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S2 licensed
Quote from Juls :You really believe that it is interesting for a worldwide automotive brand marketing to have it's products inside a computer simulation? IMO, it is not interesting at all for them for requires a lot of work and bring them less than any advertisment page they buy in any local newspaper.

That is why sims developers usually have to pay for it. If they do not pay for's because the brand decided to sponsor them that way, or because it is interesting for other reasons. But certainly not marketing.

If I had to pick to learn one single thing about marketing in my life is that marketing with no financial cost is what firms will look for.

I stated my reasons, I'll add one more. The pool of licensed drivers in LFS is around 25.000 (IIRC, please don't hesitate to correct me on that one). The average cost of distributing VW's image (cost/driver) is 0€. You could say $0, $C0, AUS$0, £0, Y0, etc.
Then comes the second aspect of marketing : the expected return on investment. To put it in very simple term, you can calculate the return multiplicator, which you calculate by dividing the total profit by the total cost.
Let's assume that the time dedicated to help Eric with the model and Scawen with the physics doesn't require much financial investment by VW. (I lied, the average cost in the first part is actually higher than 0, but closer to 0 than to 0.01). If no LFS driver purchase the car from VW, you will have a return multiplicator close to 0. If one guy buys it, the multiplicator will be close to the infinite. If 100 drivers buy it (positive outcome rate of 0.4% which is very very low for a marketing campaign), the firm will have 100 times that multiplicator (and instantly 100*(22.000-'whatitcosttoproducethecar') in VW's pocket).

The second aspect of marketing, apart from selling a product, is how does it affect the brand's image. There is always one positive and one negative outcome. The negative is that it may seem the brand sells itself short by not asking money for putting the car in LFS. On the other hand, being in LFS is a guarantee that you are confident enough to expose your new car without compromise, or conditions that state that the car must be faster than the FZ5 (which is what happens in most racing games).

For a cost of 0, all those aspects are very very very very very very interesting for any firm.
S2 licensed
Thanks hytty !

I am starting to see different points where people seem to agree, and where you guys seem to have divergent positions, so this is getting very interesting

On a side note, this is the first time I see that, but each time I check the poll results (I didn't vote my self to keep the fairness of it), each of the four options has got 25% of the votes (like each had got 1 vote, then 2, and now 3), which is really rare to have in statistics
S2 licensed
Thanks Greybull

About the currency, I use pounds mainly because the LFS monetary system is in pounds and also since a vast share of the active forum user are from the United-Kingdom. I don't wanna use dollars, since I live in the USA since september, and I am tired of handling them

Thanks for sharing your opinions
S2 licensed
Thank you for your time and dedication PioneerLv I know this is quite a long task, and I really appreciate your effort

As I said, for the moment I am not planning on actually organizing a league. If this idea gathers sufficient interest, I would consider it. I have some contact with companies in the car industry that may be interested in sponsoring such virtual event, to some extent, of course.
S2 licensed
It should be possible. But it might increase the folder size by too much

Check on youtube, I think Lynce made an intro video

Edit : found the link, this is an extremely beautiful video :
S2 licensed
It's because you are on a Cruise server. They send graphical viruses to police RB4.
S2 licensed
It's okay with me We all have been new once

I just told you that so that you would avoid all the flaming crew
[Poll]Cash prize for league/Entry fees
S2 licensed
Hi everyone !

Recently, I've seen a couple of threads speaking of a potential financial involvement of leagues and cups.
So, I am making this poll in order to gather your rich and various opinions on the matter.
Since I couldn't ask multiple questions in the poll, please take time to read the OP so that you can answer the different questions. I would really appreciate if you answered the web-poll (the one where you click) before answering the rest of the questions, so that it will give us a general idea of what you think (that you will detail with the following questions).
Thanks in advance for your participation.

Context: A league with a theme (car classes, nature of the events) very appealing to you is being created and you are eager to apply to the driver list. However, it requires you to pay an entry fee to process your application. The fee will be mainly used to financially reward several drivers after the final results are published and also will be, in a smaller proportion, dedicated to cover the running costs (server rental...). You do not have any emotional urge or grudge that will drive you to either join it or pass it instantly, and you rationally weigh the pros and cons of the idea.

