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Quote from S14 DRIFT :Shame CTRA decided to take it off their rotation of maps on the Race 1 server, with the excuse being some crap about yellow flags not working propperly.

No-one cares, just get the damn track

I think it is because it has accessible from demo (Unless they put a cone somewhere in the pitway :shrug
S2 licensed
WOW @ the video !

This car is so awesome, and the guy has got skills Is he a rallyist or a stunter ?

Does anyone knows what his tires are ? Because they seem to be extremely grippy, and I might be interested in buying some set
S2 licensed
Quote from jbirdaspec :If you don't do this already...Try blipping the throttle with down shifts when braking for the corner. Try and match the revs of the engine when the clutch engages. Don't be in a hurry to down shift the car. In a timely manner, but smooth. This will keep you front wheel from locking when braking or/and trail braking. If the front wheels don't lock or skip as much you will have less understeer. As for the oversteer try rocking the wheel to maintain grip and be on the throttle as much as possible without running the front end out to the sand. Keep the chassis loaded with torque from the engine as often as possible, but with out grinding them. If this is something you do already you might try tuning the dampers a bit with VHPA. Don't go to far with tuning sets though.


I'm sorry, I was speaking of the XRG instead of the XFG Yeah, I do blip on downshifts (it's fun and efficient, so ) and my downshifting is acceptable. What surprises me is that I made a set of sets keeping the same pattern for different tracks, and I can do quite well in game, but this corner is like the only corner I can't get good (However, I can get it in rev, without much problem).
Because I think going in BL1 this corners should be a late apex one, to carry enough momentum. The only thing is that I find that the radius is lower at the end of this corner. In that case, I have some problems to get it right, because I aim for a late apex (otherwise, I just go in too early :shrug.
I think my line is the main problem. I can not really find the entry point, the appropriate speed, and the apex for this corner, now matter how hard I watched WR replays
S2 licensed
Nice fake !
S2 licensed
Just a little advertisement.

I would love this kind of track as well. I am recreating narrow layouts for the LFS tracks and possibly creating a league to simulate driving on there.

Take a look and please comment
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I'm somewhat of a self proclaimed XFG master. (By that I mean 95% of my PB's are within 0.5 of a second of the WR on any of the road combos used on the CTRA Race1 server, and my normal racing pace within 0.3 of a second of any of those), and the only track I struggle at is Blackwood.

It's a nice track to drive round, but the rhythm seems impossible to get (for me, at least), often losing time at the chicane after the long straight. (when going forward, the one after the 90 degree right hander).

I guess it's easier for people who race(d) alot on demo servers in their past.

Blackwood reversed is much nicer, it's more flowing and seems faster

That is exactly what I feel. I just can't get BL1 right, while I have much less problems with BL1R. My main problem in this track is the right hander after the long-straight. Usually my car get a snap oversteer, and understeer badly there. However, I am quite happy with my times on BL1R ^^
S2 licensed
Quote from BigPeBe :TBH I tried this cruising thing.
I'm a racer what does plenty of drifting too, but still. It isn't really the thing why I got LFS, but I have to confess that it was fun.
Dunno about the cruise part tho, I drive like a nutter there.

Cruising is a bit pointless, but it is one way to pass time and I don't see why it should be so hated that it seems to be.

Well Idk if you are speaking about me, but I don't hate cruising, my goal is not to start a flame war or to put the shame on cruisers. I was just expressing my opinion, samforey12345 replied to it, and I feel that not answering to his post would be impolite .

I mean, the goal of life for me, is to do enjoyable and thrilling things, and to get better at them. Regarding this description, I don't seem to be able to see any field in where you can get better at cruising or improve "cruising skills".
If someone can explain how, I would be ready and willing to hear his point.
S2 licensed
Quote from samforey12345 :You don't know about cruise servers either (or, the good ones.) As i'm sure you know that there are more than one???

And about the rest of your post. I thought the chases were the fun parts????(as we all know there's the great police who put you in jail in real life, and that's aload of fun ain't it??) If real life is so good then why not go and race on a track?

I have tried Cruise servers. The overall impression is the same for me. I find it pointless and goal less. At least, when racing your goal is to become faster and faster. Can you improve your cruising skills ? Of course you can follow more and more obediently the rules, but is this really attractive ? drifting has a goal to : gain better control of your slides, over and over.

