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S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
well when it comes to actually getting their credit card out to buy, only a very tiny number of those people will actually do it.

Just a quick thought: maybe you could sell printing rights for the merch with the LFS logos to some external company. Some companies use designs of individual creators and they share a part of profit. I know a company doing this but I don't want to sound like I'm advertising something here. Smile

EDIT: oh god, this nickname I made in 2008 Face -> palmBig grin
S3 licensed

To anyone interested, there is an addon for an old version of Blender that can import .cmx files. With that you can convert the file to .obj and load it into Live for speed. Then add the engine, set up parameters of the car and enjoy. Unfortunately I dont have any motivation to do so, I will wait until Scaven does it properly.
S3 licensed
It "was" included in CMX viewer? I have VW scirroco .cmx file created in 2008. Can it be imported into mod editor? Since the performance parameters of the car are publicly known it would not take that much work to make it operational, given the inperfections of current physics model.

But I doubt it will make ScaViEr happy :-)

EDIT: I just checked it, the file format seems to be differrent and without knowledge of both file formats it would not be convertible in reasonable amount of time. However, if someone is VERY bored...
Last edited by Bigbob1993, .
S3 licensed
Keep the chicane please Big grin
S3 licensed
Just to point out one thing. Scawen is probably very confident about pushing out tyre physics and graphical improvements if he spoke about it. But let´s be patient, in programming there is a lot of unexpected things that can ruin your day/month/year Smile
S3 licensed
It is not a good idea to make translations if you don´t know language you are translating from very much...
S3 licensed
That story goes waaaaay more back than just 3-4 months...
S3 licensed
well, in general you press ALT + [number]. For example first five ASCII characters. ☺☻♥♦♣
Last edited by Bigbob1993, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen : It is very different from the capitalist ideal of spending your life trying to make as much money as you possibly can, for no apparent reason.

Well, you are doing your job so well that people on the free marked combined with your huge effort allowed you to practice your life the way you do. Your life is my capitalist ideal Big grin
S3 licensed
maybe they have ping requirements in their server rules?
S3 licensed
OK, now I get it, sorry.
S3 licensed
Why is server not checking if the user bought the game in the first place? Would be easy to implement... (by Scawen)
S3 licensed
there should be a section "im back after x years" on this forum Shrug
S3 licensed
Quote from tdilevi :Scawen i'm the same one who encountered the car shadow bug so it seems like my pc is starting to freak out happened after playing it for 30 minutes and from then on it keeped going like this.. 2 minutes after posting the video i got blue screen, havent played since then

Some apps may interfere with each other. For example, MSI afterburner on my system is causing display errors in SmallTime, crashes GitHub and causes LFS to go blackscreen for about 0,5 second every few minutes.
S3 licensed
Quote from bishtop :as i have said before graphically an excellent job but those kerbs are horrible and pretty much ruin blackwood

My inexperienced demo-licenced friends that I race with sometimes, hate that first two turns.... they will hate it even more now Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from neonmateo :Hi Bob!
Try using other web browsers.
Same thing happened to me when using Chrome then I switched to Mozzila and worked.

That worked! Thank you very much.
S3 licensed
I am unable to download this patch ecause I get network error when finishing the download. Why do you do this to me, you tease?! Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from rosewood2 :That quote is very old, but I couldn't help myself. Tilt

Anyhow, I support the idea of an open world inside LFS.

oops, sorry. Face -> palm
S3 licensed
Quote from Victor :Hah that is quite funny. They just slapped that on there didn't they?

Victor, did you try to contact them about some cooperation? Smile
S3 licensed
Nofreak: how? just how??

On topic, if I would give avay a free licence, I would pick someone who played demo a LOT. S1 was almost dead when I bought it and I am sure that every player will count there.... also, great apetizer to buy more #marketing
S3 licensed
free ads for live for speed! great.
S3 licensed
Give them a variety of intake restrictions and set random starting positions... then watch the havoc.
S3 licensed
Quote from Ibtasim6781 :Demo's cancer community really makes you buy a license to get away from them ASAP Looney . It is kinda hard to find good people on demo tbh.

I brought handful of my friends to a LFS demo server at lan party we had... they caused havoc lasting for about two hours.
S3 licensed
Why should you take away a piece of free content and put it behind a paywall? I rarely go to demo servers to experience that different flavour. More raw, less rule-abiding, more fierce. I would like to keep that that way.

Also, if the demo content would not be so excellent and free forever, I would probably never even buy S1 licence, not even talking about S3. LFS demo was the game of my childhood Smile And I am very thankful for that.