Now, the questions are :

1) What amount the league's total budget should be, in order to preserve sportmanship (sum of all the entry fees) and maintain a good spirit among the drivers? (in pounds, GBP)
A. Trackday (50-100)
B. Amateur (150-250)
C. Semi Pro (350-500)
D. Profesionnal (500+)
E. Other (please explain)

2) Up to how much would you pay as an entry fee? (in pounds, GBP)
A. 1-5
B. 5-15
C. 20-50
D. 50+
E. Other (please explain)

3) In your opinion, which reward model among the following is the best?
A. Best driver takes-it-all
B. Shared among the top 3 drivers (e.g. : 60-25-15)
C. Best team takes-it-all
D. Shared among the top 3 team (e.g. : 60-25-15)
E. Best driver takes half and Best team takes the other half
F. Top 3 drivers take half and Top 3 teams take half
G. Proportional with the number of points in respect to the total number of points (e.g. : 1st driver has got 37% of the points and takes 37% of the prize).
H. Every member gets a small return in the end (which would be lower than the entry fees for the last members).
I. Other (please explain)

4) What reward frequency is better, in your opinion?
A. The money is shared after the league is over.
B. After each events, participants are rewarded.
C. A mix between the two previous statements.
D. Other (please explain)

5) Do you think an extra share of price should be given to drivers that did special acheivements? (highest climber/best lap/pole/highest number of leading laps/other)
A. Yes, it will stimulate people to drive better and improve the competition's level.
B. Yes, it will reward people that did exceptionnal things, but had bad luck during the rest of the race.
C. No, people will display a dirtier racing to get the acheivements.
D. No, it is unfair because usually the podium will get most of the acheivements and they will be more likely to earn even more money.
E. Other (please explain).

6) Should drivers be able to register to a single event?
A. Yes, if they pay a smaller entry fee and are not eligible for the cash prize.
B. Yes, if they pay an entry fee and can win a cash prize.
C. Yes, if they pay nothing but can not enter more than one race during the season.
D. No, they would ruin the organization.
E. No, unless they pay the same entry fee, but only to join a single event.

7) Should drivers that do not comply to the league's rules get financial penalities?
A. Yes.
B. No, they should only get sanctions from the organization (losing points, unability to register later, etc.)
C. They should get both.
D. Other (please explain)

8) What, in your opinion, is the best way to acheive fairness and offer relatively equal chances of winning the competition?
A. Locked setups (with admin check before the qualifications and the races).
B. Limited setup adjustability.
C. Intake/weight penalities given or lessened depending on the results and the position after each round.
D. Drivers/teams who signed up for specific events can not participate.
E. Drivers/teams need to have signed up for specific events to be able to participate.
F. Drivers with hotlaps/personnal best that are too fast can not register.
G. Other (please explain).

9) Do you think real life sponsors should provide financial aid?
A. Yes, it could help people paying the fee.
B. Yes, it would be more realistic.
C. No, it would turn the league into an advertising fest.
D. No, people would be too liable.
E. Other (please explain).

10) Do you think that the organizing team (management, marshalls) should get money for running the league?
A. Yes, they are sacrifying time to ensure that everything goes smoothly.
B. Yes, but a good majority of the money should be given to the participants.
C. No, it should all go to the drivers/teams.
D. Other (please explain).

11) What grid size is the best according to the league's nature, in your opinion?
A. 10-12
B. 12-16
C. 16-20
D. 20-24
E. 24-28
F. 28-32

12) Should teams be allowed to have several drivers on the starting grid, or should no more than 1 driver for each team be on the track at each time?
A. Several drivers, but up to two cars and no driver change during the event.
B. Several drivers, up to two cars and driver change are allowed
C. Only one driver per team at the same time on the track, with driver changes during the race.
D. Only one driver per team, and he has to go through all of the race.

