May I thank you to remind me what I already know. The OP never stated "Hey look how smart I am ! I found the comparison". I am really ashamed to not know what the FXO RL counter part looks like Maybe because I have, let's say, other things to do than look at Google Images ?
The OP summarized the comparisons in one post, which was very useful and let me saw what they looked like without having to type something on Google after checking its name on Lfswiki.
Before you get pissed, read my post entirely, smart-alleck
@March Hare, you are totally right, I don't approve the insults said by the OP. But you can't also disagree that extreme teasing can lead to extreme reactions due to frustration. I just wanted to point that if people where friendlier toward each other, there won't be such arguements and the whole mood will be better and friendlier
And nicely done for the "Right back at you". I did not address my post toward you especially, and especially less now, that you seem to understand my sarcasms
(However, the guy aboce you seem to fit perfectly my description. *sigh*)
Actually, I have never seen such pics that shown a comparison between the cars IRL and the cars of LFS and it is quite useful because, in my very humble opinion, not anyone know what an Opel Astra Coupe (FXO base), looks like. At least, it was not my case untill I saw this thread. Please forgive me to have a life and not having time to spend a couple of hours per day trying to find the appropriate version of each RL car that has inspired LFS.
It seems that a lot of people (I would even risk to say : most of the people) here are whiners that love complaining all the time. If they do not complain about how slow the dev process is, they complain about other people's threads. I can understand this for the Improvement suggestion parts, where some suggestion are, let's guess, funky, but more and more the General Discussion forum is being polluted by people who don't find any new suggestion to b*tch.
Please also forgive the OP, who dedicated his time to the community by making some pictural comparisons between LFS cars and RL cars.
But wht shocks me the most is that people use the concept of sarcasm as a pretext to show how smart-arse they would love to be in real life, but simply don't have the guts to do it. Sad.
Also, why don't you guys complain about 3 different people that post 3 times a similar post ? You should tell them to use the search function to see whether they add something new and interesting to the thread, as you seem to excell in this
By the way, most of the posts in this thread share the same spec : their uselessness only has as a counterpart how unintersting their authors are.
Keep thinking you are cool guys You will live happier.
Come on man...
You know that NFS is not meant to be realistic.
I'll stop the useless arguement with you here because you don't seem willing be clever and smart enough to see the obvious that I and other people on this thread are stating.
I think that it is because the UF1 has got more rounded shapes than the Basic Austin Mini.
But I am sure that Scawen, as a good englishman, was inspired by the Mini.
Not in NFSU2 (the game where your add setup options similar to LFS). You could set your NOS on a function where extra power depended on duration (more duration = less power let's say 9 more HP sec / Less duration = more power like 25hp/second)
I never said NOS IRL !! I said NOS in NFS NOS in NFS NOS in NFS NOS in NFS
KERS in Live For Speed will be like Nitrous Oxide in Need For Speed. IE : Same feeling, same method.
Now you understand ?
And with the NOS, you can adjust the output curve very easily : just play on the solenoid size. Smaller = less more hp but longer time / Larger = more hp but shorter time.
NOS in NFS : temporary boost that recharges when you don't use it.
KERS IRL : Stored energy recovered from braking fills a "tank" that will apply some more horsepower to the engine in F1 GP (according to the FIA "no more than [insert hp here], for no more than 6 seconds per lap).
I am really sad that the F1 is being dominated by political and ecological views since the European parliament stated that "motorsports have to be a showroom for future environmental-friendly technologies". This is gonna turn F1 to a ChampCar like with a push-to-pass button, and not only the skills of the drivers coupled to the balance of the car.
I know what Scawen thinks, don't worry, and I can perfectly understand his view and his arguements. I am just telling that one day or another, he will need more people if he wants the sim to go further. I can understand that he wants LFS to be his baby. But having two more people help him code, and help Eric design will not male them lose their baby, if they spend the same time (sometimes more), etc
It is a wrong assumption when you reach number of people sufficiently high to counterbalance the increased returns in scales. (the Iraq war is the perfect example of it )
But for numbers that are below ten people, every increased in input leads to high increases in outputs, simply because 3 people can not work on all the aspects of the sims at the same time.
It is a management choice of Scawen, which is perfectly understandable as managing a little team = more control over the actions of everyone, which simulates a higher quality control which leads to a product of better quality. I don't know whether there is a hierarchy between Scavier, but if there is none, hiring 3 more people working as the sidekick for each member of Scavier will not compromise the whole LFS project.
By creating a hierarchy between Scawen and his sidekick coder, Eric and his sidekick modeller and Victor and his sidekick grapher, they will still have the quality control they have now, but twice as much "labour force" to complete their projects.
Sadly, you just took what I suggested some monthes and days ago in another thread
If you think well : If the max hp is 210, people will use 210 no matter what. And since there's only 1 way to acheive 210 hp regarding the torque/power ratio, then everyone will have the same preset from each others, which won't make the game more diversified, sadly.
Actually I would be for increasing the dev team. Basically, adding 3 more people would reduce the development time by 2.
Of course, the development cost would be higher, but as suggested in another thread, selling the track banners as advertising space would create a base source of income, which would mean the devs' wealth would not be only linked to subscribers. Finally, new content in LFS will touch enthusiasts of this particular content and will result in new subscribers.