Secondly, try to do cops chases all the time, and you'll end up with no money or kick/ban. When racing or drifting you can do it all the time, without having to sacrifice what you earned with time (money when busted in the cruise servers - but you can't sacrifice your racing/drifting skills).

About real life, maybe people don't go on a track, because it is more expensive than buying LFS + a good controller ? (G25 in my case). Meanwhile, everybody with a drivers' license can cruise IRL.
S2 licensed
Quote from samforey12345 :You obviously know very VERY little about cruise servers then, so i suggest, Shh.

Actually I find his description quite close to what cruise is. The COPs on cruise servers seem to really wanna get in the role, which ends up in choking fines, and no fun at all during the chases.

Seriously if the cops were there other than for getting fines and just here for the fun of chases, why would they then ban people that get too many fines

IMHO, CnR were a lot of fun, challenging, and you could have some intense chases there. Cruising : what's the point of rolling at 50 mph with the UF1 getting money to buy cars that require a lot of time investment, while you can rip them for free (cash+time = 0) on other servers?

For cruising, there's a better simulator for experiencing it. It is called "Real Life". There are a lot of cities, a good enforcement team called the government. The scenery, physics and graphic engine is simply unbeleivable, and the features totally outclass the InSim apps for LFS. It has a natural head tracking, you can dress your driver how you like, and you can also benefit of the command /paysex 0 if you are good enough. Plus, it has a lot of real cars in it ! It also simulates the fear of crashing, and the barriers don't make you fly over the track ! The best stuff is that you start with 0 cars, and you have to drive around the city with your bike or skateboard to begin with...
Then you can pretend to get mopeds, then cars or motorcycles. Even TRUCKS, VANS, TRAILERS !!
There are also realistic tow ropes that can get you out of trouble. And no need to add DDS with subwoofers in it, since your car already possesses a complexe 3D sound model and the most realistic doppler effect. Finally, you CAN add neonz, and drive at night or under the rain.

Isn't it the best cruising simulator ever ?

EDIT : I am not flaming cruisers, they do what they want. It is just that it doesn't interest me
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :you can't try a reverse track

Can't the demo users try it, can they ?
S2 licensed
I want this

With some new tracks to go along, such as : BL : Flying circles or KY : Air Oval Rev. Could be interesting with dynamic weather
S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :It has always been one of my favourite cars to drive and race. I do wish it had about ten extra horses and some decent tyres though, but all the same it's an honest little car that makes for some close racing.

I feel the same for the XRG... 100 less kilos and supers... and it would be a heck of a fight between this and the bodybuilded XFG version you speak in your earlier post.

A XFS(Gunn's idea)/XRS(my idea) Class anyone ?
S2 licensed
Quote from FiveMagics :Thank you both for the advice. I was particularly interested by your suggestion S14 Drift, is there anyway you could elaborate on your technique. I understand if it's just a 'feel' thing which can't really be explained:-

My own rather half-cocked attempts have mostly revolved around rwd with heavy rear braking to create oversteer>drift but obviously haven't proved too successful, and since your name includes the word 'drift' I suspect that you'd know a considerable ammount more than I do.
Oh, and this is to anyone, how important would you suggest left foot braking is. I'm thinking keep up the throttle while stabbing at the brake, or is this just silly?

Well, for being used to sliding the RWD around the tracks (not drifting : sliding). I would suggest something rather different :
- Stiffness and damping set for entry oversteer + exit understeer. (higher stiffness at the rear-slightly- / low damping at front and high at rear for FR, the opposite for RR and MR layouts).
- ARB set to slight oversteer.
- Brake set to understeer (more to the front)
- Wheels (camber) : set to understeer. (+ 0 toe + equal pressure on rear and front).
- For the tires : Knobbleys in low powered cars, Hybrids in higher powered cars. Because grip on the tarmac isn't that important for the low powered cars since you can gain many seconds in the dirt. However, for higher powered cars, the straights are essential, so hybrids create a much smoother transition.
- For the differential : on asphalt, either 1.5 way (coast = 0.5 power setting) with a mid to high coast or either a 2 way (coast = power) with a low preload so that to simulate a 1.5 way. (in both cases, power at 80%). On dirt, same settings for low powered cars, a bit less locked and preferably using the 2way for higher powered cars, especially TBO's.

