Beware that linux uses the spare ram for disk caching, making certain operations go faster. I found this out last year when i built a home-server that only runs linux. You can verify how much ram it actually is using with free -h. The -h just means the output won't be showing in bytes, but rather a human readable output.
Since this is slightly off-topic, i will leave it at that.
Wine itself is a bit unreliable when running games. I generally just use Steam's Proton. I used to play LFS with proton in early 2023 and i never had a single crash.
There are several ways to play LFS on linux, regardless of distribution.
For reference, I am using Zorin OS 17.1 which is based on ubuntu 22.04.
There are several ways to play LFS. But i'll just list the two that give the most performance.
Steam Proton
I can't be bothered to open a VM for this, but you basically just add a game and it lets you search for one. Then you just search for Live For Speed and it will install the latest version. When updates get released you just install them through the auto-updater in the game.
Steam Proton
Proton is a compability layer which allows linux users to run windows applications, games specifically. Never fails to impress me. To use it for steam games you right click a game > Properties > Compability and enable Steam Play. Select a proton version below that.
Steam Proton (non-steam game)
Games (top-left) > Add a non-steam game to my library > and select LFS.exe. If you don't have LFS installed you can select the self-extract archive. Run the game.
Personally, i prefer lutris due to the jerky setup with LFS and Proton.
Before proton i used to run LFS through wine, but it is simply not worth it. Lutris or proton ftw!
Hiding GUI elements are only limiting the burn-in's in those areas, but you'll still get a burn-in on your monitor if you're looking at your own parked car. Also, the chat isn't going to give you any kind of burn marks. In the case that no one is speaking, the chat will fade away and be gone at some point.
The best possible solution i have for you is to have this video running in fullscreen.
The video can also be used to fix severe burnmarks.
I had a 6 year old monitor that had a huge burnmark in the middle of the screen, i had that video running every night for 3 days and eventually the burnmark was gone.
I wouldn't mind seeing custom tracks in the game sometime in the future. Although i think it may need a different approach than what was done with car mods. I think only well-known modders with good reviews on car mods should be able to create and publish custom tracks.
That way we know that its not going to be a track ripped off from another game. Anyway, there's no need to brainstorm this yet as Scawen is already in the middle of something completely different.
Translated to "An established connection was terminated by the software on the host machine."
I don't know about the possibilities with PHP, but perhaps the error message should be displayed in english?
Another thought is the php version, i believe it said in the PIE post that it was for PHP7 - but my computer had 8.2.0 installed.
I have a new version ready, with a primary focus on racing.
v4.5.5 (19/01/2024)
Features (6 additions)
- Add: Button to view splits during a race
- Add: Button to view laptime during a race
- Add: Laptimes panel to browse through all racing data, accessible through the side panel.
- Add: Sorting options to the laptimes panel
- Add: Paginator to browse through all the race results
- Add: Laptimes panel supports full mod names
Improvements (3 changes)
- Change: Optimized laptime fetching and comparison
- Change: Setting named 'Laptime messages' has been renamed to 'Racing messages'
- Change: Database migration. The laptime table should automatically generate.
Don't mix the PB with the lfsworld PB, the current PB is stored locally.
There's still a bunch of stuff i could see being added here in terms of racing, but I'm also open to suggestions as I'm not an experienced racer
If you're like me and prefer to see splits/laptimes via insim instead of RCM message, you can turn off the RCM message like so:
Yeah i found out right after this post that i just remove it in-game options. Although, i would much rather have that done programmatically, for the convenience of the insim usage.
Has anyone been able to get rid of the big race control message that shows up in the middle of the screen when you've completed a lap or passed a split?
Discussions about bringing more content to demo players keep coming up from time to time, and honestly nothing else is worth allowing demo players to use unless its something game-changing (i.e. new graphics).
The intention of demo is for players to try the demo version before deciding whether or not to purchase the game. I have seen demo players that registered in 2016 and are still playing
To save yourself from some pain and headache in the long run. You should use multiple classes (instead of one class for everything) following SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)
Regarding managing connections, you should look into LFSServerRuleEnforcer github repository. It was developed by xspeedasx.
InSim.txt is valuable as well for packet documentation.
I spent a couple of hours when i ran into this exact issue. Long story short - After updating drivers/firmware for my devices and restarted my pc, it was all working again.
I did also try a seperate LFS installation, but same result. LFS is not to blame here.
After all that, I'm still not sure if it was a driver issue or windows 11 issue.