13) What kind of series' model is better, in your opinion?
A. Shorter events but in a higher number.
B. Longer events but fewer of them.
C. Shorter and longer events to emphasize on the skill variety.
D. Other (please explain).

14) Would you be interested in organizing the league?
A. Yes, because it will add someting to LFS.
B. Yes, if Ican get money.
C. No, leagues are not my thing.
D. No, it's too much work.
E. Other (pleas explain).

15) Finally, would you/your team join such an event if the financial aspect matched your expectations?
A. Yes.
B. No.
C. Not sure.


Thank you guys for answering When I will have enough responses, I will post a graph with a summary of the answers

Your help is appreciated !
S2 licensed
You should post in the skin section (lower in the forum panel), so that skinners are more likely to find your post
S2 licensed
Quote from three_jump :Maybe it has the "+100% to downforce" sticker?

Yeah I think so... Maybe the NFS developpers managed to find a ago to include nano-technology spoilers in the stickers, so that the total area of the billion downforce nano-spoilers is greater than the massive F1 spoilers.

But they also included NOS in them, because to be able to reach 400kph with that huge downforce, they need to increase the Hp output to counteract the air resistance.

Cooling is not a problem, since the bumpers have such huge vents, that when you reach 300kph, the ambiant hood temperature is something like 1°C and is very realisitic.
S2 licensed
Yeah, that was a massive bump !

IMHO, driving aids should not be allowed online. (except for inputs aids in the control panel, since some devices need to have a proper input refinement before being entirely driveable). It is nothing against beginners, it is just that you'd better be thrown in the seat of a hard-to-drive car and learn how to drive it, than going slowly with aids, and having to learn it all over again.
S2 licensed
Quote from MijnWraak :We're just seeing the effects of the loss of CTRA. I honestly have not properly raced since they closed.

There are a couple of good servers online, which are very nice to drive on
Plus you don't have to go through all of the XRG/XFG racing. Even if CTRA1 was a great servers, it was really hard for beginners to upgrade their license points because of the 6-7 platinum drivers that were there all the time.
S2 licensed
Quote from NightShift :I suppose they have signed a contract? that is legally binding, if the VW folks changed their minds Scavier could sue them and have the terms of the contract enforced. And why should VW change their minds anyway?

As far as we are concerned, both the parts have honored their obligations, it's now up to Scavier to release the car whenever they feel is ready, we have no reason to think Scawen has concealed info about it (and why would he?), and we all know he takes his time before releasing something.

I sincerely hope they got paid, but IMO it was only for having the virtual Scirocco delivered in time for the GC in Leipzig.

I don't think VW would see having the car included in LFS as 'advertising', the car is only for licensed users and thus will be enjoyed by a limited number of people, who are not necessarily part of the target segment which could be lured into buying the real car.

BTW car licensing usually works the other way round, it's the game developer who pays for the car, meaning manufacturers don't generally see sims as an advertising media.

As the license is something the manufacturer can sell, VW likely threw it in the deal as to save some pounds.

Yeah Scavier isn't paid for including the VWS in the game (Scawen said something about this a couple of months ago iirc).

But I think it is a very good step from the manufacturers in general, and a very positive aspect for Scavier. First of all, the team gets to have telemetry information for a mass production road car that they can use to improve LFS's physics model, while including a massively distributed modern car for no financial cost.

On Vw's side, it's a good marketing strategy as well, not for the LFS customers only (it is advertising for free, and among the 22k licensed users, there may be a couple hundreds that are potential customers, who can have a global idea of how the car behaves) but also for the brand's image: they are not afraid to submit their car to testing on the most unforgiving driving simulator ever built, and need not hide behind arcadish titles like the NFS series with a ton of conditions saying "You must make it perform super duper good so that it is attractive to people.

Come on, have you ever played NFS Carbon ? If so, you'll notice that the final boss's car (the Audi R8) performs better than every other car no matter how good you fine tune them. It takes hairpins of mountain roads at speeds that would make a F1 get pale.
S2 licensed
I would love to drive the Caparo T1 in the game.