You don't want the brakes to create oversteer, since it is better than they stabilize the cars with understeer. Anyway, you don't get that much oversteer by braking (don't need to explain if you are familiar to the traction circle). However, you get oversteer when you release the brakes. So what I do (i suggest you do the same) is to follow those transcients :
- Threshold Braking (maximum braking you'll ever get).
- Steer lightly (untill the tires at the front start screaming)
- Release the brakes just a little bit (usually half of the braking you apply) + Steer more and firmly (your car should start to go into a very light oversteer)
- Play with the brakes untill you find the appropriate angle. (<- not mandatory when you will be used to releasing the brakes a bit) Keep braking untill reaching the sufficient speed (you have to control your angle and your speed : more braking = more deceleration and less angle). Do not countersteer yet, or you will cancel the effects of the 2 previous transcients.
- Step on the gas. Control the oversteer with the gas. You don't need to countersteer (as much as you thought), since having an appropriate footwork on the acceleration and a steady steering angle will result in you sustaining your relative angle through the corner (this is a very important concept, which means you will get a constant angle relative to the racing line/tangent of the part of the corner you are in - not meaning that you will have a constant angle compared to the exit way). This is because your 4 wheels will be sliding basically. This is [b]the fast way[/b) (and it is more seeable in the dirt tracks than on asphalt, since you might have to catch higher angles to cope with the basic understeer you get on dirt). You can countersteer a bit if you want, to have only 3 wheel slidings while the front outside one will provide some directionnal force, but I suggest you to train ASAP to slide with your 4 wheels. A light countersteer might be good, as long as it doesn't make your fronts gain grip again. This is good because it will allow you to end the slide faster
- Once you want to end the slide, just countersteer a bit more, while keeping the same gas pedal.

All of these will allow you to fly through the track and the corners, sliding a bit, while keeping transmitting power to the road.

Good luck

EDIT : What you have to know about whether to use left foot brake is the effects it creates. There are 2 kinds of left foot braking.
- The "blip" : you just press/release the brakes rapidly while accelerating and in a corner, and this will remove any understeery tendency, saving your corner, your car, and your arse. <-- In this case, the dominant pedal is the accelerator.
- Applying the accelerator while braking : this is meant for two things, the major being affecting your brake balance, and the minor is keeping the boost of the turbo to remove the lag. In a FWD car, the more you apply the throttle when braking, the more you switch your brake balance toward the rear (front brakes will have to slow down accelerating wheels --> less braking power). This results in oversteer, and might be very useful for a FWD. I am more skeptical about a RWD, because it creates understeer (same as above, but inversed). However, if you defintely want to keep the boost up while braking, you maybe should move your brake balance to the rear a bit, so that left foot braking in this case will result in the same stability as a balance more to the front and no throttle on deceleration.

I hope it does make sense ^^
Last edited by Zen321, .
S2 licensed
I voted no, because I think that browsing the forums for a demo-guy can make him learn new stuff about LFS and make him by it (layouts, tracks, screenshots, cars, add-ons, etc..)
S2 licensed
Quote from K. Tsuchiya :IMHO you can't handle an AW11 at the absolute limit without doing it with the RAC first. LFS is the best simulation to date. I have saved some nasty slides and near misses IRL with nearly everything! Rwd, fwd, awd, trucks and cars alike, with the help of LFS's "seat time" I beleive it made me a much better driver in the sence of control over the dynamic forces acting upon a 4 wheeled vehicle.

I'm not saying if you can drift or turn hot laps in LFS you can in real life, but, it will improve your awareness of the vehicle and the behavior of it.

RAC with intake restriction set to about 115bhp and hybrid tires helped prepare for this video:

AW11 MR2 (built for auto-x) with summer performance tires, open diff., about 95bhp, and a LFS fanatic behind the wheel! (btw, this is my brother behind the wheel not me! I'm driving the legacy estate chase car)

Couldn't agree more. My driving skills greatly improved after getting my G25 and playing a lot with it.
A bit OT. Did you downgrade your MR2 performance ? Because I thought that the AW11 had a 4A-GE (like the Toyota Corolla), which pulls about 115-120bhp. Maybe you meant 95whp ?