If the development goes faster, then you will have new enthusiasts faster.
Just look at how many new people have joined the LFS community since drift started to appear. Just my 2 cents, but I've learned about LFS by searching drift game or drift simulation on the web. I could discover its content and enjoy the thrill of racing which I only do now.
So basically, while Scavier develops some features, a new dev member/team could work on new content (such as Oval racing or Drag racing) and attract new customers, like Grampa Bubba J said (no offense, just a joke grampa ). More income for the devs.
Additional members to the dev team will be mandatory at one time or another, because they are now starting working on more complex stuff, which will take longer to develop. And as most of the new customers come when LFS is patched, this will delay the time between each wave of massive subscription. So, more devs will reduce this time, and make the new dev income less random.
I don't think it is that unrealistic. I had the 'chance' (let's say opportunity ) to drive a Peugeot 205 Gti (or at least the version with the highest specs) and the gearbox was really close to it. The sports versions have shorter gears
Besides, the Hardtrack setup isn't a setup that you would find on stock cars. It has been lightly tuned for learning to race. Try Bob Smith's Road Going pack, and you'll find it closer to the FF hatches you're used to drive IRL
Well having it for road cars as well could be interesting, but a pain to choose as you mentionned.
However, with SS only, it could be an interesting step as well
What I meant is add like a new car called : "???" for instance or "CUS" for custom. Once in the setup editor, you will have more choice. Before "tuning" (like in LFS = optimizing your car), you have other options to create the base of your car : you choose the chassis and its dimension (widht, height, length (SS or road car), the position of the engine and its specs (displacement, number of cylinders, architecture, the the bore/stroke ratio which would define horsepower/torque ratio under capped values -realistic ones-, if there is a turbo or not), the suspension type, the number of speeds in the gearbox the dimension of the tires, their compound and their position relative to the chassis, between different panels of different materials (for the design and the weight of the whole stuff), aerodyanism parts. (basically what every race team does when they build a car from scratch).
Under those tabs, you will also have the standard "tuning" tabs we have in Live For Speed.
If you do two different setups with two different looks, it means you change cars within the CUS class.
I agree that we can have the fear of the noobs building funky cars, filming them and putting it on youtube which will result giving a bad name to LFS. I agree this is the worst fear we can have about this. I agree also that it is not my favourite suggestion.
But seeing how long it takes for Scavier to create a fully functionnal car, people will have to think it long enough to make it good. Once again, only a few league would authorize these cars, and would be able via Insim to define capped values for their servers (like the regulations of the FIA).
This way, people would stop requesting all the tims and arguing which newt car would suit more in LFS. This can be hard to accept, as a suggestion, regarding the risks it holds, I have to admit.
And I sincerely prefer the two first I have quoted before .
Lol obviously this guy must be american :P It is the only country in which I saw some people sue companies because they did not stated that (for example) putting a hamster in a microwave hoven would end up really bad
Well my best excuse for the moment, even if I did not cause a major crash (some bumps and spin other cars), was that sometimes my G25 went off the table and stayed in my hand. With the force, it threw me backwards, so no more access to the pedals...
Well actually there is a lot of different cars that could be added to the game. For instance, not all of the NA RWD cars handle like the XRG, and not ALL of the rwd turbo cars handle like the XRT.
The game has got a good selection of cars already but I think this could be improved again. For example, the basic idea of LFS was club racing, that's why the devs could add more road cars. I would like to drive a FR NA RWD car that is lighter than the XRG and has more power as well. People will say : don't bitch around, there's the LX6. The only problem with the LX6 is that it actually handles more like a midship or a RR engine due to the weight repartition than to a FR car...
I am for two kinds of modding :
- People design cars and tracks and then submit it to the devs (or at least a supervising team directly under the devs' command) which would judge whether : *It has not anything to do with real cars (for copyright purposes) | *It adds something new and interesting to the game (for instant LMP would be a very great addition to the game).
- A "from scratch" class where you actually design your own car and its specs using different parts that would match the LFS' spirit. This would allow leagues to set up their very own rules for the cars and allow more freedom while preventing abusive use in standard servers. Hey, as an example, the host can choose between a serie of border values for settings or can prohib the use of certain or all parts in order to make the people build a car allowed by the rules. If the cars has any value above or below this regulation, he can't join the race/server. Hey people will fear that it would be like LFS tweak. But come on, with tweak it is very hard to make a working setup for a car, so the powah freaks won't gain anything by doing something that has 3000hp. It is easier to create a very good setup than to do a driveable fast tweak.
Kinda wrong. Some cars when modded requires heavier wheels than stock so that the added power/torque won't make the spin too much. In some other cars, lighter materials = faster times.
Go to Flyin' Miata to have some information on this project.
This is a Westfield like car, made from scratch, using a modded miata 1600cc for the NA6C version (maybe 1800 form the NA8C though, not sure). That's why it has the miata rims. So basically, what is similar to the miata is : the engine.
The rims are there because they are light and can be taken from the donor miata
I am sorry... some people said that have seen some huge tailpipe hit the helicopter, which made it uncontrolable, and hence led to the ending we all know.