Basically a road legal F1. It can support 3G of lateral grip on supers in fast bends
S2 licensed
Quote from boosterfire :"You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor"

And Georges Carlin wasn't the first to say it If humans never had covet (? I'm sorry I don't know the grammar for this verb ) anything existing OR not existing, we would still have the technologic progress of the Hebraic times.

Coveting doesn't have bad implications. Greed has (wars, murders, stealing, etc). Coveting drives you to get better things, or develop better things.
S2 licensed
It is just a question about value of money.

You might think that people who bragg value money a lot, but it's the opposite. They bragg about it, because for them, money's value is very low, and people get offended because money value is very high for poor people.

That said, I wouldn't want to live in a society where you can't tell others what you have purchased or accomplished so as not to make them jealous. I understand the point about people's father's cars, and totally agree, but this is not the kind of envy that is productive. I dont' give a **** when people speak about how well their families have succeeded, because it is not their own personnal success. Truly, I don't get pissed, I just don't give a ****.

On the other hand, if a friend of mine tells me about his success, I'll get jealous. But it is a positive jealousy that will drive me to do as good or better. I will have no condition like "if I can". I'll just do so that I can.

If we suppress merit in the society, it might comfort some people, but it will pull the society's progress downward. If you decide to quit working and live on subsidies, you have no right to bash someone who decided to continue. Well you have the right to bash him, but it would be unfair if you did so that the state can remove the incentive for people to work their ass off and gain money. Family has got (almost) nothing to do with that. I know people who came from very poor families who decided to work their asses off and that now have a lifestyle which is way more that comfortable (e.g. big house, two cars, one of them being a Porsche Turbo S). On the other hand, I know people from super rich families that failed their lives totally, because they were used to having everything given to them, and now that they are on the workplace, they are ****ed up.

On another hand, I know people from rich families that had great successes for their moral was boosted by the family's past, and people from poor families that lost every incentive because they considered it unfair that some were rich, some were not.

This is all a matter of personnality. The best solution to this problem, so that you feel comfortable with your life, is to take responsibility for your own actions. The beauty of life is that you can acheive everything if you really want to and if you do everything in order to. If people start losing the idea that their outputs can be acheived with external intervention, no matter how rich their family is, they'll spend a miserable life.
S2 licensed
Quote from major_syphillis :found it!!!

Lol at your link : the left rims are not matched with the right rims and the guy doesn't even mention it (not even in the Bad section).

And they seem to be of a different heigth/mass as well. Boy this must be an horrible car to drive...
S2 licensed
Quote from Bandit77 :obsolum, your - rather arguable - interpretation of this one line and an exaggerated misinterpretation do not convince me. the true meaning of this line sure lies somewhere between your two extremes (without the useless ornamentation, of course).

it's not only this line in the EULA that determines if we're legitimized to moan and groan:

There is no interpretation possible with such a clear contract as the EULA. Remember, the EULA is a legal contract that binds you with Scavier if you decide to purchase the voucher. It is thus in the best interests of the team to have a clear and uncontestable contract to avoid undergoing legal fallouts with angry customers.

Quote from Article 1.4 of the LFS EULA :
1.4 You must be aware that we can alter any aspect of LFS as we see fit. Improvements, fixes and/or changes made to the game, are to be expected.

I would like to underline to you the double condition (and the second sentence might have created doubt for you as well as others). The most important phrase in the first sentence is "we can alter". If you signed the contract (which you did by buying the voucher), you agreed to the fact that the devs have the authority to alter the product in any way they want, but these alterations are solely depending on the wills of the devs. This is shown by the use of the word "can", which induces possibility when used in its juridical meaning. What's confusing here I admit is that our use of can usually implies certainty (e.g. : "I can beat the WR" or "I can do that"). In the legal sense, it refers to a possibility depending solely on the will of the one who will initiate the action and allowing that person to do so. They "can alter", but they are not "obliged to" (if they were, the contract would stipulate so).
The second sentence is what, in my mind, disturbs you (and you are right to think so, because it isn't clear). However, "are to be expected" means to a possiblity of alterations to come. E.g., when someone says "snow is to be expected today" in the weather forecast, it implies that snow is very likely to come, though keeping some degree in uncertainty. If snow was to come, they would have said : "it will snow tomorrow".