Nice video, by the way If you wanna train more, I am working on a mountain track league, maybe you should check my topic (A new idea for a new league ?), should threads below ^^
S2 licensed
Pré-scriptum : Sorry for the DP, but I couldn't add attachments with the edit function :S

So here are 3 replays. The 1st one is the XRG replay I used to make the video. Now you can see and judge the whole track. The other two ones are hillclimbs with the FOX and the FO8, made with my poor formula skills and my touchpad (I miss my G25 ). Please, do not hesitate pressing shift-u and fly around the track to see it in its integrity

There is a 11 seconds different in the time, which is very important, and made me think : shouldn't we add as well both of the FOX and the FO8 in the misc events (for now, maybe if the league works, we could do a hill climb league on the same layouts ), and the driver should choose between them ? (FO8 gives more points, but more dangerous, while FXO gives less point but it is easier to acheive good times with it ?) or should we only add the FOX or the FO8 ?

Thanks for your help
S2 licensed
Quote from Mille Sabords :Sounds interesting.
The issue with barriers will be more noticeable online of course, so maybe you should host your layout online for testing?
Lag is likely to create mayhem... because your position packets are not up to date, it is very easy to be a few cemtimeters out of position - enough to bring a tyre into a barrier, and then we wish you a nice flight

Thanks for the support !

Yeah, the only problem is that I have a really crappy connection where I am now, so I am looking for now who could help me host the layout for a couple hours (on a private server with only people that have been chosent among the ones willing to do it, in order to have a quality of testers).

Okay here are some more news.

After some private testing, I think the layout I have now is really okay and will bring some funs My tests made me come up with the idea of having the rules a bit modified :
- for the misc uphill events, the hill climb won't be with the FOX, but with the FO8. Why ? Because it is simply amazingly fun and stressful You don't have time to react, so you need to think a few corners in advance. I like the idea of this.

Please, can anyone who volunteer to host the server and the layout send me a PM, so that we can schedule a time. This would be greatly appreciated. I would also like some people to tell me if they are interested in testing the rules and the layout I have for now, to see if I need to modify them/it any further
Basically what will happen will be a couple of runs with the most combos (e.g. FZ5 vs XRG / LX4 vs XRT) on this layout, so that the results and the statistics will allow me to determine the final rules of the battles.

Thank you very much, your help is appreciated.
S2 licensed
Quote from scania :someone was do this---the six stroke engine & the Internal combustion steam engine in japan

Damn, I thought I would have been the next invetor of the century
Concerning the six-stroke engine, the Beare Head one (there are a lot of six stroke engines) seems to be very interesting. Too bad we can't find more information on the web

However, I truly beleive that the next step in motor evolution is the Quasiturbine.
S2 licensed
Quote from scania :But diesel can be 45%

however, all of Internal combustion engine will be out, air car & electrics car is the future of car. heavy vehicle with long-distance will use a high efficiency External combustion engine or Internal stream engine with electrics hybrid or hydraulic hybrid

About the transfer from calorifical energy. Yes, burning a liters of fuel produces a lot of energy through the form of heat. However, it is not the heat that powers (well indirectly it does) the cars. It is the expansion of thoses gases, which then is transformed into longitudinal force (pistons), which is then changed into rotational force (crankshaft). To the heat is not really used here (even if the heat is the cause of the expansion of gases in the cylinder).

Maybe to improve efficieny should we add a water tank around the exhaust catalyst, so that the heat will make the water boil. This would be, of course, coupled to a steam engine located in the back of the car, which would be linked to the transmission, so that we have extra efficiency ?
S2 licensed
I like the feature as well, so +1.

However, not only features about winning for the positive ones (even though I like the ones you posted).
I would suggest like calvinaquino that the bad features stay hidden, so that people won't try to cause crashes on purposes in pick up races.
S2 licensed
Quote from Timdpr :Sounds great! I can't seem to download the video, though.

I'm afraid the barriers do put me off a bit. I know the consequences are realistic (completely broken car,) but it just doesn't feel right. You may have done this already (I can't watch the video, as I have mentioned - could somebody post some screenshots?) but something that would greatly improve it imo would be to put cones along the track 7 metres apart, and barriers 8m (or mabye 7.5m) apart.

