisers are noobs but pretty mature sarcasm

Cruisers should not be protected more from racers than racers are from each other about the flame risking and so... It would create more segregation !
And since this is the improvement suggestion, the rule "You don't like it, you don't post, you don't read and you avoid the thread" doesn't take place here, otherwise Scavier would have a bunch of crap to implement, if people did not express negative opinions...
S2 licensed
Quote from Bandit77 :But you shouldn't RACE your streetcar in RL. And if you want to do so then you should do it on a track... and although you CAN do this it's far more convenient to fire up LFS.

Racing non-race-optimised cars is fun to some of us, and racing the very same car (i.e. with exactly same setup) makes sure it's only about driving.

I - for example - love driving, I don't like setting up cars. And I don't want to participate in a setup- but in a driving-competition.

Yeah I understand the idea of the fun, but then why should you FORCE people to have locked setups, when you want to drive road legal setups and they want to race their trackday version (my you is not referring to you Banditin particular, but to the advocates of "only one setup for each road car with tires variations allowed").

Racing with Bob Smith's pack is a lot of fun I reckon. I prefer though racing with a race-optimised setup, because I think it is also a big part of the race, to prepare your setup and ensure it is the one that suits my style and allow me to express my skill as good as I can (Since for me, the first team in a race is a driver and his machine).

This is why I really like the OP's idea. It would shut the debate between people who want locked setups and people who do not. Both would be happy : people on my side won't complain because they can still use optimised setups, and people who only wanna drive road locked setups finally will have a way to ensure that everybody use them on their servers

What I like is that it allows two things, without having to prohib another, so in that sense it's a great improvement suggestion
S2 licensed
Yeah, or something that takes the precedent message, and you press a button to change the code of the keyboard to russian.
Like doing alt plus shift plus somthing without actually having to retype what he did.

So he has that english text, he opens a new chat tab, with a command it takes the precedent stuff he said and transliterate it to the language code of his choice.
So like : /translit russian or /translit chinese1 or /translit latin.

Just to change the alphabet code, is that right ?
S2 licensed
Nice to hear Bob !

I have a question about your VHPA version 3, I downloaded it form your website, and I noticed that the weight (well, the Kerb Mass to be precise) is too high compared to the value in LFS (I think especially about the XRG, XRT, FXO and FZ5).
Are those values from an old version of LFS, or do the higher kerb mass (1235 vs 1150 kilos for the XRG) refer to something specific (provided that there is no driver in the car).
S2 licensed
If you want to show your gratitude to the devs, buy the game

Just Kidding, at least I am compared to other people that will say it seriously

I don't think I totally understood your idea... You want a little program that can translate other people's language into yours when they talk in the servers ?
Is that right ?
S2 licensed
Why everyone use sequential, paddle or H pattern instead of auto is because of the simple reason :
With a sequential/manual gearbox, you shift when you want, with an auto gearbox, the car shifts when it wants.

If you're in the middle of a long u-turn, you'd rather stay at 1k rpm under your powerband, than downshifting causing to lock the wheels. An auto transmission does not think like this, and it downshifts anyway if the torque doesn't match the gear.

The clear example is in hairpins, when your 2nd is way longer than your 1st.

Quote from Nick :I like to eat when I drive

I wanted to say typically american as a private joke, but some people might get offended here
S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :What about road cars being road cars, and having no setup ability other than tyre pressure and type? The other bits would be like Bob's Road Going.

Yeah, welcome to the new game :

"Live Like Joe Driver Who Goes Fast Buy Food For The Kids On A Sunday Afternoon"


What makes LFS strong is the adjustabillity of the setups in the road cars. Seriously, Bob Road going pack is a very fun pack, very enjoyable to drive, and when I feel bored at 3am I drive them alone slowly in fern bay black.
However, then if everybody had the same pack, how would the open diff FXO ever think to compete against a Viscous LSD XRT ?

Come on, what you do to your setups in LFS is what you would do to you RL car if you wanted to be competitive on a trackday race...
You wouldn't say "I chose to drive on an open differential because I value more skills than performance", because it is a total nonsense.

I don't know, I thought you guys liked the game "Live For Speed" partly because of the last word? What is up with all the enthousiasm of driving streetable machines? It's something you can do IRL.

LFS, as a game, offers the opportunity to do things that you, for different reasons, wouldn't be able to IRL and, as a physics simulator, makes you do it with the most realism it can acheive. So, basically would you prefer LFS to turn form a racing simulator to an every-day-car-that-you-would-be-able-to-drive-driving simulator ?

I play LFS, and I'm not the only one, because I can take a car and fine tune its handling as I would do IRL if I had money, in order to make it the fastest I can (without using the ABS, though ). Why would you want not to be able to do that anymore ? What is the deep reason that makes you wanna do this ? It, for sure, isn't the fact that you want realism, because otherwise you would've asked for a better tire model...


I really like the idea of the OP, because it is a compromise idea.
I would suggest it to be formulated this way, though :
Instead of having three setups, you can have let's say three modes corresponding to three tabs positionned at the left of where the setup selection tab actually is.
For instance, you click on the Road Going, and it displays only the setups matching the road going restrictions.
The same for Sports, with a lot more adjustability
And the same for Performance, with everything virtually adjustable like today (plus restrictions on the gearbox, to which I agree).

So that it would be good for some servers like CTRA, where you basically would start with the Road Going, then progressively go up and be able to race there with the adjustable setups (as if you earned money and installed new parts, without actually having money and parts to install).

It's a very original idea, keep going, as it would shut down the war between people who want locked setups and people who want it to stay this way

EDIT : forget my reformulation paragraph, I did not read well enough the OP's post, and I realize it's formulated exactly the same way I did, my bad :/
Last edited by Zen321, .
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :This barriers thing is probably one of the most long running, if not the only ongoing issue. Plus most other physics are spot on, even the cromo sign board things you can use for layouts are nowhere near as bad as the red and white ones. Strange how its only one particular sort of barrier that does this.