So basically, this sentence means:

"Updates/alterations are very likely to come, and we may alter LFS is so". But it does not imply any obligation for them to do so.

Are you unhappy with what you paid ?

The parallel with the house is not appropriate, unless you NEED to have LFS to have a good life.
S2 licensed
Quote from Speed Soro :Agressive? No, I'm not agressive, I just say things that sounds like, but you look to be very nervous now. I couldn't be agressive here as I can, but have sure, I didn't want, neither intent to be. You take the things too much basic, even this "blood" thing. Forget. I'll not try to explain, and this talk sounds weird. Lets stop here. Have a nice day, gentleman.

My bad if I misinterpreted your tone in the post. Basically, what I felt was a bit like "gtfo with what you say anyway", so this is why I got pissed in my last post.

Sorry again.
S2 licensed
Quote from Speed Soro :When I wrote "hate" don't get that so basic. I'm latino, with italian blood, I have my passional manners to treat things, ok?
XRG is a piece of crap IMHO. Just said that, I really can't figure where in my life I would be crazy to drive a shi.. like that with my family inside.
The car is just horrible, and since 2004 I've tried it and never see it as barely realistic.
Yes, I've drove RDW with medium HP and that is not near to that "thing".
Setup? Well, I'm one who many times say this same bs for the others, but I really can't image where in the world you go to a shop and buy a car where you need to send directly to your mechanic to adjust everything just to assure you will not spin out the track when doing a 80 kmh curve.
This car is just horrible, doesn't feel like real, and yes, you can get used to it, but that doesn't mean that its is realistic, but only that you get used.
Any simulator in the market has some great cars and some craps, except NKP that has just 3 types of OW cars and nothing more to compare (at least until next patch, then it will be another history).
I like LFS, don't think I'm bashing the game. I just hate this car, and I don't know where people feel it realistic. Sorry.

Hey tough guy, seems that you want to be aggressive. As far as I remember my state of mind when writing my post, I didn't write anything offensive or to piss you off, so calm down or take your aggro elsewhere.
I was giving you advices that could make the feeling more realistic for you. Realism is a question of perception, and I wanted to offer you diverse elements that could (again) give you another point of you.

Of course, the hardtracks setups are not good. And they are also nothing like the settings you'd get when you purchase a car. Try to spin on Bob's Road going pack not on purpose, because it is really hard unless you steer like a brute. Those setups will give you the feeling of the brand new car you just bought. And they are not suited for racing neither. There are no cars that are optimally good when you purchase/build them. It takes time to fine tune them, as well as fine tuning your handling of them. No car will give you a uber-power-super-dupah-powerpuffy-good laptime in an instant.

And how the f*** can you spin at a 80km/h curve ? Well, if your driving is as gentle as your speaking, it gives me a hunch about why (<-- now that was offensive perhaps, I don't know, maybe it's sarcasm ?). Your latino/italian bloodline has nothing to do with your temperaments. I know a lot of Italians and Latinos that are very smooth, while some people form the UK can be very aggressive. I'm sure that if I check my bloodline, I can find people in the Middle East or perhaps even India if I go back several centuries. But nobody gives a **** here.
S2 licensed
I've heard that when your machin runs a dedi you can't unpit or rendering graphics. It clearly states that it's not possible in the "Create New server" menu.

I bet it's the same with the external program isn't it ?
S2 licensed
Quote from Furiously-Fast :nope

^ See?


That's exactly what he said.

When you add two odd numbers (1 is odd and 99999999 is odd as well) it makes an even number. If you click on a tickbox an even number of time, the result will be unticked.

Unticked -(click once - odd)- Ticked -(click again - even)- Unticked -(click thrice - odd)- Ticked -(click fourth time - even)- Unticked- etc...

You owned yourself.
S2 licensed
I see what you mean, but this kind of adrenaline push is prohibited by the cops that enforce the 'law' stupidly high.