I may not attend all the races, but if the times work out for me, I will try to come along to as many as possible.

I have thought of it for long, and I did not at first want to use the barriers (poles or bales), but then i realised something : people would not mind hitting them, and could increase the track width (virtually) by going through them. This would reduce the thrill a bit. 7 meters was a compromis, and as you can see for the screen shots below (only the road where the FZ5 is is the 7meters path where you drive on), it is easy for two cars to go side by side. Moreover, there aren't barriers all the way long, and after testing it, I realized that the only way for you to "fly" was hitting them with your front.

In the video, if you manage to download it (you have to enter a 3 letter code in a small box at the top right of the center frame), you'll see at the end of it a RB4 which crashes on the barriers. I hit the first barrier with the back of the car, which led to oversteer, and going with the front of my car to another barrier, which made me roll (not flying crazy), very realistically.
I was at around 120-130 km/h when I hit those barriers, which is pretty fast for a corner in this layout.

So basically, on this specific layout the only way for you to fly is to have a frontal collision at a great speed with one of the barriers of this layout. And this can happen only in entries, in some corners (because as you can see, both side of the road are not covered with barriers) where barriers are at the outside. Midcorner and at exits, you aren't generally facing the barriers enough to make you fly. It might though damage a bit your suspension if you hit it hard enough with your side.

As you can see on the following screenshots, since the FZ5 is the largest car we have here, this layout allows easily goind neck and neck on the straights, and without much problem for the corners. May I add that the rumble pads are not included in the 7meters, and the marshalls I have put on the side only prevent using the grass for cutting, and not going on the rumble pads.

Enjoy the screen shots
S2 licensed
Quote from March Hare :Better learn to drive then, don't you think?

Sounds interesting. I especially like the Road Going setups idea. But how are you going to monitor the setups? Because if there are points to be gained people will cheat. And are we allowed to change anything on the Bob Smith sets? Tyre pressures?

If the dates and times work I'll be there driving a Road Going XRG.

PS. We really do need a mountain track in LFS.

Thanks for the comment.

I wonder how I can monitor the setups, as this is the biggest issue. CTRA can check the intake restriction, so maybe a similar InSim app can check the values of the other stuff.
Yeah i think the tire press should be adjustable for the road Going, as this value might be the only one you can easily change IRL. Same could apply for the passengers (2 passengers standard for the Road Going maybe suppress them for 1).
S2 licensed
Quote from marakol :i feel i must go away from game

No, stay here.

Don't worry about most of the answers here. People have a bad life, and they just appreciate the few moments in which they can feel superior : aka when someone speaks a worse english than theirs.

I, as well as others, appreciate your attempts, and I bet it is not easy since you did not learn english at school !

I think you also need a better connection, but don't give up the game just for this

Good luck ! And you are not a dumbass, you have more balls than many more people here, to stand up against of crowd of laughing cows even if your speech is not clear.
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :please tell me how on earth are you planning to simulate the "uphill" and "downhill" parts? plus, dont you think using barriers is little stupid? if u touch it, it sends you flying.

Tracks have elevation in case you didn't know

As I told, the most important corners will determine the type. In my layout (which only takes places on a part of KY3), the hairpin, the long-arsed U-turn and other S's are downhill if you go one way, uphill in another. These are, I find, the most challenging corners when you run on this layout. And the lines and apex, braking points, effect you get on the car (understeer or oversteer), are different, which makes them either uphill or downhill.

For instance, you'll be likely to understeer in a uphill corner (less weight on the front), while you'll be likely to oversteer in a downhill corner (less weight on the rear), with the same inputs.

About the barriers, I did not have any other option. If you crash hard enough in a guardrail in a real mountain road, you'll find not flying over the track but down the cliff, the end is the same : end of the race and DNF in the better cases. If you hit the rocks that are on the other side (provided there are any), then you'll ruin your car, the result is, once again, the same : end of the race and DNF.
The Mountaing Racing League - prototype and suggestions ?
S2 licensed
Hi every one !

