Great news. I was actually looking for an online racinggame again to play and it might as well be LFS. Great the collisions are improved and the open tracks are great news for the cruisers.
I'm waiting for the patch, but i've not been playing LFS for over a year now because of that. I've always been optimistic, but I think it is dying. If you look at reviews of Sims the edge LFS had is gone. Physics are still good but it looses on everything else (sound, details, cars, tracks).
I still hope S3 will bring back LFS like it was. A great sim that does things differently then other sims but can compete with them and is better at some parts. But I don't know, we were hoping for the Sirocco to be released with Christmas 2008. Sure things can delay, but in the end a game is like a rockstar. If you don't score a hit every once in a while people loose interest.
You already have random failures in online races. Only a different kind, your connection can stop working, or your pc, or your wheel. I don't think it is fun to add random flat tires.
That would not be random but just you driving through crap. Actually that is not such a bad idea. The same thing could be done with sharp rocks in the rally courses when you go off track.
I would like such a thing, but not to watch movies on or listen music with or play games. It would be a cool remote controll for MPD (but not at these prices ), e-book and e-mail reader. But for these things it's better to buy some cheap Chinese Windows Mobile tablet (that only costs 100 euro).
I still have my HTC Shift to use as a tablet, but it's a bit crippled by HTC (they removed a lot of functionality in the software, while that thing has all the hardware it needs).
Take a deep breath and just play an other game, and come back after the update. What other game you bought in July 2007 has offered this vallue for money that you still receive free updates on it?
I think the updates conflict each other that much that therefor it takes long.
New Tire model: probably planned to go with the announcement of S3 to give it a big improvement (like S2 was a big improvement when first alpha came out).
Scirocco: Waiting for tire model because it's a real life car with some electronic assistants that are new for LFS and did not work out like planned
New Track: Waiting for S3, probably new tire model and some more S3 content to go with it.
And off course it's taking slower because everything is getting more complex with each update. If you update one track, other tracks look outdated, the same when you update one car. The new tire model sounds like a lot of work. It the base of the sim and it needs to be correct for all the different tires (road, super road, offroad, soft slick, hard slick) cars with different weight and power.
To be honest I am looking for an other sim that gives good cup-races and has a nice community and leagues like LFS has. But that doesn't mean I won't play LFS anymore when an update arrives. If S3 came out in 2012 (when the world has allready ended ) I would still buy it. I can't say for 10 years though. Interests change
Some people already mentioned it closes backgroundservices and programs. Then I think "why start them up", like bunder9999 said. And how does that make games run faster. With the low memory prices game's aren't going to run much faster because there is plenty of memory in computers these days.
In 10 years we will be driving the Scirocco on the Rockingham Motor Speedway with our Logitech G31 with 8-speed shifter and 3D glasses and Blackwould would have gotten an other update.
I played the demo in August 2002 (proof) but I did not have a wheel then and i could not get used to steering with the mouse. Coming from NFS games I wanted keyboard controls.
Too bad I forgot about the game to rediscover it years later.
I count myself in the fanbase, but lately I notice I drive less and less in LFS. And that is because of change of interests indeed. I hope the Scirocco will come soon, not that I think that will be the greatest car LFS has to offer but it will lead to some cup-leagues in a not to difficult car and that is something I would like now. Maybe I should try some other game for a while, but I still like the feel of LFS (i tried and bought race07, but never played it much)
I still hope LFS will get more then one real track. Because now games get better you can use lines and techniques you learn in one game in an other so everything you learn won't become useless when LFS reaches the end of the product-line.