It is like filtering everybody who wants to live for speed. On the long run, the only people who will stay on the servers are sheeps who like to drive slow because they are the only people that will enjoy fully their experience.

I can understand that earning money is the reward that drives you there. My reward is the feeling of accomplishment when improving my time, winning a battle, or simply participating in good actions.
S2 licensed
Quote from AtTilA08 :
But the main point are the police chases!
I used to race before and doing a nice pass or winning a race newer was close exciting like my first chase. I was shake in the whole chase, and almost broke my wheel.

Don't worry, I wouldn't allow myself to bitch about cruise servers without actually having driven in them (at least once or twice).

The police chases SHOULD be the main and funniest part of cruise servers. I remember joining a CnR (Cops n' Robbers) server before the cruise servers popped up and it was really really fun.

But you don't get the same fun in the cruise servers. Let me explain.

From what I know and have experienced, the cruise gestapo... sorry police my bad, isn't really fond of chases (I suspect they are too comfy eating donuts in front of their screens, like real american cops !) and seem to be more interesting in seeing people go round and round and fine them if they beat the speed limit by 1km/h.

Then, when you disturb their peaceful and actionless server-time presence, they ignite a car that outmatches yours (generally slicks+downforce+HP) without displaying any racing skills and ram you out of the track. If you refuse to pay the fine, you are usually banned. This clearly emphasize the fact that they are more interested in getting fines than having a fun time chasing others.

This is because most of the cruise cops I met on the servers were between 12 and 15 years old, in their worse hormone-related periods, probably grounded by their parents. That is why they enjoy the "authoritaaaah" they get on cruise servers. And once you jeopardize their authoritah, they get really pissed. What is sad, is that their authoritah is displayed by possessing the fastest cars, and absolutely no skills of driving them.
FFS, a long time ago I managed to make a chase against a cop FZR last 7 minutes... in a UF1. Yes, an UF1. The guy had no idea how to handle a car, or use the strength of the FZR, and I just had to slalom around the barriers with the UF1 superior reactivity to lose him or make him crash. The chase ended just because he banned me out of frustration not being able to catch that car.

I don't see the point of cruising in LFS, because the scenery (apart from FE and SO perhaps) isn't made to be enjoyable for the eyes, but for functionnality as a purposely-built track usually is. But I can understand why people cruise, and I honestly don't give a damn why people play LFS as long as I can get some nice races in race-oriented servers.
But what I cannot understand is why people join cruise servers to display a virtual authority they lack IRL, just to piss people off.
S2 licensed
Quote from Speed Soro :
I hate XRG, I can't find a way to feel it realistic.

Can you please explain? I may have missed a few posts of yours but I don't understand what part of driving the XRG makes you think it is not realistic?

I mean, I never found anything that made it appear to me as unrealistic. A relatively light RWD, with shitty tires and if you don't drive it properly it's mega understeer in entries and spin in exits.
Have you tried it on supers? (with the slicktires mod) If not, try it, and so that you will have a comparison with others cars that have supers and that you consider realistic

Also, I think it is a matter of setups as well. I used to race with a quite stiff setup, and now that I lowered some values it definitely improved the overall available traction. It is just that when you get a setup from someone, they are usually way too stiff/extreme, and since you don't have any other comparison (because every one uses similar setups), you usually tend to think that it isn't realistic at all.

For instance, I tried to modify the homemade XRT set I use for racing, because I wasn't satisfied with its behavior. I lowered the suspension frequency to around 2.18Hz (60 rear - 58 front), and it really feels like a real race car, at the same time having good all around traction. I can get pretty decent times with it (I can make several laps at 101%-2.5s of the WR on KY3/KY3R which is very good to my standards since I drive on a freaking touchpad since september ).

Now, 60-58 are values that may appear very low compared to the LFS standards, but that are the values that are used in RL racing. You might want to try something similar on the XRG (I'd think that 70R-66F would work according to the lighter weight of the car and the different mass repartition), because I think it will help you find the realism in that car