I don't think this has been posted before. Anyway, please let me introduce you to what have come to my mind here.
After thinking about some statements that LFS gets boring because of the same cars in each class, around the same tracks all the time, and with the high desire for more challenging tracks, I came up with the idea of organizing a "new" way of racing following the following concepts :
- close racing
- high challenge
- intensity.

So now I will present you the league I would like to see in LFS.
Because a picture equals 1000 words, a movie equals much more, that's why I invite you to watch the trailer I made for it, which you can find on this link (14.56 mo) :

Now, before I throw to much time on it and risk that people won't be interested in the project, I would like to have your comments (any kind, please be honest and sincere ).
I, because I unfortunately can't do it on my own, am looking for some fellow members that will help me administrate it : a server to run the league on, some people to help me make/design the layouts.

The Mountain Racing League

General purposes and tracks

This league is meant to offer a new experience for racing in Live For Speed. The main idea is to allow people to face each other on narrow, twisty and dangerous tracks, to simulate the thrill of mountain racing. The layouts will follow the general path of the track and include added corners/chicanes and modifications of the original corners. The tracks will be designed to be around 7 meters in width (between 6.5 and 7.5 meters) to simulate a true mountain/countryside road. They are meant to be raced in both ways (uphill and downhill), but not at the same time, since the roads are only wide enough for one 7 meter path (you can think as uphill and downhill as standard and reverse configuration). They will be designated as downhill or uphill regarding the elevation changes in the most important corners, not the straights. Some layouts won't have any predominant trend, and they will be considered as cliff roads.

The tracks are made using barriers (long for the straights and smooth corners and small ones for more tricky corners where : red = outside limit and white = inside limit) on one side of the road and a runoff area on the other. Be aware the marshall symbolizing spectators are placed at the other parts of the track where cutting is beneficial, in order to prevent this kind of behavior.


The close racing experience will be provided by the main rules of the league. There will be 2 main classes (with 2 subclass in the smallest class). The basic main rule is that every road car is allowed in the races, from UF1 to the FZ5, and every car has to be equipped with "Normal" tires at front and at rear. This is meant to enhance diversity of contestants, diversity of skills, and to exacerbate each car capacities (while the FZ5 will be extremely good in straights, it's cornering abilities will be extremely lower than the average, which will be the opposite of the LX4, for instance).


Below are some informations about the different classes :
- Class 1 : Sunday Driver (cars allowed : all road cars / tires : mandatory normals / setup : Road_Going from Bob Smith)
Subclass 1 : Wanabee racer (cars : UF1-XFG-XRG / specificity of the setup : Open differentials).
Subclass 2 : Speed addict (cars : LX4 - TBO's - LRF's).

This class is more for fun and event warm up as seeing cars with bad handling and a lot of bodyroll is enjoyable to watch.

- Class 2 : Licensed Mountain Racer (cars allowed : all road cars -UF1-XFG-XRG-LX4-TBO's-LRF's / tires : mandatory normals / setup : free)

This class will be the main class of the league, and is meant to give a chance for every car to compete against lower powered or higher powered with more equal chances. Of course, some cars will be better on some tracks than on others, but I think the general balance can be acheived using this system.

Race system

Due to the nature of the track, each race event will be divided in runs that will oppose no more than 2 racers at each time. I am thinking of two way to make the races work : either a race where two of the people start on the same line, and the first one to pass the finish line wins. Or, one racer starts ahead of another one for one run, and for the next one, it will be the opposite way around. The gap between the two drivers at the end of each race will be measured, and the leader with the longest gap wins the run. What I am thinking at the moment, is to apply the second solution for races in the Class 1, because it is less dangerous and more appropriate concerning the handling of the cars ; while the first one will be for Class 2 because a much more intense race is expected.

The rank in each event will be a pyramidal system (like in soccer after the qualifications) without any qualification. Each driver will have a first run against a randomly sorted other racer. The winners moves to the upper stage while the looser is eliminated. You gain point by advancing to the next stage. The points add themselbes to each other
e.g. : 1st stage = 0 point / 2nd stage = 1 point / 3rd stage = 2 points / 4th stage (winner of the event) = 4 points.