Yeah the cromo ads are a tad better, but not that much. It damages your suspension like hell if you approach it with a specific angle and you end up jumping (not flying, jumping), with 1 or 2 red susp.
S2 licensed
Quote from Big Daddy :A Porsche is also to be released soon... ... _Traktor_Diesel_Super.jpg

Needless to say, it might be the coolest and the best looking tractor I've ever seen...
S2 licensed
Quote from DragonCommando :An FFB brake pedal would only realy do one thing, pulse when ABS kicks in.

Other than that you can get an extreemly realistic brake pedal using a load cell and a very heavy spring.

Thanks for answering Dragon Commando

Well what I meant by a FFB pedal was a pedal that, apart from simulating that the more you push, the harder you have to push to go further (which can be done as you said with a rubber pad and an heavy spring), would also simulate the friction between the pad and the rotors depending on the tires angular speed.
So the faster you go, the more resistance there is, so to brake with a same strength, you'd have to push harder on your controller's pedal. And that you can not acheive yet in any controller.

Does that make sense ?
Would you buy a force feedback brake system ?
S2 licensed
So here is a little poll.

If there was a realistic force feedback brake pedal that was launched on the market, was very realistic (the faster you go, the harder it is to apply the same force), and that if LFS or any other program could calculate the brake force depending on the output of the brake pedal, would you buy it?
Please tick one of the answer in the poll and if you chose other, please specify in the post

Alternative question : What would you think would be a good price range, paralleling its efficiency and quality to a G25 ? (Assuming that the price would be for a set of three pedals : Clutch, brake and acceleretor).
S2 licensed
Quote from shurcooL :I can imagine the headlines:

"Some kid crashes his moms car going in reverse at 30 mph to test ABS for a video game. Video games are bad."

That is most likely to happen in the USA
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Then the same people as mentioned in the post you quoted would block other pit boxes so that the others get spectated, too. For "lols".

There are actually people who prefer disturbing other people's races over racing themselves.

Yes, but we still have wreckers in the servs, no matter what admins try to do. So arguing by "oh some people might play ****ers for lols" is not valuable since we already do have this now. Plus, we don't have an auto spectate for wreckers, while we can have one for this.
To prevent this even more, the guy who blocks the box will be auto spectated if he doesn't move within like 10 secs AND won't be able to join for this race and the one after. This will prevent a lot of bad behavior .

Quote from dougie-lampkin :I've been meaning to suggest that we get separate ignition and starter buttons for a while now, á la rFactor It's much neater, you only have to press a button once, and even if you hit it twice it's not the end of the world, the engine doesn't die

For rev's sake, it's à la
S2 licensed
Do you have a girlfriend/wife, that is fed up of you playing?
Or someone close to you that can have PHYSICAL access to your computer from time to time?

That might explain a lot of stuff...
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :But saying that, I'm sure there would be more accidents if all cars had their ABS and ASM, traction contol, etc all removed. To be honest I've never really met someone who says "I have two cars, a 1996 Ford Escort Cosworth (Very unsafe) and a new Passat 2.0 TDI, and whenever I'm in my Cossie I feel the need to drive incredibly safely because it has less saftey equipment"

I understand your theory, but I don't think it works in practise.

Tristans first rule when he comes into power.

Because the guy is used to the fact that cars have aids.
So let's say the guy pushes his car a bit too much, locks his wheel under braking, and barely avoid hitting someone or a rail, the fear will make him drive more aware and less slower.
Aids make people drive really bad. "Oh, well it's safe, I can be unaware, I've got the ABS anyway".

Tristan is extremely right on his point, and it's a very good metaphore that makes a lot of sense S14, would you EVER lose focus with a big knife right in the wheel's hub ? (And I bet, it would discourage horning ).

EDIT : by the way, moral hazard is not really a theory, as it is used excessively in insurance investment. It's some american guy that realized that people that were equipped with house fire insurance were seeing their houses put on fire more often because they were a lot less careful, since they had something that would cover the damages up. And it's true everywhere. I got mugged once because I was not paying attention in a specific district of Paris (16th), which is the rich people's place and usually very safe at night. You can see the same in love, as when you are in a couple, you tend not to think that your girl will possibly dump you so you let yourself go
Last edited by Zen321, .
S2 licensed
Idk if this had come up already, but to get back to the "disconnection" of the driver from the road because of the aids.
Or that the ABS is safer than no ABS.

There is a paradox called moral hazard. The safer cars gets, the more accident there will be, because the people get less careful while driving. This is true for every situation in every field of the human life.
When the cars had no aids, people HAD to be careful or they were dead.
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :i met my girlfriend on lfs 4 years ago,very few knows only,she doesnt play anymore tho

Welcome to lfs lady!

S2 licensed
Quote from Laura. :ok, on the flipside, would it be fair to say that a good driver in real life would have a much easier time with LFS than someone who has never driven?

Not really. If the guy is used to the racing principles, then he will be very good at the start in LFS.

Otherwise, a daily driver will have the basic understanding of the car but will lack the racing reflexes
S2 licensed
Yes it's more for fun that driving lessons, but I made it try to my girlfriend to practise (she never drove a car before). And it helped her understand things that are not told in the driving school : like how does the car behaves when you don't lift off, how does the oversteer comes to the car.

So, she intuitively follow the racing line (did not speak of this to her) at daily driving speeds and she went fine I think it helps to understand the cars' behavior and get some basic control reflexes
S2 licensed
Quote from MikoZ :yoo means A lá r-Factor

Nope, it's à la