So, let's say there are 8 registered drivers in the race There will be 4 stage (1st = quarter finals / 2nd = half final / 3rd = final / 4th = winner).
4th stage (winner) : 1 driver with 7 points.
3rd stage (finals) : 1 driver with 3 points
2nd stage (half finals) : 2 drivers with 1 points
1st stage (quarter finals) : 4 drivers with 0 points.

I have not yet set the points system, and it will be subject to improvements when I will have beta tested the league.

Point system and events

For each event, there will be a training session of 1 hour before the official start of the event, no qualifications. The layouts will be made available some days before the event, for further practice.

When registering for the league, each driver will have to choose whether he wants to compete in the uphill section, the downhill section, or both (please note that cliff roads will be raced on in the two sections regardless if you are registered in uphill or downhill).

The point system will work like this. There will be separate points for uphill and downhill, as uphill is more favorable for high powered car, while downhill offers a more balanced experience.

Total points in the league : Total points of Class 2 races + [(percentage of Class 1 racers if Class 2 racers is 100)/2]% * Total points of Class 1 races + Points of bonus events.

- Total points of Class 2 races.
The rank in each event will be a pyramidal system (like in soccer after the qualifications) without any qualification. Each driver will have a first run against a randomly sorted other racer. The winners moves to the upper stage while the looser is eliminated. You gain point by advancing to the next stage.The points add themselbes to each other
e.g. : 1st stage = 0 point / 2nd stage = 1 point / 3rd stage = 2 points / 4th stage (winner of the event) = 4 points.

So, let's say there are 8 registered drivers in the race There will be 4 stage (1st = quarter finals / 2nd = half final / 3rd = final / 4th = winner).
4th stage (winner) : 1 driver with 7 points.
3rd stage (finals) : 1 driver with 3 points
2nd stage (half finals) : 2 drivers with 1 points
1st stage (quarter finals) : 4 drivers with 0 points.

I have not yet set the points system, and it will be subject to improvements when I will have beta tested the league.

After each event, the points earned at the event will add to the other points the drivers will have for the league.

- Total points of Class 1 races

This will work the same as above, but only a percentage below 100% will count in the league. I expect less people to join those races than the Class 2 races, that is why only a percetage of the points here will be added to the total league points. For instance, if there is 16 drivers in the Class 2, and only 8 are registered for a Class 1 race, the the multiplicator for class 1 points will be of 25% (8/16*100/2). If the total points after multiplication are decimals, it will score to the above half number (if the score is 4.3, then the points will be rounded to 4.5).

Those are bonus points, and while it is mandatory to be registered in the Class 2 to run the league, Class 1 is entirely optional.

- Total points of misc. events

Other events might take place a day before the race, and these are only bonuses. (I suggest you sign in, so that at least it will help you familiarize yourself with the track).
The nature of those events need to be thought of, but there will be likely to be "Uphill timed attack with the FOX" and "Show drift runs".
- Uphill timed attack with the FOX : The name says it all : the drivers will be classed by time.
- Show drift runs : 3 judged runs : Downhill, Uphill, and the drivers chooss whether Uphill or Downhill for the last run. Judges will determine the best scores.

Be aware that in those events, as opposed to Class 2 and Class 1 races, you always earn points for participating, even if you finish last. This is to keep a fun mood and allow racers to let the steam of before the official races.

Misc rules

- Crashing someone into the barriers on purpose is not tolerated and will result in you losing the run. (Forfeit)
- Having at least one red damaged suspension or rolling will result in losing the run. (Forfeit)
- Getting a penalty by the on-tracks marshalls is considered as if you killed a spectator and will result you in losing the race (Forfeit).
- You can not start the race, untill we have verified that your setups matches your class requirements.
- Pitting out an interupting a race will make you automatically lose the event.
- Some more to come.


Here is, for now what I think about. Please comment

If this is interesting enough, I might consider launching it for real. What I would need is people to help me with a server and some spare time to work on the layouts, help me think about the point system and other rules.
I would also like some volunteers to beta-test the regulations with a beta-event, seeing if this league idea is possible.

The layout you see in the video is an homemade layout for KY3. It took me around 3 hours of work to find the right spot where to do it, put all the objects with precise distance from the border of the track, changing some corners, and smoothening the all process. There will, of course, be more layouts for the purposes of the league

Thank you for reading

Last edited by Zen321, .